Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Publisher's Weekly Calls for Information

Happy Tuesday, all you beautiful people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm gonna talk about Publisher's Weekly. If you remember, there were a couple of people who got their publishing news from this outlet. Missed that post? You can check it out here. Anywho, I'm not just gonna discuss the publication, but hone in on a specific part: the Call for Information articles. Ready? Grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

In every digital issue of PW I get, there's a little article in the front titled: Call for Information.

What is it?

Well, it's the curators of the magazine searching for news. Last week, it was all about wanting books on how-to information for camera phones, Instagram, and books with lots of pretty digital photos in them. They also asked for goodies from publishers on upcoming inspirational titles.

Why does this matter?

You're a publisher if you're an Indie author. There might just be a chance for you to submit your own stuff and be included in this amazing publication.

This week, they're asking for books on the environment and sustainability coming out this spring, as well as health and fitness books about to hit the market.

But I have a special surprise for you! Each week, all you have to do is click this link to see what the PW editors are looking for.

Consider it my easy button gift to you. *grin*

What are you waiting for? Get on over there and check it out!

What do you think? Will you use it?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Thanks for the share! I have to make a concentrated effort to visit the PW website more often!

    1. You're welcome! Hey, you never know what you don't know, right? :)


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