Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Truly Magical Engagement Story

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'll be regaling you all with a little story of how The Best Fiance in the World proposed and showing you a few awesome photos to go along with. Tomorrow, we'll be back on our regular schedule, and I'll be posting my review of Sir Edric's Temple by Thaddeus White for the first Indie Fever Reading Challenge book of 2014. Be sure and come on back for that! Also remember, tomorrow is the official launch day for I, Zombie! I'll be posting reviews and links on Thursday! It's gonna be a fun-filled week here on the blog.

I don't usually share anything personal here on the blog, but this is a major life-changer for me, and I want to shout it from the rooftops!

Okay, I'll shut up and get to the great stuff!

So, TBBITW (The Best Boyfriend in the World) tells me we're going to Disney World for a couple of days last week. Let me tell you, I was super excited. It's one of my favorite places on the planet. So, we pack up and get on a plane Tuesday morning for a relaxing and warm few days further south.

Just in case you aren't aware, this lady hates the cold. Moving on...

Tuesday, we have an awesome afternoon roaming around Epcot (there were so many people there, I can't even begin to tell you how packed it was). This photo was when we first arrived and you can tell we're having a grand old time!

After braving the crowds, we head out to our first dinner reservation of the week. It was a Hawaiian show where they danced the hula and played with fire called the Spirit of Aloha at the Polynesian resort. Of course, we had to change!

Then, we went back to our resort (Port Orleans - Riverside) and rang in the new year at the bar. Did I mention it had begun to rain? Okay, not a big deal, at least it was kinda warm. I loved the Port Orleans resort because I grew up in Louisiana and it resembled the French Quarter. Yay! Kudos to TBBITW!

Awesome so far, right? Well, we woke up the next morning (New Year's Day) and headed off to the Magic Kingdom where we meandered around, rode some rides, and took in the sights. Now it begins to rain in earnest. Pouring. Buckets from Heaven are falling around us. No problem; we'd looked at the weather forecast and brought our umbrella! Go us! We pose for a few awesome photos and head back to the room to get dressed for that night's dinner. It's at Cinderella's Royal Table, situated in the top of that lovely castle you see in the background there.

How exciting is that?

We get all spiffed up and head back to the park for our amazing night. It, thankfully, stopped raining at this point and we look darn good. I'm stoked to meet the princesses and have an awesome dinner with TBBITW. I probably chattered way too much, but he never complained.

While strolling through the park, we happen upon a lovely place with a tiny studio. We stop and get the photographer to take a couple of shots. There's nothing quite like the Memory Maker package from Disney! The guy took our photos, scanned our magic band, and the pics were on the site in a matter of minutes.


Our time to dine arrives and we're ushered through a line to have our photo taken with Cinderella. That was awesome. Then, we wait and someone leads us up a windy staircase into a grand dining room. We get to sit by the window where we can see the whole park spread out below us. Beautiful!

We enjoy the appetizer and our dinner with lively conversation and a lot of laughter. We're waiting on dessert. Our waiter appears carrying a lovely white plate with a cover on it. He puts it down in front of me and pulls off the cover. Here's what was inside (click on the photo and really look):

My first thought: How pretty this is! I'm pretty sure I even say that out loud.

Then, I look around the room and notice I'm the only one who got a pretty, crystal shoe. Hmmm... I leaned in and read the words down the side... Will you marry me, Sweetness? (correct punctuation and all!)

My eyes popped wide open and my heart began pounding in my chest. I look over and he's reaching for our backpack. I began to shake from head to toe as I'm pulled to my feet and he drops to one knee. Here's where the photos get a little funny. I'm betting you can see the utter bewilderment on my face, eh?

He says, "I love you so much. You've always been my Cinderella and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I was speechless. Hey, there's a first time for everything, right?

What do I say? Well, the words yes and of course come to mind. But, no, I'm apparently neither that smooth nor suave when caught off guard.

I say, "Duh!"

Why? Because I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else, and I guess I figured he knew that without even needing to ask. *smack my head* So, he looks like a cool cat and I look like a goof. Hehe. Do I care? No. I have the best guy in the world who'll soon be my husband.

He slipped the ring on my finger and I kissed him until his teeth rattled. I have to tell you, that crowd of people went wild. TBBITW was upgraded to TBFITW, soon to be TBHITW.

On the way out, one of the ladies who worked there stopped us. She said, "I've worked here fifteen years and I've never seen a crowd go crazy the way they did tonight. Well done and congratulations!"

We thanked her, left, rode two roller coasters, posed for another photo with the castle in the background, and went through a haunted house. How frikkin perfect is that?

Night three, we took a walk through Hollywood Studios and got to see the awesome light display they had up. It rained all day, but it was warm and cleared up by the evening.

Day four was clear but freezing cold. What did you Floridians do to the weather? I could've sworn we chose your state for the warmth... But, we were having such an awesome time, and were still riding the high of getting engaged. So, who cares if it was a little chilly? I was still warm all over; I always am when I'm with him.

We headed back home that night and have been busy with wedding plans ever since. I'll be sure and share photos from that blessed event as soon as humanly possible.

I hope you all enjoyed reading our little story as much as we enjoyed living it. I'd like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for hanging around while I was away and returning to the blog now that I'm back. Having people who love to read what you write makes it worth the time spent doing it.

What's your best proposal story?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Oh wow! That's totally romantic! Mine was a surprise trip to Lake Tahoe and a proposal on a horse-drawn carriage ride that overlooked the lake. It was amazing.

    The awesome part is that you have someplace to go back and visit the memory. We do that quite a bit.


    1. Ooooooh!! Fun!! That does sound amazing. I imagine we'll be going back every now and then to remember it. :) Thanks for the comment and the congrats, L. K.!

  2. Congratulations! may all your dreams come true!

    1. Thank you so much, Anon! I'm sure they will. :)

  3. Great story and I bet it gives you plenty of inspiration for future books! I hear Disney during the holidays is amazing too. Congrats!

    1. Thanks, Heather!! Disney IS amazing during the holidays. There were lights everywhere and a Santa Goofy. It was awesome :) I may or may not plan to use the story in a book... At some point... :)


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