Happy Monday, everyone! So, today's post is because I've seen a number of bloggers over the weekend talking about last minute postings showing up in their email inboxes and how it annoys the crap out of them. When given less than a day to put up a post and make it pretty, giving it to them 24-48 hours ahead of time just isn't kosher. It chains them to their blogs and email inboxes. Worse, they may simply not see it in time.
Guess what?
You just missed out. Plus, you managed to annoy bloggers that are working for free and only trying to help.
As I've always said, make it EASY for people to share your stuff. This isn't hard.
So, to help you help them, today is all about book landing pages. Get those pencils ready, and let's get going!
A book landing page is any page that showcases your book and provides buy links. It can be a page on your website or blog, but it needs to focus on just that one book. Make it pretty, and make sure there's not a lot of visual confusion.
Here are some examples of landing pages:
This is from the Frayed Fairy Tales website.
This one is from Alessandra Torre's site.
And this one is from Geneva Lee's site.
As you can see, the things all these pages have in common are buy links, book covers, and info. There's not a whole lot there because there doesn't need to be. Keep it simple. If you do a web search for "book landing page," you'll get a ton of generic ideas on layout and such.
When you're making your HTML to send to your bloggers, send them the link to that page on your blog or website (shortened with bit.ly so you can track the clicks) instead of waiting for a purchase link.
On release day, go update your site BEFORE time for those posts to go live. It's so much easier to update one website than a ton of blog posts.
Save yourself time and emails, and save your bloggers the stress of rushing. They'll thank you and be much more likely to share your stuff in the future.
I'm just going to add my own little note to go along with the above. I feel like it's important.
When a blogger shares your release stuff, go to the blog and type out a quick thank you. This goes for shares on social media, too. It takes time, YES, but it's worth it. They work hard, and they don't get paid for what they do. Show that you appreciate them. It matters.
Okay, off my soapbox for today.
Anything to add?
Well, that's all for this edition, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
A blog dedicated to the education and support of Indie authors.
Also striving to providing great book recommendations and reviews for readers.
Links and Books by Jo Michaels
Showing posts with label book sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book sales. Show all posts
Monday, May 22, 2017
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Harvest Saga Box Set
Title: The Harvest Saga Box Set
Author: Casey L Bond
Genre: YA Dystopian
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Reap (Book 1): The remnants of the United States of America have been divided.
From five enormous, technologically-advanced cities, the Greaters rule over the Lessers. In the Lesser village of Orchard, things are not as perfect as Abby Kelley thinks they are. When the apple harvest draws near and the Greater’s engineered fruits become too much for one village to handle alone, reinforcements from neighboring villages are called upon.
Having to choose between her best friend, whom she has no romantic feelings for, and mysterious newcomer Crew, Abby finds herself in the middle of a harvest that she had no intention of becoming a part of. She becomes involved in a situation that threatens the strict rule of the Greaters, and just might give the Lessers hope for a better tomorrow. But, can she help the Lessers without losing Crew? And if she chooses Crew, will she lose her best friend?
Resist (Book 2): Abby Kelley returns home from the Greater city of Olympus to find that things in Orchard Village are bad, very bad. The Olympian Guard has taken over village affairs. The Lessers are being worked to the bone in the coldest winter Orchard has seen. Villagers are being dragged away for the slightest indication of what they call “resistance.” She needs to keep her head down and her mouth shut. But, it’s so hard to do when everything within you screams rebellion.
Kyan is coming on strong, trying to convince her to take a chance on him. Shocking news of Crew’s activities in Olympus sweeps through the Villages. When Abby is taken away by the Olympian guard, Kyan sends word to Vesuvius for help. But, no one could have predicted their idea of help or what they might expect in return.
Who will be left to pick up the pieces of Abby’s heart?
Reclaim (Book 3): The Greaters have ruled over the Lessers since The Fall. They’ve taken Abby’s family. They’ve taken her friends. They’ve taken her hostage and threatened the villages.
Enough is enough. Freedom is worth fighting for. Love is worth dying for.
And the Lessers are done taking orders from the Greaters.
Reclaim…the epic conclusion of the award-winning Harvest Saga.

