Saturday, September 29, 2012

Winners and a Blog Party

Hello, good people of the blogosphere! Welcome to this special Saturday edition of my blog!

Why am I posting on a Saturday? To announce the winners of my giveaway, of course! Just for that? No! I'm putting out a casting call, if you will, for a blog party I'm planning to run from October 15-19. If you missed the last blog party, no worries, you can participate in this one.

Here are the details:

For one week, I'll promote your blog or your book right here on my blog. I will also share via facebook, pinterest, and twitter. Best of all, it's free! I do ask that you be an indie author. No traditionally published folks, please.

All that I ask of my participants is they give something to my readers and promote the posts the week of. This can be done via a rafflecopter giveaway, a free download, or swag of any kind. Your choice.

I do expect you to follow through with your offer and if you don't, I'll ban you from future giveaways or interviews on my blog. Everyone must keep to their word when we collaborate. You don't want me forgetting to post your stuff, I don't want you leaving people who enter the contest hanging.

I will only do one featured blog or author per day. I do list other blogs I follow or find and give readers helpful links after the interview. For an example of a past blog party post, you can look here:

That post will give you an idea of what you can expect. If you want an interview done with me, you need to let me know by Wednesday of this week (10/5/2012). After that date, I will only agree to post bios and your book cover/synopsis.

I have four slots left:
Monday, October 15
Wednesday, October 17
Thursday, October 18
Friday, October 19

When I request your information, get it to me within 48 hours, please. These posts take a while to put together and if you wait until the last minute, you're causing ME stress. If I don't hear back from you within the designated time period, I'll give your slot to someone who will.

Now, for the fun news! The winner of Bronya and Lily, the first two books in my Mystic series is:

Lyza J.

And the lucky winner of a copy of Bronya is:

Sandi T.

You'll be contacted Monday for information about where I should send your prize. They will be mailed on Monday if you get your address back to me quickly.


Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



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