Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fight for Your Write - #UTOPiAcon 2016 - Why You Should Attend

Happy Thursday, everyone! This is my official blog post for Utopia for the month of September. I get the honor of posting about the GoFundMe campaign organized by Amy Evans and Heather Hildenbrand. SO EXCITING! Ready? Grab a cup of coffee and let's get going!

I know you all saw the blog hop I posted yesterday with the amazing prizes. If you happened to miss it, you can check it out here. But let me tell you a little more about this fundraiser and why it means so very much to the people who organized it.

I had an interview with Amy on Tuesday (listen here). She talked about visiting Utopia for the first time, and she had a few inspiring things to say about it. Here's one quote that struck a serious chord with me:
"I wanted to be on the side of the fence with people who were psyched and passionatenot ones who were afraid to make mistakes."
And that's what Utopia gives each and every attendee. It's not a place; it's a mindset. That's why so many folks throw themselves into the conference headlong.

Another one of the attendees said:
"I always wondered why I didn't fit in with the other horses in the world. Then, I went to Utopia and realized I'm not a horse; I'm a unicorn, and this is my herd."
That resonates with me, too, because I felt the exact same way when I attended the first year.

Here were these people who understood me and my quirks. There was no judgment. I was embraced from day one because of my differences, not in spite of them.

There are three words to describe the con:
Education - Inspiration - Collaboration
Everyone who visits absorbs that drive and knowledge to make a change, do more, be more, and jump off the cliff with their eyes closed, trusting the others to give them wings.

It's because of everything you see above that Amy and Heather created the GoFundMe campaign. You can help someone change their stars by showing support for the conference.

Plus, there are prizes! Here's what you get with a $10-$49 donation (copied from the site):
"For a $10-$49 donation you will get five free ebooks. Authors include Tammy Blackwell,Stacie Marie Brown, SM Boyce,M. Clark/Mary Ting,  Amy Evans, Lila Felix, Heather Hildenbrand, Nikki Jefford, Katie M. John, Elizabeth Kirke, Patti Larson, Carlyle Labuschagne, Jo Michaels, Casey Peeler, Bella Roccaforte, Kallie Ross. MORE DONATIONS ARE COMING EACH DAY."
Yes, that says FIVE free e-books! What are you waiting for? $10 for five books? Go already!

In addition to the GoFundMe campaign, there are limited edition tees on sale. This is an effort by Indie-Visible and Whit & Ware. See the post about why they were created here. All proceeds go directly to the conference so it can be the most epic ever. These shirts are only available for a limited time, so you need to get your hands each one as they're released. The one right now has just SEVEN days left!
If you don't have tickets to the conference yet, you should get yours today. It will change your life.
Be sure and visit the other official bloggers this month to find out more about the tees, campaign, and see how the founder of Utopia, Janet Wallace, reacted to the news of this campaign creation.

Here's the schedule:
Week 1: Jo Michaels and Maria Pease
Week 2: Shana Benedict and Delphina Miyares
Week 3: Toni Lesatz and Ren Reidy
Week 4: Ashley Bodette and Kathryn Grimes
Somewhere during the month, we have our amazing book tuber, Christina Marie, who'll be hosting an AWESOME giveaway! Keep an eye on her channel for that!

What do you think? Are you coming to hang out with the rest of the unicorns, or do you prefer to be a horse?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Utopia Go Fund Me Blog Hop - Without Utopia, I Never Would Have

As we jump into the FIFTH year of the amazing UtopiaCon, we want to giveback to the organizers who have given so much inspiration and support to us. A conference of this magnitude­­of this level of MAGIC­­is not cheap. Over the past few months, we’ve learned that organizers, friends, and even family have come forward and given from their own personal funds in order to help move Utopia forward another year and we want to pay them back. We want to FIGHT FOR OUR WRITE and do our part to help.

This year especially, we'd like to make sure they  go into planning sessions with an extra boost to it's bottom line. So if you've ever been touched by Utopia, or if you love any of the authors, bloggers, or readers who have, please take a moment to give a few dollars.

This will insure the inspiration continues.

We hope you'll be led to give from the heart, but to sweeten the deal we have some MAJORLY EPIC incentives! In addition to what you’ll get from the Go Fund Me organizers (see the donation page to read about those), you’ll also get entered to win any one of these amazing raffle prizes listed in the rafflecopter below!

Prizes like this one:

And in order to help convey the magical sense of community Utopia has instilled in its attendees, I want everyone to know that...


There is no purchase or donation necessary to enter to enter the drawing, but we encourage you to give even just $10 in order to help move us toward our big goal. And don’t forget, every donation of at least $10 earns you free books!

