Thursday, October 25, 2012

lOOk at YoUr tWitTeR

Hello, lovely people of the blogosphere! This week will be a designer's look at what you're doing on different platforms and will be called lOOk at YoUr xXx. Follow along and learn! Today I'd like to talk to you all about your Twitter page. It's just as important as everything else you use.

Grab those pencils and paper and let's get going. As usual, we'll begin by looking at what you DO, then we'll get into how to FIX it. Let's begin...

  1. What is your background?
  2. When you open the page, do you go, "Oooooooooh! Nice!"?
  3. Do you have consistency with your blog, website, and Facebook?
  4. Have you begun to use the new layout? If yes, what's your header background?
  5. What's your icon?
  6. What colors do your links and tweets appear in?
  7. Do you do a lot of promotion for others as well as yourself?
  8. What does your description say?
  9. What is your @handle? 
Answer these for insight to the Q&A above:
  1. How can you change your background to give that wow factor?
  2. What can you do to increase consistency?
  3. How might you use your logo or branding image with Twitter?
  4. Can you change your icon to your branding image (logo/face/etc...)?
  5. Come up with a color scheme if you haven't already.
  6. Is it feasible to prowl Twitter a couple of times a day and re-tweet a couple of people?
  7. Can you simplify your description and lead folks to your books at the same time?
  8. Is your @handle the title of your book?
Tips on implementing some of your ideas:
  1. Build your own Twitter background with image software that allows you to specify size. Be sure to include your logo or name somewhere. I've seen a few that do a collage of book covers and it looked pretty awesome. The only drawback I can see there is folks getting overwhelmed with imagery.
  2. Update your icon with either your logo or your face.
  3. Update your badge with a nifty background or color scheme that matches your brand.
  4. Be consistent with your colors. Customize whatever you can here. You can specify what colors your tweets and links appear in.
  5. Promote other people as well as yourself.
  6. Rewrite your description as many times as you need to in order to say as much as you can in as few words/characters as possible.
  7. Your @handle should be your pen name or business name. Not a product or book title. After all, what happens when you write another book or expand your Twitter to include something else? Worried you'll lose all your followers? If they love you, they'll appreciate a DM (direct message) telling them what name you're changing to. Those that don't heed the advice aren't worth it anyway.
Find more tips like these in my book The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book and take your future to new heights. It's just $2.99 on Amazon. Don't want to buy one? Enter my great giveaway to win one! Three are available.

Question of the day: Are you finding these tips and tricks easy to follow? Are you feeling more put-together?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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