Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Release - The Beast of Ravenston

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today, I'm bringing you an awesome release day post from Kelly Martin! Sit back, relax, and let's get going so we can see the pretty!

Get it here on Amazon for $2.99 for your Kindle!

He could very easily picture his life like this. With a woman who loved him and smiled at him like he wasn't a monster.
Except he was.

The Beast of Ravenston takes Elizabeth from Betraying Ever After and throws her into a place she fears more than any other... Ravenston. A small town in the middle of a thick forest, Ravenston is home to the Duke-- Nicholas Wellington-- a man who not only has been scarred by a fire but is a man to be feared. He lives up to his reputation as 'The Beast'.
Nicholas wants to know who set the fire that disfigured him which means helping Mr. Dodsworth. Help Mr. Dodsworth-- get the name-- get his revenge
Except what Mr. Dodsworth wants Nicholas to do is worse than anything he's done in his past: make the girl pay.
Can Nicholas do what needs to be done to get his revenge? Or will Elizabeth steal something he didn't know he still had-- his heart?

* Amazon * Barnes and Noble * Smashwords * 

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~Kelly Martin's Internet Dwellings~

What do you think? Are you gonna snag a sample?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. This sounds good! I especially like the teaser image.

    1. Me too :) She's super sweet, too, which is just a bonus (like whipped cream on hot chocolate). LOL

  2. Thank you, Jo! I appreciate it! I absolutely love your blog! It's helped me so much <3 ~Kelly

    1. *BLUSH* Thank you for the compliment, Kelly! Anything, anytime. Just let me know.


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