Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Momentum and Keeping In Touch

The LAST prompt in the ABC...

What are you going to do to keep the blogging momentum going? What plans do you have to continue your connection with other Author Blog Challenge participants?

My momentum will stay the same only I will cut out two days of posting a week. I only posted 5 days a week before, I will only post 5 days a week after it's done. I write. I must write to keep myself sane. All those crazy ideas in my head have to come out or I'll go stark raving mad :)

I do hope you'll all keep up with me. I know I'll be peeking in on you!! Many of you post to my reader and I only access it about once a week (weekends) but those that come via e-mail, will continue to come via e-mail. So know, I'll be there, lurking. :)

I have a number of projects going on with participants so, I'm looking forward to that! You all know who you are!

That sounds creepy, huh? LOL!

I'll miss you all!!

That's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. I think I'm going to do the five day a week schedule too. Seven days a week was too hard to keep up with it.

    1. It's just too much SM. I always know I have five posts in me. Seven is two too many :)


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