Friday, January 10, 2014

I, Zombie Stats Thus Far

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! What a wild day it was around here yesterday, huh? We had some awesome reviews for I, Zombie to check out, a giveaway, and a free book to download! Well, today there's more! I have more reviews for the book, and some early statistics for you to feast your eyes upon. Let's get going!

First up, I'm gonna share some more reviews with you! I didn't want to overwhelm you all yesterday with a billion reviews to check out, so I'm posting the rest today. Enjoy! Be sure and click the links, go leave the reviewers some love, and download your free copy!

"Trixie and Jack don't get much time together in the beginning of the book before the infection starts to spread. Jo did a wonderful job making me feel the pain and misery of having your body fail when your mind is still thoroughly intact."
Amber Garr 4/5 Stars!  ~

"If you love good clean books then this one is for you!  If you love Zombie books, this one is for you! If you love books with a touch of romance, and a touch of action, then this one is for you!"
Ohana Day Academy 5/5 Stars!  ~ 

"Overall this was a creative read and I really enjoyed getting lost in the story. I look forward to more books by Jo Michaels. I would recommend this novel to zombie lovers and zombie sympathizers lol."
Justine on Amazon 4/5 Stars!  ~

"I enjoyed this bit of fantasy very much. These teens have a grip on reality, and a kindness for others not often seen in today's world."
sweetpea on Amazon 5/5 Stars!  ~

"This story is essentially about a small southern town whose young people are infected and the various ways everyone deals with that. It's about friendship and love, heartbreak and loss. It is truly an incredible read if you're looking for something that will make you feel."

Now for some pictures and stat updates!

As you can see, the beginning of the day had the book at #21 for YA Horror and #3,738 overall. However, by this morning, it jumped to here:

It jumped to #1 in YA Horror, #11 in Literature and Fiction Horror, and #353 overall.

I'm blown away. Not only because the book is doing so well right now; but, also because I know it's due to every single one of my fans sharing and screaming about it from the rooftops.

Thank you all SO much for helping me make the launch awesome!

Remember, it's free through Monday so keep sharing!! If you haven't picked one up, go grab it here!

Here are a few premade posts for you:

For Twitter:

Love #Zombies? Grab this #KindleFreebie today: 1/9-13 Plz RT & get one #FREE. #Horror #YA

Looking 4 a #FREE #YA #Horror novel? 1/9-13 only on #Kindle Please RT & get your own!

For Facebook:

If you love #zombies or #YoungAdult then you'll squeal over this free ebook -

If you've read it, please be so kind as to leave a review.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Tweeted. I enjoyed the man who tweeted it, explaining the book was "fleshed out".

    1. Thank you, Alana! I hope you enjoy the read! BTW, that tweet was me, from the AskDavid account LOL! Thought that might get a few grins :)


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