Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Momentum and Keeping In Touch

The LAST prompt in the ABC...

What are you going to do to keep the blogging momentum going? What plans do you have to continue your connection with other Author Blog Challenge participants?

My momentum will stay the same only I will cut out two days of posting a week. I only posted 5 days a week before, I will only post 5 days a week after it's done. I write. I must write to keep myself sane. All those crazy ideas in my head have to come out or I'll go stark raving mad :)

I do hope you'll all keep up with me. I know I'll be peeking in on you!! Many of you post to my reader and I only access it about once a week (weekends) but those that come via e-mail, will continue to come via e-mail. So know, I'll be there, lurking. :)

I have a number of projects going on with participants so, I'm looking forward to that! You all know who you are!

That sounds creepy, huh? LOL!

I'll miss you all!!

That's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Author Blog Challenge Besties

Noooo! Tomorrow is the last prompt for the 28 Day Author Blog Challenge!!! That makes me sad :(

But, fear not! There will be a WINTER Blog Challenge! Watch for updates on that! Moving on...

What has been the best part of participating in the Author Blog Challenge? What are your suggestions for improving the next Author Blog Challenge?

I would have to say the best part of the ABC has been the wonderful people I have gotten to know. So many lovely folks and fellow authors participated. I didn't think there were many people in the world that I had so much in common with. But, I found out that most authors are as crazy as I am. GLEE!

I feel more comfortable knowing that I'm not the only one struggling in the publishing world and wonder if we all got together and yelled, if we could be heard on Mars or Saturn...

Now, there's talk about a collaborative project!! I can't wait!!

Some of the people I have met, I will keep as very close friends and perhaps, someday, meet them in person. Some are over the pond but I just know that I'll end up in the UK one day :) I know I'll continue to peek in on the many blogs I have come to know and love as well.

I only have one suggestion for improvement for the next challenge:

I'd like to see a page for each day on a blog somewhere that I can visit so I can be sure I'm not leaving anyone out when I make my rounds of commenting. Some people joined in late and I just don't feel like they got enough attention.

While the FB group was a fantastic idea, I loathed going through and clicking because the posts opened in FaceBook's browser and not my own. I comment on the fly a lot. :)

I am saddened and a bit relieved. I know I'll not be posting 7 days a week and that's a relief but I also know that after something like this challenge is over, people tend to drift off in different directions. BUMMER. :(

We need to be there to cheer each other on. Sometimes, we all need that little section of fans :)

That's all for today, folks. Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, June 25, 2012

New Book Sneak Peek!

You are getting this sneak peek due to a prompt from the 28 Day Author Blog Challenge :)

What is/will be the subject of your next book?

Congratulations! You get a sneak peek at the rundown for Player! Enjoy the synopsis:

Richard Meretis thinks he has it all figured out. He's decided to replace his wife and use a patsy to end his marriage. A patsy is necessary because there's no way his wife, Julia, will believe he wants a divorce any other way and he can't let her know about the true object of his affections. His sights are set on a number of women as possibilities, but a chance meeting leaves him reeling.

Enter Kathy. She's trapped in a loveless marriage where she feels like a slave. Searching for evidence of her husband's debauchery online, she happens upon Richard. They meet and the electricity is off the charts. Even the L word is considered.

Emotions run high through this story of betrayal and escape. Richard might achieve his goals but the real question is: Who's playing whom?

Due to release in October 2012!

Now a sneak peek at Mystic:

X girl (yet unnamed) has a crystal ball. She sees in it the end of the world and four young girls who can stop the rise of evil and prevent that end.

But they must come together, and X girl must be the one to bring their meeting to reality.

The fourl girls' lives are riddled with problems. One is a lesbian who's afraid to admit who she really is. Another is a glutton who self-abuses because of a difficult upbringing. Every girl has a unique problem to overcome.

If X girl cannot help the young ladies overcome their fears and tap into the power that resides inside, the world will come to an end. How can she do it? Will she be able to bring the young ladies together and make them see their own power in time?

And that's the synopsis for the Mystic series!! Let me hear you say, "Ooooooh!" :) The first book is due to release in December 2012!!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Shout Outs! And the Winners Are...

