Thursday, October 10, 2013

Book Review - Looping in Limbo

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you another Indie review. If you've followed the blog for a while, you may remember last year when I asked Indie authors to sell me their books for my Twelve Days of Christmas Giveaway. Yes, I'm planning another round this year so keep your eyes peeled! I don't write scathing reviews and if I can't finish a book, I won't bother at all. Things that keep me from finishing a book are: Poor writing, bad formatting, or a story I just can't sink my teeth into. So, of the books I agreed to review, many have been discarded; but, there are still quite a few I've written reviews for and still a couple to go. What's coming? Well...

Intrusive Memory by Leonardo Anthony Noto
Forever Love by Deborah Armstrong
*Remember, these may or may not make it to a review. I don't know because I haven't started them yet.*
The winner of my Rafflecopter contest for a review not long ago, The Tower's Alchemist by Alesha Escobar.

I'm also currently reading a surprise book that I'll be posting a review for next week. I don't want the author to know just yet so I don't wanna ruin it! Make sure you come on back for that one. *grin*

Those reviews will most likely appear in a clump at some point down the road. I read more than one book at a time and I keep up with my favorite trade authors along the way.

But enough of all that! Here's the book on the chopping block today:

Title: Looping in Limbo (Lainey Tidwell Series)
Author: Ginney Etherton
Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Romance
Length: About 185 Pages
Amazon Link: $2.99 Kindle

She was prepared for the storms. But it's the calms that could crush her.

As her first season as a professional caddie winds down, Lainey Tidwell struggles to keep her dream alive at Singing Bluffs Resort. She may have a knack for guiding golfers around hazards on the links, but the unpredictable, nervewracking bouts of low-season blues are harder to avoid.
Worries about money, men, and her unchecked mouth take their toll on this independent, yet conflicted, scrapper. Like a golfer with the yips, Lainey can't shake doubts about caddying all winter at a small-town coastal resort. Beautiful surroundings... nasty weather, down-to-earth townfolk... a pretentious golf world, disgusting cohorts... good friends  ̶  more influences than one "Short Grrrl" can handle.

Looping in Limbo follows the continuing career and distracting love life of Lainey Tidwell, bitchin' girl caddie extraordinaire, that began in Looping for Love.

Let me start off by saying, I think the cover on this book could use some work. While it fits the story beautifully, a different approach might drag more readers through the door.

On to the review!

I purchased Looping in Limbo back in December on Amazon after the author pitched the story and I read a sample. It hooked me right away and I was keen to start reading. While the cover didn't wow me, the story inside had me from page one.

From a reader's perspective:
I was intrigued by a romance novel that centered around the game of golf. I've learned so much about the sport from this book I think I could follow along watching it and understand the lingo pretty well. What I liked about it was the author didn't go on and on with lessons. Rather, the lingo was worked into the story and surrounded by scenes you could picture firmly in your mind to glean the meaning. Lainey cracked me up on a number of occasions. She isn't your typical girlie girl and comes across with a strong personality. From her thoughts and actions in the story, I think I'd have her as a friend. There's a scene where she visits Seattle and the city was portrayed very realistically; right down to the EMP Museum.What I didn't like was the inability of the story to keep me hooked. I often put the book down and sought out other things to read instead. Why? Because the tension was lacking. It was almost like watching someone breeze through life. While it's a relaxing read, I wasn't too concerned about what was going to happen next.

From an editor's perspective:
This is one of the best examples of writing I've seen. That's not a comparison to just Indies, but all books I've read. Besides the tension issue, there were no pronoun mix-ups, few punctuation oopses, and no grossly misused words. I found a few errors, but most people probably wouldn't notice them. I'm hardwired that way, so they jump out at me. This book gets top marks.

1 Star for giving me an awesome main character in Lainey
1 Star for teaching me something I didn't know and great descriptions
-1 Star for lack of tension
-1 Star for lack of concern
1 Star for excellent writing
Overall, 3 out of 5 stars! A recommended read if you're looking for something to kill time.

While you're here, don't forget to check out the guest post from Monday by author Felicia Tatum. She also has an awesome Rafflecopter giveaway going on so be sure to enter to win copies of her books!

