Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Announcement - UtopYA 2015 Official Bloggers

Happy Hump-Day! Wow. I can't even begin to tell you all how excited I am! Today was going to be a book review, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow. I have some amazing news to share with you all. If you're a writer, you'll be excited. If you're a reader, you'll be happy dancing. Best of all: If you subscribe to my blog (or follow me in any way) you'll have opportunities to win some amazing things, and you'll be one of the first to get information about things happening at UtopYA Con in 2015.


Because, the announcement has been posted on the UtopYA Con blog...


That's right! In tandem with three other amazing bloggers, I was chosen to be one of the official news folks.

Plus, I get to display this awesome badge on the blog (look top right)! *drools over the pretty*

Along with myself, here are the other awesome ladies bringing you news and prizes from the event:

Maria Pease
Ashley Bodette

Shana Benedict

Go subscribe to their blogs, because you don't want to miss a thing.

Are you going to UtopYA Con 2015?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, L. K. It's been quite a journey with the blog. I'm excited :)

  2. Congrats!!! I was there as an author this past June . . . hoping I can make the trip again & of course, meet fantastic people like you :-)

    1. Thanks, Jamie!! I'd LOVE to squee and tackle-hug you next year! Be there or be square ;) lol!!

  3. Congrats! I'm so happy for you. You deserve the honor!

    1. Thank you, Heather. I was blown away and super duper shocked :) *humbled*


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