Website: www.authorcaseybond.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorcaseybond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorcaseybond
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7212486.Casey_L_Bond
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/caseyb007
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1PmE0pg
Fan Club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1032678336804562/
Newsletter: http://authorcaseybond.us10.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e812bbce406a10776c6a28162&id=79850847f2
Buy Link:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2b6leck
If you love The Harvest Saga, you can vote for the series to be made into a television show or film! You can nominate actors and choose your dream cast! http://www.iflist.com/stories/reaptheharvestsaga
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Using Groupon for Book Sales
Happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Wow, do I have an awesome idea for you all today. Strap yourselves in and grab a cup of coffee, because this is gonna be one wild ride!
As I often do, I was thinking of new and innovative ways to sell/market books. I have a friend named Eva Pohler (find her on Facebook here), and this idea comes from a little snafu she hit a little while back with Barnes & Noble booksellers. No, this doesn't trash B&N (I love that store!); it's just information about what happened with her books. Plus, if you've encountered this particular problem, it might be information about how to unload books.
I'm gonna start with Eva's story, and work my way up from there. Stay with me, folks!
So, Eva wanted to have her book in a brick and mortar store (don't we all?), and she decided that was her goal for 2015. Please understand, when Eva goes after something, she goes after it; nothing gets in her way. Gosh, I admire that. Anywhoooo... So, she speaks with someone from B&N and they tell her, in order to stock her books, those titles need to be returnable.
Quick aside: Books are the only (yes, only) retail merchandise that's returnable for a 100% refund. How crazy is that? Okay, back to the story!
In order to make a self-published book returnable, you must go through a company like Lightning Source. Eva did that, made the book returnable, and B&N ordered a great number of copies of her titles.
Needless to say, she came home one day to find boxes and boxes of her books sitting on her doorstep. This is where my idea begins. I only told you enough about Eva's tale to give you an idea of what we're dealing with: tons of books sitting in your living room that you have no way to sell.
For the rest of Eva's story, check out the interview she did with S. M. Boyce here. It's a long video, but it might save you some money someday, I suggest you check it out.
Moving on!
I started thinking: How the heck is she gonna sell all those books? Marketing is difficult enough without a crapload of inventory sitting in your house. If Amazon can't sell them, how can you?
Enter Groupon. Why this never occurred to me before, I have no idea. But it's been a growing platform for sales for years. If you find yourself in a position like Eva did, why not create a Groupon to help move that stock?
I did a little digging before I started this post, and creating a Groupon is free.
But how the hell does Groupon make money, Jo? I know they charge you something! And how can I guarantee they won't oversell my stuff and me end up scrabbling to get more?
Great questions! I asked them, too. From their site: Groupon charges a marketing fee that's a percentage of the revenue from sales. You can set the number of items available, and they'll only sell that many Groupons. For answers to other questions, check out the FAQ here.
Now, the big question here is (you totally knew I'd look this up, right?): How many people actually buy Groupons? Here's an article from 2011 that gives a pretty good rundown of the numbers then. The projected growth is off the charts (no pun intended). Yes, that's billions with a B.
Can you imagine your book in front of that many people?
It's a huge marketing opportunity, and we Indies have to always be looking for the new idea in marketing. I love my iPhone, and I have Groupon. My husband and I use it often (browsing there created this idea). But I never looked at it as a market for books until now.
Has my head been up my arse all this time? Or have I just never thought of it because it hasn't been done by anyone else? Either way, it's time to try something new, don't you think?
You may start here. Good luck!
What do you think? Will you try it?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
As I often do, I was thinking of new and innovative ways to sell/market books. I have a friend named Eva Pohler (find her on Facebook here), and this idea comes from a little snafu she hit a little while back with Barnes & Noble booksellers. No, this doesn't trash B&N (I love that store!); it's just information about what happened with her books. Plus, if you've encountered this particular problem, it might be information about how to unload books.
I'm gonna start with Eva's story, and work my way up from there. Stay with me, folks!
So, Eva wanted to have her book in a brick and mortar store (don't we all?), and she decided that was her goal for 2015. Please understand, when Eva goes after something, she goes after it; nothing gets in her way. Gosh, I admire that. Anywhoooo... So, she speaks with someone from B&N and they tell her, in order to stock her books, those titles need to be returnable.