I hope you all enjoyed this review!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nom De Plumes

Happy Hump-Day, good people of the blogosphere! I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Time sure does fly when you're working your tuckus off. Today, I'd like to talk to you guys about pen names; also known as a Nom De Plume. Without beating around the bush, let's get going!

Why in the world would an author use a pen name?

Well, in my case, I use one because I don't want crazy people beating down my door if they don't like what I have to say. A couple of my books (the Mystic series, for one) teeter on the edge of calling people out for their crap and show what it's like to live on the other side of judgment. Another one has violence (and a lot of it) that a lot of folks say left them gasping for air as they read (Yassa). But, there are authors throughout history that used pen names to meet other goals. Here are a few:
  • Dr. Seuss.
  • Stephen King (aka Richard Bachmann)
  • J.K. Rowling
  • Jonathan Swift (aka Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.)
  • Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte (aka Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell)
  • Charles Dickens (aka Boz)
  • Benjamin Franklin (lots of akas - mostly female names!)
  • Anne Rice (aka A.N. Roquelaure)

So why did these authors choose their pen names?

For publishing reasons, of course. One was chosen because the publisher thought the author's books wouldn't sell as well if people knew it was a woman who wrote them. Back in the days of the Bronte sisters, women didn't write and they felt they had no choice but to submit as men. Sometimes pen names were chosen to allow the author to publish more frequently or even to get published at all (their real name may have been damaged in some way). Anne Rice said she didn't want anyone to know she'd written a naughty book. But, beyond that, she wanted to see if it was her name making her sales or her excellent writing. Makes sense to me.

So, if you're an author, and you use a pen name, why? Is it to hide who you really are, to break into a genre only (usually) written by a certain gender, or is it something simpler like a state of separation?

Inquiring minds are dying to know.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mental Health Days

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm talking about your mental health as a writer and things you can do to keep your brain in top creative form. I know you all probably already have a writing schedule (right?) so I'm not gonna harp on that. This is for all the other things we have to get done. So, grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going! Let's kick off the post with a picture of a cute baby! Hey, eating cake might be considered something you do on a mental health day!

First off, I'd like to say that if you have a day where you don't feel like writing, don't beat yourself up over it. It happens to everyone. Sometimes, you have other things on your plate that are just as important. Just take a deep breath and move forward.

Okay, now that we have that out of the way...

Your creative brain is taxed on a daily basis if you're a writer. Some days, the words flow like boiling hot lava down the mountain of creativity. Other days, it congeals like Jello and sits there, staring at you; daring you to try and make it flow.

There are many factors that can impact your creativity:
  • Other obligations
  • Stress
  • Worrying about sales
  • Marketing
  • Formatting
  • Social Networking
  • Housekeeping
  • Kids
  • Noise
  • Temperature
  • Fatigue
  • Illness
So how do you clear the clutter out of your brain and give it the tools it needs to be productive?
  • Be realistic about what you can do for other people. Don't overextend yourself. You have a job, and people need to understand that, just because you're at home all day, doesn't mean you have time to do for them. Just say no.
  • What are you stressed about? Can you knock it out with a day off? If yes, take that day and use it to handle whatever is causing you stress. If no, then take time to reevaluate your goals and perhaps change them to something more realistic.
  • Stop worrying about sales. Hey, I know they're important and all, but if you're worrying about them all the time, you're not going to publish another book and make yourself more discoverable. Focus on writing instead.
  • If you don't know how to format, hire someone that does. Save yourself (and your hair). If you do know how to format and you do all your own books, set aside a day where you can work on formatting and nothing else. It's okay; your book will still be there tomorrow.
  • Please, for the love of Pete, use a social networking dashboard of some kind. Remember it should be taking you (at a maximum) one hour a day to build your presence.
  • If your house being a mess is driving you nutso, take a day off and clean that booger. I promise, it'll help you be more productive tomorrow.
  • Are your kids driving you crazy? Try calling a friend or family member who might be able to watch the little nose miners for a while. Use your zen moment to bring your brain back from the abyss that is diaper changing.
  • Is it loud? Wear earmuffs or move your desk to another location. Turn off everything and focus.
  • Now, the last three are a bit more difficult to circumnavigate. Temperature, fatigue, and illness are three things many of us have to deal with on a daily basis. If you're sick, go be sick. Don't stress about not writing. Instead, use a little notebook and come up with some new ideas in a quick one or two line note now and then. Whatever you do, don't make your illness worse by pushing yourself too far.

