Thursday, September 18, 2014

Join zOctober for a ton of Zombie Fun!

Happy Thursday, everyone! Well, it's mid September, and that means one of the most awesome events ever is about to happen. It only takes place once a year in October, and I had the very distinct pleasure of meeting the mavin behind the fun at UtopYA con 2014. She's awesome and very into zombies! So sit back, relax, and get your clicking finger ready to help you join the events!

Do you love zombies?

How about a whole month of them?

I'm proud to take part in the brain eating goodness happening over on...

My Book Addiction
With the always awesome Toni Lesatz!

Here's the cute little event icon for you to share:

I'll have a guest post rocking along over there, and I'll be hosting one day of the party on Facebook with some great zombie prizes to give away. There will be some exclusive I, Zombie swag, too!

Anxious yet to find out where you can join in and possibly win some awesome zombie books and swag?

Okay, okay.

Join by:

Be sure and follow the hashtag on Twitter:

And give Ms. Lesatz a follow over there while you're at it:
Or on Google Plus, where I know she'll be sharing all the zombie goodness!

Excited yet? Are you gonna go? What will you be looking forward to most?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Replies
    1. It was an amazing month. I'm worn out LOL! I can't imagine how Toni is feeling :)


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