Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Blogs Part 7 of The Blog Party

Welcome to day SEVEN! I do hope you go check out yesterday's post and enter the rafflecopter drawing to win a Kindlegraphed copy of Dee Ankary's book How to: Build a Profitable Niche Blog. Contest ends soon! There's still time to get a gift from Ms. Randi G Fine as well. Go check out Day 4 to see how. On to the excitement for today! Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see what else I'm giving away this week!

I'm going to give, to TWO lucky winners, a printed, signed copy of each of my books: The Abigale Chronicles - Book Two AND The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book. Enter the rafflecopter drawing below for your chance and GOOD LUCK!! I'm running the contest through Sunday and you can enter EVERY day in one way or another.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Share this link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/share-code/ZTVkMTU4NjQ4Yzg3MWYwZDU0MWRjMTAwM2NlZWFjOjQ=/   To invite your friends to enter.

Today, I bring you inspiration from a great lady, Ms. Kebba Buckly Button before I get to our hot blogs to follow. Enjoy!!

Kebba Buckley Button is a corporate stress management trainer, holistic health educator, and pain-solutions therapist, who teaches people how to "trade in" their fatigue, stress, and pain for vitality. She sees stress as a sure route to illness, now or later, and energy- and stress management through personal balance as the primary key to wellness. Kebba is known as The LifeTools Ladysm. She gives people tools for feeling energized and wonderful instead of tired, tight, or in direct physical pain.   Kebba’s award-winning book, Discover The Secret Energized You, offers many ways for people to trade in their stress for energy.

Kebba works with groups and with individuals, teaching practical, memorable techniques for satisfied living: physical movements, breath techniques, emotional methods, mental processes, and spiritual approaches. She sees personal responsibility and choice of state as vital components of personal energy management.

Kebba has both Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees in sciences. She spent sixteen years in both government and consulting engineering. A workaholic manager during those years, she discovered a number of health issues that medical doctors had no answers for. She thus became an energetic researcher of methods for managing the stress/energy balance and its impact on health. A certified instructor of Jin Shin Jyutsu for self-help, Kebba has had a Jin Shin Jyutsu practice and has offered personal-growth seminars since 1985. She was ordained in 2000 and now teaches meditation and spiritual direction seminars.  Her latest book is Peace Within: Your Peaceful Inner Core.

Kebba's columns, UpBeat Living and StressTips!, have appeared in One Planet magazine, ec Magazine, and Much Ado About Mensa. She is the creator of the Half-Minute Stress Management Methodsm, the UpBeat Living Energy Equationsm, and the RELF YourSelfsm technique. She has given seminars for such diverse groups as the American Association of Public Welfare Attorneys, American Mensa Ltd., American Business Women’s’ Association (ABWA), Business Networks International (BNI), Desert Christian Fellowship (Phoenix, AZ), IMPACT for Enterprising Women (Phoenix, AZ), Palo Cristi Presbyterian Church (Paradise Valley, AZ), Unity Business Network (Phoenix, AZ), Unity of Phoenix, and the law firm of Brobeck, Pfleger, and Harrison (San Francisco, CA). Connect with Ms. Button on LinkedIN here or on FaceBook here.

Her book Peace Within can be purchased here.


This is the little carry-with-you book for people who want to grow their inner peace. If you have stress, it’s crucial to develop for yourself a solid core of Peace Within to go “home” to whenever you are stressed. Even if you have never found your peaceful inner core—yet—this book will help.  It’s full of inspirations, quotes, poems, song lyrics, and photographs that take you directly to Peace Within.  A deer nibbles snacks in Colorado.  A Presence floats across a frozen pond.  Waves play in Bermuda. Ripples of the Divine are everywhere, and so can be your Peace Within.

Peace Within, when you cultivate it inside yourself, has a dimension of connection to the Universal Divine, by whatever name you call it.  When you go to this level, not only will you feel relaxed, clear, and peaceful, you will also draw to yourself more of what you want in your life experience.  Your mind will be more and more clear, your blood pressure will balance, and those other nagging stress symptoms will fade.  Yes, you can feel true serenity!  Why not start the exploration NOW?

Like most of the authors I have spoken about on my blog, this one is also a blogger. On to today's AWESOME blogs to follow:

If you need daily inspiration and uplifting, visit Ms. Button's blog:

UpBeat Spiritual Living   Twitter: @kebbabutton
UpBeat Living

Ever been curious how a mom manages to write and write and still take care of her kids? Ever wonder what goes through our heads? Visit this blog for information:

Darci Cole Wife. Mommy. Writer.   Twitter: @darci_cole

Are you a Christian? Do you like following like-minded people? Give this blog a read:

Christian Writers Downunder   Twitter: @CWDownunder

This lady intrigued me so much, I couldn't help but follow her blog on musings, publishing, and writing:

Denise DeSio    Twitter: @TopBee

You'll get some great writing tips from this guy's blog. I love Grammar Friday posts and you will too!

Peter Faur    Twitter: @PeterFaur

Well, that's all for today, folks!! Until next time, WRITE ON!!



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