Sometimes, you just need a mental health day. When you feel it coming on, take one, get done whatever needs to be done, and come back to the keys the next day feeling refreshed. There's no shame or blame in that.

Mine hit me about once a month. I blog and take the day off to clean, relax, or read. When I wake up the next day, I'm rip-roarin' and ready to go!

While you're here, don't forget to check out my featured author of the week. She gave some wonderful tips on tools you can use to help your productivity. There's also a giveaway on the post! Go enter!

Do you take mental health days? What do you use them for?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, October 7, 2013

A Guest Post by Felicia Tatum

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm treating you all to a wonderful guest post by my featured author, Felicia Tatum! You're gonna love this one. In case this is your first visit to my blog, I'll remind you that Felicia is one of the authors attending UtopYA Con 2014 and these posts are a way to get to know some of the ladies before the event. Tickets are on sale now! Click here to get yours. Grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

The Whiteboard, Computer, Pink Highlighter, and Notebook Way

by Felicia Tatum

What do a whiteboard, a computer, a pink highlighter, and a Hunger Games themed notebook all have in common?

They keep me sane.

Writing a book is a lot of work…but what happens when your brain decides to throw a bunch of different stories at you?

What do you do when you have all of these characters vying for your attention, begging you to let their story out, but you don’t know how to handle it all?

The above list has saved my life, helped me become more organized, and improved how quickly and efficiently I write

The Whiteboard: I have the next 4 projects on the board…word count goals, current word count, deadline date, and tentative release date. Maybe it’s just me, but seeing this thing looming over my head every morning makes me go, “Oh, I need to get a better number,” “That needs to be higher,” or “I need to finish that one.”

A computer: Duh. If you don’t know what this is for, please email me NOW.

A pink highlighter: I use it to mark off scenes as I write them…where are the scenes, you ask? Read on…

A Hunger Games themed notebook: I have all things book in this notebook my brother bought me a year ago for $2. I have started outlining books, so I have chapter ideas, and sometimes whole chapters outlined in it. I also have detailed pages of dreams I have for later books. This helps me to keep it all together. And yes, I have another for when this one is full.

So, I’m curious.
How do you keep organized? What do you do?

I’ve noticed I write much faster and have met deadlines much easier since I started all of this.

~ Felicia

Whether you have a moment or not, you gotta check out Felicia's featured book for this week and enter her Rafflecopter giveaway to win a copy!

Title: Devlin's Decendant
Author: Felicia Tatum
Genre: YA Paranormal
Length:  234 Printed Pages
Amazon Links: Kindle $2.99 Paperback $8.55
B&N Link: NOOK $2.99

The curse is drawing closer and closer to an end, the only solution, kill Devlin Hart’s descendant. Scott is dealing with the aftermath of his discovery while Olivia desperately tries to stop Aiden’s recapture. What will happen when Scott reveals the identity of the descendant?

Follow along as Olivia, Scott, Juniper, Sadie, Aiden, and Mark continue their adventure. Discover secrets, new loves, celebrate a birthday, take a trip to the mysterious Sorcery Council, and more in Devlin’s Descendant.

Give Felicia a follow!
On the Web
On Goodreads

And, the Rafflecopter Giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Fall Into UtopYA Party 2

Happy happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you a couple of posts from the Fall Into UtopYA party! If you don't know what UtopYA Con is, click the name to find out. Tickets are on sale now. So, sit back, relax, and read on! There are a ton of wonderful books for you to check out and a lot of Rafflecopter giveaways!


Something Great by M. Clarke

something great cover
* This is a New Adult romance novel recommended for ages 18+ due to sexual content and mature subject matter.
She didn’t know what she was missing…until he found her.

Maxwell Knight was positively trouble, dangerously good-looking, and seductively charming. He was everything Jeanella didn’t need in her life. Only Maxwell didn’t see it that way. His pursuit was relentless, making her even more determined to push him away.