Quick aside: Books are the only (yes, only) retail merchandise that's returnable for a 100% refund. How crazy is that? Okay, back to the story!
In order to make a self-published book returnable, you must go through a company like Lightning Source. Eva did that, made the book returnable, and B&N ordered a great number of copies of her titles.
Needless to say, she came home one day to find boxes and boxes of her books sitting on her doorstep. This is where my idea begins. I only told you enough about Eva's tale to give you an idea of what we're dealing with: tons of books sitting in your living room that you have no way to sell.
For the rest of Eva's story, check out the interview she did with S. M. Boyce here. It's a long video, but it might save you some money someday, I suggest you check it out.
Moving on!
I started thinking: How the heck is she gonna sell all those books? Marketing is difficult enough without a crapload of inventory sitting in your house. If Amazon can't sell them, how can you?
Enter Groupon. Why this never occurred to me before, I have no idea. But it's been a growing platform for sales for years. If you find yourself in a position like Eva did, why not create a Groupon to help move that stock?

But how the hell does Groupon make money, Jo? I know they charge you something! And how can I guarantee they won't oversell my stuff and me end up scrabbling to get more?
Great questions! I asked them, too. From their site: Groupon charges a marketing fee that's a percentage of the revenue from sales. You can set the number of items available, and they'll only sell that many Groupons. For answers to other questions, check out the FAQ here.
Now, the big question here is (you totally knew I'd look this up, right?): How many people actually buy Groupons? Here's an article from 2011 that gives a pretty good rundown of the numbers then. The projected growth is off the charts (no pun intended). Yes, that's billions with a B.
Can you imagine your book in front of that many people?
It's a huge marketing opportunity, and we Indies have to always be looking for the new idea in marketing. I love my iPhone, and I have Groupon. My husband and I use it often (browsing there created this idea). But I never looked at it as a market for books until now.
Has my head been up my arse all this time? Or have I just never thought of it because it hasn't been done by anyone else? Either way, it's time to try something new, don't you think?
You may start here. Good luck!
What do you think? Will you try it?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Book Backmatter
Open up that document that contains your book. Pan over until you get to the end. What do you see?
For most authors, you probably see something that looks like this:
About the Author:
K. Littlegross is...
Then maybe social media links.
After that...?
How about we change the way you think about your book's backmatter. Everything that comes after the last page of the story is considered backmatter. If someone just read all the way through your book, chances are they like your writing. If they didn't, they would've quit reading a long time ago (unless they're just one of those people who can't stand not finishing something they started).
Let's use that to your advantage, shall we?
On the FIRST page after your book ends, try adding something like this:
"Thank you for reading my (novel/short story/serial/etc...). I hope you enjoyed it. If you wouldn't mind, would you kindly leave a review? Not only does it help others gauge the book's worth, it also helps me know what I did right and what I might be able to do better. Readers are the reason I write! I love hearing from fans."Give them a way to subscribe to your newsletter and tell them why they should. Do you do exclusive giveaways in your newsletters? Mention it! Or, ask them to like your amazon author page. Don't forget the LINK!
Now, here are a couple of other things to include before your About the Author page:
- An excerpt from another work of yours (don't forget the sales page link at the end!).
- An excerpt from a fellow author in the same genre (don't forget the sales page link at the end!).
- Acknowledgements (I suggest putting this in the back so it doesn't interfere with the sample percentage).
- Your author photo (resize to small [72dpi], please)
- Your bio
- Your bibliography (don't forget to link them to the sales page!)
- Perhaps a review quote or two
- One synopsis from a book in a similar genre you've written
- Awards you've won for writing
- How to find you on social media
- Another request for that review
You'd be surprised at how much difference these little things make. Remember to update past books when you publish something new. It isn't difficult, and it'll keep your fans coming back for more.
How many of the above do you implement now? Were you aware of what you could do with the back of your book? Tell me about it!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Even More Amazing Giveaways! Kindles, Money, and Books Galore!
HAPPY CYBER MONDAY! I was supposed to have a guest post from author Megan Curd for you all today, but things happen and it's not going up. I'm gonna share awesomeness with you instead. Today, the web is full of sales, contests, and giveaways! I'm here to link you up! We'll start with a recap of Sunday's fantastic post and move on to the others.