Another prompt in the 28 Day Author Blog Challenge!!

Time for some shout-outs. This may mimic your acknowledgement page, but whom would you like to publicly thank for their help in creating your book or completing it to the point where it is presently?

I have a number of people to thank:

#1 - The Greatest Boyfriend in the World - He has encouraged and believed in me from the start. It means a lot to have someone there that pushes you, gently, toward your success.

#2 - My mom. She has gone to war in my defense so many times! Without her, I would have quit writing back in middle school and never bothered to try again.

#3 - My kids. I did college to show them that we can all be MORE. Without college, I would never have had the chance to hone my craft.

#4 - My professors (Dr. Khun and Dr. Ketchersied). They are the ones who saw my skill and nourished it.

#5 - My friend (Crystal Lee). Without her, I would have holes in my story a mile wide.

#6 - My brother (Ben). He said to me, "Keep writing like you write and you'll be a household name." He's so cute :)

All the people who pre-read my book (you know who you are!).

Moving on...

The Abigale Chronicles - Book Two releases next Tuesday! Go get book one and be prepared! Your kids will love little Abigale :)

That's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Book Sales

Today's prompt from the Author Blog Challenge:

If your goal is to sell books, you must view your book as a business. In what ways do you treat your book as a business? Where could you improve? What resources could you leverage to improve your book business?

Actually, my take on this is a bit different. I am the business and the books are my product. Treating my books as product makes me want to deliver the best product possible to my consumers. When I go into a store and buy something, nothing makes me angrier than getting it home and having it not meet my expectations.

My books are priced accordingly. Yassa is 90k words, I priced it at $9.99. The Abigale Chronicles - Book One is 11k words, I priced it at $1.99. My goal is to keep my novels between seventy and one hundred thousand words and hang them on that price point of $9.99. Along with keeping customers familiar with my books, it will let them know what to expect to pay for one. Every Abigale book will cost just $1.99. Mystic's small books (between twenty and forty thousand words) will likely be at the $4.99 price point with the end novel being set at $9.99.

It all falls along the same lines as branding. Consistency and recognition are key while meeting expectations of consumers. I'm building my brand for my business model with my prices.

I could improve by designating a logo for my brand and naming a publishing company. Both are things I'll be doing in the near future.

Resources is a tough cookie. I had a FaceBook account with over 400 friends (and yes, I knew them all) but I recently deleted all said friends and deactivated the account because it was riddled with junk. I couldn't keep up with my family through all the crap that was posted everywhere. I lament the loss only because it would have been a great venue for advertisement. I am working on building my FaceBook back up under my pen name but I know it'll take a LONG time. I shot myself in the foot on that one...

I am also going to try to sell my wares locally which means rubbing elbows with some of my town's booksellers. From what I understand, they are allowed to take small risks on new/local talent. I have to be like Nike and just do it. The worst they can tell me is NO, right? No is not such a dirty word.

So, while we're on the topic, The Abigale Chronicles - Book Two releases July 3rd. Go discover the mystery behind Abigale and Emmett's weird adventures. When you're done, come back here and tell me if YOU think it's real or if you think she's dreaming. :)

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


My Book is a Movie!

I'm loving the imagination prompts in the 28 Day Author Blog Challenge! For today:

If a Hollywood agent were to come knocking on your door with an offer to turn your book into a movie and told you that you could call all the shots, who would you have direct and star in it? Write the first paragraph of Roger Ebert’s review of your film.

If I got offered a movie deal, I would insist on calling the shots because I wouldn't want the story's heart and soul skewed. My message is not one of violence but of absolute love, trust, loyalty, and protection. It delves into how those three things shape someone throughout life. I would be scared that the story would be warped into one of horror and abuse. Also, my cast would need a decidedly Asian look (all but Borte). So, with that said, I present you with my choices:

Stephen Spielberg or Clint Eastwood (for obvious reasons)

Young Temujin:
Noah Ringer

Adult Temujin:
Ken Wantanabe

Young Borte:
Anna Sophia Robb

Adult Borte:
Scarlette Johansson

Daniel Henney

Aaron Kwok

Harry Shum Jr.(You have to picture him with really long hair)