Fresh out of college, life was simple and plain for Jeanella Mefferd. Every part of her life was smooth sailing; her friends, her job, and even the guy she’d started dating. Then one night, while at dinner, she spotted someone who made her feel things she’d never felt before—dangerous, heart pounding and breathless heat. Thinking she would never see him again, she brushed it off, but when she started to run into him unexpectedly, all she could think of was how he made her feel with his sweet flirtations. Everything about Maxwell Knight screamed trouble, especially when she found out he was her new boss’s son. Now, heading to a New York fashion show, would she be able to focus on her career instead of Maxwell, who had been scheduled to attend with her? As much as she tried to forget their encounters, his good looks, smooth words and determination to win her over gravitated her toward him. The next thing she knew, her mind was utterly consumed by him. Would she be willing to ignore all the dangerous signs and jump into his arms? Or would she miss out on the chance of finding something great? 

Add Something Great to your Goodreads shelf.
Purchase Something Great for 99cents on
M. Clarke
About the Author:
M. Clarke also known as Mary Ting resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Why the pen name, M Clarke? She tours with Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children's chapter book-No Bullies Allowed.

Author Contact Links:

Burning in Water by Arielle Caldwell

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Marya with Strong Image Editing, has done an amazing job with the cover! She had done each one for The Nerita Torlan Trilogy by Arielle. Burning in Water is book one in the series.

The Nerita Torlan Trilogy, Book One

Nerita is the twenty-two year old daughter of a water goddess who was given to Cari, a fairy, to be raised by on land. Her memories are bound and shifted after Cari disappears.

Gavan, her trainer, helps to strengthen her powers and helps her to realize her true potential. When she is old enough, he takes her to Camberton to meet the queen of the fairy folk, Rueh. While there, she learns the truth to her past and the future she is meant to have.

The more time she spends around Gavan, the harder it becomes to deny her feelings for him. He is holding on to a secret that shocks and hurts Nerita. Can she forgive him for what he could never tell her?

She is confronted by Ahlic, the shifter who has taken everything from her. Now that her powers are getting stronger, she sets out to find him and bring down his kingdom. Along the way, she discovers more about herself than she could ever imagine; forever changing her life.

Can the daughter of a goddess be strong enough? Or will she falter; costing the lives of those around her? Follow Nerita on her journeys of love, sorrow, and vengeance.

About Arielle:
Arielle Caldwell began writing in grade school but never pursued a career in it until early 2012. She started writing poetry in middle school and progressed to books a few years later. She is a proud Cajun from Louisiana but was raised in Pensacola, Florida. Shortly after graduating high school, she joined the US Navy where she met her husband and became the mother of two wonderfully crazy little boys. After separating from the military, she decided to go to college in Texas. A year later, she moved back to Pensacola when offered a job at the naval base as a civilian contractor. She is currently juggling college, work, family, writing, managing her website, Arc Indie Reviews, and being a columnist for APSS, the new Small Publishers of America newsletter. She loves going to the river with her family and friends or to the water park for a few hours. Her Kindle is overflowing with books, she loves rock music the most, and she loves to sing and dance with her children around the house. Her first series, The Nerita Torlan Trilogy, has two books currently released. “Burning in Water” is her debut book, also being book one in the series with “Drowning in Fire” book two, released as well. Book three is “The Awakening” and in the works. “After-Ending” is her dystopian novel that has a planned release of beginning to mid 2014. She resides in Pensacola with her husband, two kids, and their Great Dane, Scooby.

Contact Arielle:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fire in the Darkness (Darkness Series #2)

It's been four weeks since Ember Brycin witnessed what her powers are capable of. The Electrical Current Storm has turned Seattle, Washington into a natural disaster zone. The death toll is in the thousands with countless others homeless and hungry.

And Ember is the one who caused it. Something she will have to live with every day.

Those people who were unable to escape either turned quickly into gangs or live in shelters. Ember, on the other hand, can’t do either. With a price on her head and a Dark Dweller on her ass, she is constantly on the move. Both Light and Dark are hunting her for their own purpose to use her as a weapon or a pawn in the war between the Unseelie King of the Dark and the Seelie Queen of the Light.

Em needs help but doesn’t know who to trust: Lars, the mystery man Torin told her to find? Torin, the Seelie Queen’s personal knight, who has sworn to keep Em safe? Or Eli, who wants to turn her over to the Unseelie King, but whom she has an undeniable, intense connection with?