How to enter:
  1. Go visit #UtopiaLove’s Go Fund Me page and make a small donation (this isn’t necessary, but we would be so jazzed if you did this first! AND this earns you an automatic prize based on your donation level. Check your email to collect.)
  2. Click through any one of the rafflecopter entry methods. Complete the necessary item and get entered for all of the raffle prizes listed below.
  3. Click through to the list of other participating authors & bloggers to read how Utopia has changed them!
That’s it! Thanks!

Participating Blogs:
Karen Hooper
Kallie Ross   
Susan Burdorf
Jo Michaels 
Carlyle Labuschagne 
Shantella Benson
Shelley Custer
S.M. Boyce 
Komali da Silva
PK Hrezo
Elisabeth Kauffman
Patti Larsen
Michaela Mills
Ginny Gallagher
Liz Long
Raine Thomas
Stacey Marie Brown
Heather Hildenbrand
Amy Evans

Here's an amazing giveaway for you all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Jo Michaels on the Indie Pub Podcast

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today, I'm pointing you to a couple of things going on over on the Indie Pub Podcast. If you're ready, get your clicking fingers warm, and let's get going!

Over the last month, the IPP has put out interviews with several folks with topics ranging from:

Editing Process - with Kallie Ross

Publishing Options - with Chelsea Fine

Book Reviews - with Heather Hildenbrand

Facebook Marketing - with Rick Mulready

But today, they went live with my interview! If you've ever been stuck in a rut with your blog, wondering how to monetize it, or just need a fresh kick in the pants to get your blog going, you'll want to listen to this one!

Blogging - with Jo Michaels

We talk about how a blog can help expand your circle, where to get ideas, what to blog about, and why you should blog. Get on over there and grab a listen!

Did you learn anything? What was your favorite part?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, August 31, 2015

New Release - For the Memory of Dragons

For The Memory of Dragons
Dragons of Eternity, (Book 2)
By Julie Wetzel

This is a Crimson Tree Publishing Title
Release Date: August 31st, 2015

Genre: Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction

What do you do when a dragon crash-lands in your backyard?
That's the question Terra's faced with when one of these creatures plows down into her cornfield. Should she help out the hunk of a man the dragon turns into, or turn him over to the trigger-happy 'authorities' that have come looking for him? The deciding factor—he has no memory. Giving him up just doesn't seem right… at least until she knows the truth of who he is.
Alex has forgotten a thing or two—his name being one of them—but he knows there is something important that he needs to remember, if he could just get his battered brain to work properly. A little rest might help, but there's no time for that when the bullets start flying.
Now he has to follow the few clues he has to discover who he is, and why people are trying to kill him. But that's the easy part. The hard part will be keeping his hands off the lovely lady helping him.

Julie Wetzel is a mother of a hyperactive red headed boy, and what time she’s not chasing down dirty socks and unsticking toys from the ceiling she's crafting worlds readers can get lost it. Julie is a self-proclaimed bibliophile and lover of big words. She likes hiking, frogs, interesting earrings, and a plethora of other fun things.

Release Day Post Hosted and Organized by:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

New Release - The American and The Brit

Happy Sunday! Here's a super special post for you all about a new release from two awesome young ladies! Hope you enjoy it :)

The American and The Brit ~ K.A. Young & Julie Bromley.

Available NOW!

Special offer ~ 0.99c. for a limited time.

K.A. Young has joined forces with her hilarious PA Julie Bromley to bring us a light hearted comedy that you won't ever forget.
Life isn’t easy.
Just ask American born Phoebe Hawkins and British born Lizbeth Bates, two insecure women in their mid twenties who are trying to stay positive in the face of their own awkwardness, chaos, and utter humiliation.
Friends for nearly ten years, Phoebe and Liz are well aware that neither of their brains possesses a filter. After Liz moves from the UK to America the two accidentally land jobs at an up and coming media company that is testing their very own version of a modern day Dear Abby/Agony Aunt advice column.
Laughter, tears and inappropriate behavior follow as the two desperately try to live up to their role as The American and The Brit.


Links –



Penning a foreword is something that I can now cross off on my bucket list. This book is a perfect fit for me. Why you ask? My Dad is a Yank, aka American and my Mum is a Limey, aka Brit. Yes, I'm very blessed to have my feet in both worlds. 

The co-authored The American and The Brit is seamlessly written and I appreciate this as I’ve collaborated on four books with my son, Adam and can understand how difficult these type projects can be. 

Hilarious from start to finish, you will surely be entertained. Phoebe and Liz draw you in from the first page with their relatable situational dilemmas.

I wish the authors, a real American and a real Brit much success, what am I saying? It will be a success.

~ Carol Kunz aka USA Today Bestselling Author Amanda Jason aka the C. in C.A. Kunz



K.A. Young

K.A. Young writes fantasy. Dark, edgy and sexy fantasy books with a strong female lead for adults, exciting adventurous fantasy books for teens and a fun comedy series for New Adults. K.A. is a non-conformist with a coffee and dark chocolate addiction. She loves the ocean, the sun, traveling, reading and spending time with her kids and hubby. 