Hiroyuki Sanada

Roger Ebert’s fictional review:
Law, Love, and Defense of a Family
Stories of great Mongolian warriors can step out of the familiar genre story and show us something new. They can enlighten us to a new culture and a coming-of-age tale that we aren't familiar with, while including ethical challenges said culture has inflicted. "Yassa," the best of them thus far, tells of young Genghis Khan and introduces us to the possible struggles of children in 18th Century Mongolia. He's a force to be reckoned with, certainly, but his shaping into the man he became was a direct result of both a law he wrote based upon his culture's requirements for honor and the love he had for a woman. It leads us through a boy's journey of change because of betrayal at the hands of people he loves the most.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Offical Book Signing

Another prompt from the 28 Day Author Blog Challenge:

Describe your first book signing - real or imagined.

Oh, this is gonna be fun! Please, sit back and lose yourself in my imagination...

I open my eyes an hour before my alarm goes off and spring from bed with an energy rush. I punch the air before doing a little Indian dance in a circle; much like the ones performed by my ancestors to call down rain. Not that I want rain, but a little sprinkle of magic would be nice on a day where I'll be showing my face to the world and meeting fans.

I rush through the shower then apply the usual makeup: blush, eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of lip gloss. Dressing carefully in the clothes I have chosen, I pile my hair on my head in a disorganized fashion before strapping on my favorite shoes. I realize I'm way too early so I pick up a book and read to pass the time. No good. I'm too distracted to be consumed by the story on the pages, so I rise and pace the floor. This action excites my maltchi, and he happily paces after me with a wagging tail. I lift him and give him a snuzzle for a moment, professing what a good dog he is.

I return to the bathroom to check my appearance three times over the next hour - just in case something changed from the last time I looked.

I check my phone and realize it's time to go. Grabbing my purse, I head for the door to wait on The Best Boyfriend in the World to arrive. As usual, he pulls in right on time and tells me I look beautiful before whisking me out and into his truck. He drives, I ride. And I find myself unable to stop talking. I'm nervous as hell at the prospect of meeting so many people!

We arrive at the event to find images of my books and my face plastered all over the venue. I duck my head and blush because I'm not used to so much attention and fanfare.

He turns me, lifts my chin, looks into my eyes, and says, "No looking down. You did this and I'm so proud of you."

I tear up, and he kisses my forehead before saying, "No tears. Not today."

I nod my head, blink the hot liquid back before it has a chance to run down my face, and take his hand to head inside.

There's a smarmy looking manager who greets us and leads us to a table that's covered in my books. My heart hammers in my chest. He turns to hand me a pen and gives me a look of surprise when I pull my own out of my pocket. This is the pen. Metal from top to bottom, heavy, and has been with me since day one of college; my lucky pen (GPA 3.98 lucky). I smile at the manager and he returns it with one that doesn't reach his eyes.

The Best Boyfriend in the World leads me to the other side of the table and holds my chair as I sit. He takes his place next to me and, again, I'm stricken with word vomit. My nerves are getting the best of me, but he's a sport and doesn't complain. He takes my hand to calm my brain; it works. I shut my mouth and find peace through his touch.

Customers are lining up outside the store. I'm suddenly very sure they have no clue I'm there and are just the usual Saturday morning crowd. My heart sinks into my feet and melancholy threatens to overtake me. Just when I think I can stand no more, the doors are opened and people line up at my table so I can sign their books. They were for me. Wow. I've brought joy to this many people through my words! I think.

For the next three hours I'm shaking hands, cooing over babies, telling kids how important reading is, signing books with inspirational messages, and posing for pictures my boyfriend takes while sporting a huge grin. Holy crap. I love him so much! By the time it's all over, I'm in a daze.

I thank the manager and the store employees for everything and turn to my boyfriend. "I can't believe it. That was the second most amazing thing I've ever experienced. Only topped by the day I met you. Thank you for being by my side," I say.

He takes my face in his hands and says, "I never doubted you."

I smile, and we kiss.

My feet are light as air and my heart feels like it could sprout wings and soar away at any moment. Kissing my pen, I return it to my pocket with a whisper of thanks and we head home.

Well, that's all for today folks, I hope you enjoyed my tale! Until next time, WRITE ON!