No matter what she chooses she will probably lose—her life or everything and everyone she loves

Add Fire in the Darkness to your Goodreads shelf.
Fire in the Darkness can be purchased at
About the Author:
stacey marie brownStacey Marie Brown works by day as an Interior/Set Designer and by night a writer of paranormal fantasy, adventure, and literary fiction. When she’s not writing, she’s out hiking, spending time with friends, traveling, listening to music, or designing.

Author Contact Links:

I hope you all get a chance to check out some of these books!

Did you see anything above that intrigued you? Why?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! I was gonna write another review today, but I didn't get finished with the book I was reading. Since I never half-a$$ anything, I refuse to review before I'm done. Sorry! So, instead, I'm gonna talk about one of my books that's an asset for Indie authors. Why? Well, I see a ton of questions popping up all over the place about self-publishing. The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book has the answers you're looking for. Let's get going, shall we?

First, about the book:
Title: The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book
Author: Jo Michaels
Genre: Non-Fiction How-To
Length: 54 Printed pages
Links: Amazon $2.99 Smashwords $2.99 B&N $2.99

Indie author? Banging your head on your desk? You need The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book. Not just for e-books. This guide contains helpful tips and tricks to make your book look like it came from a major publisher. Guided sections walk you through how to format your book for all platforms, how to create a dynamite cover, how to brand yourself as an author, and how to build a perfect book for printing. Indie authors, let's give the big houses a real run for their money!

I'm sure you're all wondering why I wrote this book. Well, it's because, like most Indie authors, I struggled to learn all I needed to know in order to self publish. I thought: Why not help others since I've been through a lot of this stuff and save them the headache?

It's not just about building books. It's about building your brand, your e-book, and your print book.

Why is it so short? Because it's also meant to be a pocket reference. Something that won't take up a ton of space in your bag or purse. A book you can carry with you everywhere. I priced it low because Indie authors just starting out don't usually have a ton of money to play with.

But in a book that short, what can you possibly get out of it?

To tell you the truth, I cut out all the fluff. It's very straight to the point. Here's a ToC for you to look over:

Section One – Branding Yourself
  • Choosing an Identity
  • Creating a Logo (or having one created for you)
  • Color Scheme Dos and Don’ts
  • Consistency is Queen – Because Kings are controlled by Queens!
Section Two – Formatting Your Manuscript
  • Dos and Don’ts when Writing Your Book
  • Quick Tips for Better Legibility
  • Building Your Save System
  • Different Formats for Different Platforms
Section Three – Building a Digital Cover
  • Size IS Important!
  • Images
  • Font Choices – Why does it Matter?
  • Using Layers
Section Four – Final Checks
  • Uploading and Proofing
Section Five – Business Considerations
  • Choosing your distributor(s)
  • Places to Sell and Market Your Book
Section Six – If Your Book is a Print Version
  • Your Book’s Guts
  • Orphans and Widows
  • Pesky Page Numbers
  • Running Headers
  • Cover Considerations
  • Explaining Bleed and Safety
  • Conversion to CMYK for print
  • Math Involved

Why do I feel I can write such a book with this kind of information?

Here's the forward from the book:
Before we begin, let me tell you the basic things you will need to format your book by these guidelines. If you have another program you’re more familiar with, use that. This book is meant to be a guide only.

I reference Adobe Photoshop for building covers in The Indie Author’s Guide to: Building a Great Book. If you use Gimp or some other image manipulation software and know where the panels I discuss in this book are, use your program.

I reference Microsoft Word 2007 for formatting interiors in The Indie Author’s Guide to Building a Great Book. If you know how to do the things outlined in this book in another program and prefer it, use yours.
In most of this book, I’m assuming you have a basic working knowledge of your chosen program and are familiar with tabs and menus.

I’m passing on knowledge that will help your book appear more professional in the mass market. Period.
My expertise lies in the field of Graphic Design and a lot of what you’ll find here imparts knowledge I learned during my studies and things I have discovered on my own while publishing my books. I spent a year as a Graphic Design tutor and was chosen amongst the other graduates in my final year to design the commencement cover (they loved it so much they used it again the following year).