You can keep up with her at...

Adult 18+ 
The Nephilim Warrior Series is available: Prophecy Of The Female Warrior, Destiny Of The Female Warrior, Blood Kiss and Warrior Redeemed. Wicked Night (A Nephilim Warrior Novella) Should be read after Blood Moon.

The Elise Michaels Series: Coven, Dead Spell and Blood Moon

The Molly Maddison Series: Crypt Keeper, Legends Of The Crypt and This Side of The Crypt 

(Stand Alone) Eternally Bound 

YA 14+ 
The Valkyrie Diaries: Awakening and Revealing

Comedy series:
The American and The Brit: Unsolicited Advice (Releasing August 30, 2015)


Julie Bromley

Julie lives in the West Midlands, UK with her husband and two young boys. 
She has never once thought of becoming a writer until K.A. twisted her arm up her back and convinced her that it was a great idea. K.A and Julie have been friends for just over two years and believe that they are each others Doppelganger. 

Happy to be behind the scenes, Julie owns Signed Books and Stuff, a boutique UK marketing and distribution service along with support services to authors all around the globe. She P.A's for several authors and manages Street Teams and author pages.

You can follow her here...


You can also keep up to date with Phoebe and Lizbeth (The American and The Brit) here...


Friday, August 28, 2015

Character Posts

Happy Friday, everyone! Because I'm running around like a crazy person, trying to get caught up on things today, I'm giving you an awesome list of all the character posts I've written since starting this blog. Yeah, there are a lot! Get your clicking fingers ready, and let's get going!!

From the archives:
Characters, You Say? - A breakdown of characterization
Writing as the Opposite Sex - Getting into the mind of your character
Character Flaws - Why perfect characters, aren't
What's in a Character? - Character bios and what they should include
Flipping the Switch - Good guys, bad guys, and where the lines blur
Knights in Shining Armor - Causing your hero to have a fatal flaw
Is Your Character Sexy or Beautiful? - Know the difference, use it to your advantage
Character Arcs - More on creating great characters that feel real
Bringing Truth to Fiction - All about being true to your character even when writing BS
Your Supporting Cast of Characters - Talking about minor characters and how to keep them from taking over
Complex Villains - How to keep reader empathy in check when crafting a super villain
What's in a Name - Why the names you choose matter
3D Characters - More on making rounded characters
Coffee and Writing - How to use coffee to add dimension to your characters
Female Protagonists - Why Women Love Them - How to connect with women
EnneaApp - One way you can give your characters depth by clicking a couple of buttons
Being Emo - Emotional Triggers for Creating Rich Characters - Exactly what is says
Stealing Characters - How to use a character from life and other places
Character Bios - Visually - How to keep up with all the stuff about your characters with ease

I hope you enjoy the heck out of these :)

Which one is your favorite?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Character Bios - Visually

Happy Thursday, everyone! Today, I'm going to give you a tip to help you keep those characters you're writing about straight (and maybe even the places they live). This is gonna change the way you write forever
I hope. It's a way to keep your characters (and their details) visible so you never have to stop writing and look something up. Ready? Grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

If you've been here before, I'm going to assume you've downloaded my free PDF on Novel creation. If you haven't, get it here. There's a wonderful section in the back that'll help you create a character bio. This is what you need right now. My PDF is free to download, print, and redistribute as you see fit, but please, do not sell it. It's meant to be a free tool for authors.

I tend to write character-driven fiction, so my buddies in the story are key to making things feel real to my readers. There's a requirement that I know those folks inside and out.

So, once I've decided on some details, how do I keep them straight without going back to that document every single time I want to give some goodies to the reader?

Well, this is where Google and a color printer are your friend! Do a search for your character (brown haired male with blue eyes, for example), and put it in a Word document. Size the image so it takes up most of the top. Beneath it, type out the character's height, weight, birthday, location, parents' names, and any other nuggets of fun you think you'll want to reference. Make those details BIG and BOLD.

Click print.

Create one for each character, and print those reference sheets out.

Tack them on the wall behind your desk so you can see them!

Now, go do the same for locations (these can be general or scene-specific).

Boom! All that pretty info is right there for you. All you have to do is look up!

Here's an example of one of mine (for the upcoming novel I'm writing with the Fractured Glass ladies):

Doesn't that make it so freaking easy?

Because you aren't redistributing the images, you don't have to purchase them. These are for YOU, not the world. Even if they have a watermark on them, you can see the details well enough. If you decide to use the photo for something else, please, PLEASE be sure and purchase the full sized image and correct rights.

Same goes for location scenes.

If you take the time to do this, you'll never have an inconsistency issue, and your work will gain a ton of momentum!

Have you ever done anything like this? What do you use? Discuss!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
