Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Utopia Go Fund Me Blog Hop - Without Utopia, I Never Would Have

As we jump into the FIFTH year of the amazing UtopiaCon, we want to giveback to the organizers who have given so much inspiration and support to us. A conference of this magnitude­­of this level of MAGIC­­is not cheap. Over the past few months, we’ve learned that organizers, friends, and even family have come forward and given from their own personal funds in order to help move Utopia forward another year and we want to pay them back. We want to FIGHT FOR OUR WRITE and do our part to help.

This year especially, we'd like to make sure they  go into planning sessions with an extra boost to it's bottom line. So if you've ever been touched by Utopia, or if you love any of the authors, bloggers, or readers who have, please take a moment to give a few dollars.

This will insure the inspiration continues.

We hope you'll be led to give from the heart, but to sweeten the deal we have some MAJORLY EPIC incentives! In addition to what you’ll get from the Go Fund Me organizers (see the donation page to read about those), you’ll also get entered to win any one of these amazing raffle prizes listed in the rafflecopter below!

Prizes like this one:

And in order to help convey the magical sense of community Utopia has instilled in its attendees, I want everyone to know that...


There is no purchase or donation necessary to enter to enter the drawing, but we encourage you to give even just $10 in order to help move us toward our big goal. And don’t forget, every donation of at least $10 earns you free books!

How to enter:
  1. Go visit #UtopiaLove’s Go Fund Me page and make a small donation (this isn’t necessary, but we would be so jazzed if you did this first! AND this earns you an automatic prize based on your donation level. Check your email to collect.)
  2. Click through any one of the rafflecopter entry methods. Complete the necessary item and get entered for all of the raffle prizes listed below.
  3. Click through to the list of other participating authors & bloggers to read how Utopia has changed them!
That’s it! Thanks!

Participating Blogs:
Karen Hooper
Kallie Ross   
Susan Burdorf
Jo Michaels 
Carlyle Labuschagne 
Shantella Benson
Shelley Custer
S.M. Boyce 
Komali da Silva
PK Hrezo
Elisabeth Kauffman
Patti Larsen
Michaela Mills
Ginny Gallagher
Liz Long
Raine Thomas
Stacey Marie Brown
Heather Hildenbrand
Amy Evans

Here's an amazing giveaway for you all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. YOU are awesome! I'm so glad Utopia introduced me to you! Thank you for all you do for everyone but also the inspiration you have given me.

    1. Thank you. I'm over the moon to have met you. You're welcome. I can't wait to see what you do with all we've discussed. :)


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