A $500 Shopping Spree at Amazon!
This giveaway is being held by The Kindle Book Review and Digital Book Today.
You can enter HERE.
You have a chance to win every day between now and Christmas! It's the Unofficial UtopYA 25 Days of Giveaways. This giveaway is sponsored by the authors planning to attend UtopYA Con 2014. If you don't have tickets to the event yet, grab them by clicking the name.
Here's the rafflecopter entry form for that giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My New Adult Paranormal Mystic series is still on sale and going strong through tomorrow at midnight! Links:
If you love great books with strong females, this series is for you!
Ms. Tabitha Vargo is having a huge giveaway, too! Yeah, I'll share the code; it's the least I can do.
Oh! Wait! Did I say a giveaway? I meant she's having giveawayS! One is US only and the other is international. Surprise!
Here's the US only rafflecopter entry form:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And, there's the international one:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, this lady has gone completely nutso! She's giving away a prize every day for 31 days! It's a Facebook event and you can join here: Julia Crane's 31 Days of Giving!
Day one was a Kindle, day 2 is $25 Amazon gift card, I'm wondering what day 3 will bring. Yeah, I know that was full of comma splices... Moving on!
These books are all on sale for $0.99 each!
Big, Bad Bite
Secret Maneuvers (Ex Ops Series)
The Lady of Steinbrekka
Heart of Kylassame
and three e-books by Lisa Collicutt
I hope you all enjoy these awesome giveaways and sales!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
A $500 Shopping Spree at Amazon!
This giveaway is being held by The Kindle Book Review and Digital Book Today.
You can enter HERE.
You have a chance to win every day between now and Christmas! It's the Unofficial UtopYA 25 Days of Giveaways. This giveaway is sponsored by the authors planning to attend UtopYA Con 2014. If you don't have tickets to the event yet, grab them by clicking the name.
Here's the rafflecopter entry form for that giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My New Adult Paranormal Mystic series is still on sale and going strong through tomorrow at midnight! Links:
If you love great books with strong females, this series is for you!
Ms. Tabitha Vargo is having a huge giveaway, too! Yeah, I'll share the code; it's the least I can do.
Oh! Wait! Did I say a giveaway? I meant she's having giveawayS! One is US only and the other is international. Surprise!
Here's the US only rafflecopter entry form:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And, there's the international one:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, this lady has gone completely nutso! She's giving away a prize every day for 31 days! It's a Facebook event and you can join here: Julia Crane's 31 Days of Giving!
Day one was a Kindle, day 2 is $25 Amazon gift card, I'm wondering what day 3 will bring. Yeah, I know that was full of comma splices... Moving on!
These books are all on sale for $0.99 each!
Big, Bad Bite
Secret Maneuvers (Ex Ops Series)
The Lady of Steinbrekka
Heart of Kylassame
and three e-books by Lisa Collicutt
I hope you all enjoy these awesome giveaways and sales!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Mental Health Days
Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm talking about your mental health as a writer and things you can do to keep your brain in top creative form. I know you all probably already have a writing schedule (right?) so I'm not gonna harp on that. This is for all the other things we have to get done. So, grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going! Let's kick off the post with a picture of a cute baby! Hey, eating cake might be considered something you do on a mental health day!
First off, I'd like to say that if you have a day where you don't feel like writing, don't beat yourself up over it. It happens to everyone. Sometimes, you have other things on your plate that are just as important. Just take a deep breath and move forward.
Okay, now that we have that out of the way...
Your creative brain is taxed on a daily basis if you're a writer. Some days, the words flow like boiling hot lava down the mountain of creativity. Other days, it congeals like Jello and sits there, staring at you; daring you to try and make it flow.
There are many factors that can impact your creativity:
Sometimes, you just need a mental health day. When you feel it coming on, take one, get done whatever needs to be done, and come back to the keys the next day feeling refreshed. There's no shame or blame in that.
Mine hit me about once a month. I blog and take the day off to clean, relax, or read. When I wake up the next day, I'm rip-roarin' and ready to go!
While you're here, don't forget to check out my featured author of the week. She gave some wonderful tips on tools you can use to help your productivity. There's also a giveaway on the post! Go enter!