I’ve listened to common complaints people have about self-published books and tried to address those areas here as well so we all look like we went to design school and have worked at a big publishing house our whole lives (or at the very least, that we can play with the big boys – and do it well).

Section six is the longest section because consideration of a print version of your book requires a lot of work. Follow me once and keep me around for a quick reference guide.

You may ask me additional questions via Twitter @WriteJoMichaels if you feel compelled to do so.
If you indulge in banging your head on the desk or tearing out your hair while reading this book (the very thing I’m trying to help you avoid – bald authors with red foreheads make us all look nuts), I take no responsibility. Enter at your own risk and enjoy!

As a funny, I also created an awesome mousepad over on Zazzle that screams to the world how this book saved you. check it out: TIAG Mousepad.

I hope this helps some of you achieve your dreams!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Book Review - Fearless by Cornelia Funke

Happy Wednesday, blogospherians! Before I begin, I gotta let you know that tickets for UtopYA Con 2014 went on sale yesterday. Be sure and hoof it over there to get yours A.S.A.P.! They go FAST! Today, I bring you another book review of one of my favorite authors, Cornelia Funke. If you've followed the blog for a while, you'll probably remember my review of Reckless, the first book in the Mirrorworld series. If not, click the title and go check it out. Fearless, the book for today, is the second installment. I gotta tell you, it was one hell of a read! So, grab your coffee, strap in, and let's get going!

First, about the book that's on the chopping block today:
Title: Fearless
Author: Cornelia Funke
Genre: YA Fantasy
Length: 400 printed pages
Links to Amazon: Kindle $8.89 Hardcover $13.98 Paperback $7.50

Description from Amazon:
Jacob Reckless returns once again to the Mirrorworld--filled with profound characters, extraordinary creatures, and epic life-or-death treasure hunts that could only come from the mind of the master storyteller of our generation, Cornelia Funke.

Jacob Reckless has only a few months left to live. He's tried everything to shake the Fairy curse that traded his life for his brother's--legends such as the All-Healing Apple, the Well of Eternal Youth, the blood of a northern Djinn. And yet hope after hope is extinguished. After months of fruitless searching, Jacob journeys through his father's mirror one final time to deliver the bad news to Fox.

But there they hear of one last possibility--an item so legendary that not even Mirrorworlders believe it exists: a crossbow that can kill thousands, or heal one, when shot through the heart. But a Goyl treasure hunter is also searching for the prized crossbow. Jacob must find it first--and somehow convince Fox to do whatever it takes to save him.

Now that you know all about it, it's time to give you my review!

From a reader's perspective:
Ahhhhh how Fox and Jacob drive me crazy with their relationship! I love these two characters most from the series so far. They're frustrating, adorable, and concern-worthy. Sometimes, I want to reach in the pages and give them both a good shake. An introduction to a new kind of Goyl brings fun and tension as Jacob travels on his quest to save his own life. I adore the interweaving of known fairy-tales throughout the story. It brings a whole other level of coolness to the tale. Most enjoyable, perhaps, was learning more about the wily, cunning character known as Fox. It was great to get to know about her family and what she went through before she met Jacob. She gained a new level of endearment through the reveal. World-building in this series is phenomenal. It'll make you want to step through your own mirror. I can't wait for the next book in the series. There's a major twist in this book that will leave you with your mouth hanging open.That's all I'm going to say on that front.

From an editor's perspective:
Pronouns were still rocky, but I'm guessing it's because this book was translated from German. Ah well, something I can easily overlook when engrossed in a tale. Other than that, the book was grade A.

My Rating:
1 Star for phenomenal world-building
1 Star for making me bite my nails off from worry
1 Star for giving me characters with flaws that I care about
1 Star for shedding new light on a character that's endearing
1 Star for leaving me with my mouth hanging open in the end
Overall, 5 out of 5 stars. A most excellent read.

Ya'll come on back tomorrow for one more review this week. Then we'll be hoofing it into more about writing, grammar, and those sorts of things. I have some very cool stuff to bring you!

Don't forget to check out the author interview with Felicia Tatum, the feature post for this week, while you're here! She has an awesome giveaway going on.

Also, be sure you check out the post from yesterday about OMC's book auction to benefit the Spina Bifida Association. It's a great cause and you'll get some wonderful stuff to read!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
