Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Teaser Tuesday - Emancipation

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I have the most exciting thing to share with you today! Only a few folks are aware that I've been working on a new novel, and I'm going to share an excerpt and a teaser right here, right now! This is a taste of what's coming. So, sit back, relax, grab a cup of Jo, and let's get going!

If you think you might like to read and review, sign up here!

Title: Emancipation
Genre: Thriller
Release date: March 2016

I'm sharing the first letter my inmate (Tobias) receives from the woman he's talking about in the teaser image below. And... GO!

Dear Toby,

I hope it’s okay that I call you that. I think it’s sweet.

My name is Jessica Phang.

I’m going to start this by saying I’m a lawyer, fresh out of school (I’ve been practicing about a year now). I have to be honest; I sought you out specifically. Details surrounding your case have given me a lot to think about over the last few years. You probably find all this confusing, but I hope to sort it out with this letter.

I found your profile on penpalaninmate.com after performing a search for you online; I was drawn immediately to you. Your photo is wonderful. I see such depth in your eyes. There’s no proper way to express how pleased I am that you signed up so I didn’t have to do more research to find your prisoner number. While I knew where you were housed, your link made the process much easier. Besides, I got to see you outside the images in your case file (which are less than flattering, I must admit).

I’m including a picture of myself with this letter. It’s not much, but I wanted you to see me. It seemed unfair that I would be able to look at you anytime I wanted, and you’d be left in the dark.

If you’re interested, I’d like to get to know you better. Your eyes don’t say “killer.” I’m an excellent judge of character, and I see a person who’s deep, caring, and has a lot of love to give if someone were there to accept it. Besides, after looking carefully at the details of your case, I’m convinced you’re innocent.

I’ll tell you a little about myself, since I feel like I know so much about you from your profile (excellent writing, by the way) and your case file. I’m 24 years old, and a criminal defense attorney in the state of Tennessee. I grew up just outside Knoxville, and I graduated from Austin East—you know, that magnet school on the upper-east side—where I studied science. I was then accepted to UT and graduated from Duncan a year ago. I’ve been in private practice as a criminal defense attorney ever since.

While attending Duncan, I ran across your case as part of an assignment. I dove right in and got to know a lot about you, and the particulars, along the way. Yes, I’ve had a number of relationships over the last few years, but I’m ready for something different. Besides, most guys I dated got tired of hearing the name Toby on my lips every five minutes as I examined your case. Not only would I love to interact with you, I think I can get your conviction overturned. I do hope you’ll write me back. My address is on the envelope.

All my love,


Join the Facebook party for the release here! We're giving away some Amazon cash.

Now for the teaser image!

What do you think? Gotcha interested yet?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Wow! Love the sound of this one! It sounds completely different than anything I've read from you before. Can't wait to read more =)

    1. Oh, yeah, it's different, but I think you'll find a hint of me in there still :) I can't neglect my voice though (ya know?). I do hope it intrigues you.


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