Do you take mental health days? What do you use them for?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
First off, I'd like to say that if you have a day where you don't feel like writing, don't beat yourself up over it. It happens to everyone. Sometimes, you have other things on your plate that are just as important. Just take a deep breath and move forward.
Okay, now that we have that out of the way...
Your creative brain is taxed on a daily basis if you're a writer. Some days, the words flow like boiling hot lava down the mountain of creativity. Other days, it congeals like Jello and sits there, staring at you; daring you to try and make it flow.
There are many factors that can impact your creativity:
- Other obligations
- Stress
- Worrying about sales
- Marketing
- Formatting
- Social Networking
- Housekeeping
- Kids
- Noise
- Temperature
- Fatigue
- Illness
- Be realistic about what you can do for other people. Don't overextend yourself. You have a job, and people need to understand that, just because you're at home all day, doesn't mean you have time to do for them. Just say no.
- What are you stressed about? Can you knock it out with a day off? If yes, take that day and use it to handle whatever is causing you stress. If no, then take time to reevaluate your goals and perhaps change them to something more realistic.
- Stop worrying about sales. Hey, I know they're important and all, but if you're worrying about them all the time, you're not going to publish another book and make yourself more discoverable. Focus on writing instead.
- If you don't know how to format, hire someone that does. Save yourself (and your hair). If you do know how to format and you do all your own books, set aside a day where you can work on formatting and nothing else. It's okay; your book will still be there tomorrow.
- Please, for the love of Pete, use a social networking dashboard of some kind. Remember it should be taking you (at a maximum) one hour a day to build your presence.
- If your house being a mess is driving you nutso, take a day off and clean that booger. I promise, it'll help you be more productive tomorrow.
- Are your kids driving you crazy? Try calling a friend or family member who might be able to watch the little nose miners for a while. Use your zen moment to bring your brain back from the abyss that is diaper changing.
- Is it loud? Wear earmuffs or move your desk to another location. Turn off everything and focus.
- Now, the last three are a bit more difficult to circumnavigate. Temperature, fatigue, and illness are three things many of us have to deal with on a daily basis. If you're sick, go be sick. Don't stress about not writing. Instead, use a little notebook and come up with some new ideas in a quick one or two line note now and then. Whatever you do, don't make your illness worse by pushing yourself too far.
Sometimes, you just need a mental health day. When you feel it coming on, take one, get done whatever needs to be done, and come back to the keys the next day feeling refreshed. There's no shame or blame in that.
Mine hit me about once a month. I blog and take the day off to clean, relax, or read. When I wake up the next day, I'm rip-roarin' and ready to go!
While you're here, don't forget to check out my featured author of the week. She gave some wonderful tips on tools you can use to help your productivity. There's also a giveaway on the post! Go enter!
Do you take mental health days? What do you use them for?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Uncovered Books
Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'd like to tell you about a cool new service for indie authors. Strap in and take a little journey with me.
This service is a place you can sell your books. It's called Uncovered Books. They're going to sell via iPad and iPhone first, but have plans to expand to other platforms soon. You can check out the FAQ on their website.
Why is this exciting news? Well, they're offering a 50% royalty payment on every sale made. That's right, fifty percent. And you can price your book any way you want except free.
They ask some strange questions about your novel but promise that when readers sign up, the ideal person will be guided to your book. Why not, right?
Their intended launch date is Spring of 2013. This is a chance for you to get in on the ground floor of something new. Seems exciting!
What are you waiting for? Go sign up!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
This service is a place you can sell your books. It's called Uncovered Books. They're going to sell via iPad and iPhone first, but have plans to expand to other platforms soon. You can check out the FAQ on their website.
Why is this exciting news? Well, they're offering a 50% royalty payment on every sale made. That's right, fifty percent. And you can price your book any way you want except free.
They ask some strange questions about your novel but promise that when readers sign up, the ideal person will be guided to your book. Why not, right?
Their intended launch date is Spring of 2013. This is a chance for you to get in on the ground floor of something new. Seems exciting!
- You need to have an epub file of your book to upload.
- They aren't taking non-fiction at this time.
- No payments until you reach $40 in sales.
- Payments, at this time, are only via paper check mailed to the address you specify.
What are you waiting for? Go sign up!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
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