Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had as fabulous a weekend as I did (though I doubt that's possible). Anyway, moving on! Today, I'd like to talk with you all a little bit about writing; as I so often do here on the blog. It's time for a bit of Monday Morning Musings. What are Monday Morning Musings? Well, it's time to reflect on your weekend and consider new avenues to take your work to the next level of publishing, sales, and other such fun stuff. Ready? Grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going!
As you're all very aware, I'm a meticulous scheduler. I like to plan my writing day down to the minute. This helps me stay focused (and off Facebook), and allows me to know when I need to call upon the most awesome muse in the world (mine). With that being said, I'm considering changing things up a little. I dominate Google searches for my name now, but that's not enough for me. I want to dominate the world.
Okay, that's going a little far, but you see where I'm headed with this, right?
My social media schedule needs tweaking. I need to drop focus on some things and use the time to aim my dastardly glare in another direction. Let's look at where I was putting my time, shall we?
Monday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post.
You should have
something integrated so your posts are automatically sent to your social
networks when you click publish. I have the buffer button and all I
have to do is click it after I post. 20 minutes to schedule posts across all media for the next two days. 10 minutes browsing Twitter and
re-tweeting things you find interesting.
Tuesday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post. 10 minutes to answer a single question over on Quora. 10 minutes to share interesting things
others post on Facebook. 10 minutes to visit and update your GoodReads page. Make sure you're clicking like on any reviews you've gotten.
Wednesday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post. 20 minutes to schedule
posts across all media for the next two days and make sure it's all
running smoothly. 10 minutes to record a video you'll use later.
Thursday - 10 minutes to upload video to YouTube. 20-30 minutes
for a blog post incorporating said video. 15 minutes to create a Squidoo
lens (can be about and incorporate your video as well!). 5 minutes to
pin a couple of things over on Pinterest.
Friday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post. 30 minutes scheduling everything to update until
Monday and coming up with blog post ideas for the next week and make sure everything is running smoothly.
Saturday - 20 minutes sharing on Facebook. 20 minutes re-tweeting on Twitter. 20 minutes to visit other blogs and pop in a comment or two.
Sunday - 30 minutes sharing on Facebook, 30 minutes re-tweeting on Twitter.
I do all of this between the hours of 8 and 9 am.
But it's just not working for me. So, I give you a new schedule that I think will help me reach more readers alongside the authors I try so hard to help:
Monday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post with an author interview. 10 minutes to schedule posts across all media for the rest of the day. 20 minutes browsing Twitter and
re-tweeting things I find interesting.
Tuesday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post. 10 minutes to schedule new posts for the rest of the day. 10 minutes to share interesting things
others post on Facebook. 10 minutes to visit and update my Goodreads page if needed.
Wednesday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post
with a book review. 20 minutes to schedule
posts for the day and post the review to relevant sites. 10 minutes to dink around on Facebook and "like" some status updates, answer people, and share stuff.
Thursday - 20-30 minutes
for a blog post with
something for another author. 10 minutes to schedule posts for the day and include at least one shoutout for one of my books. 20 minutes to
pin a couple of book-related things over on Pinterest.
Friday - 20-30 minutes for a blog post. 10 minutes scheduling everything to update until
Monday, coming up with blog post ideas for the next week and make sure everything is running smoothly. 20 minutes to update my Book Reviews magazine on Flipboard (I'm finally up to over 1k readers, yay!).
Saturday - Is my day off. I'll use this day to come up with new story ideas and spend time with my family.
Sunday - Is my day off. I'll use this day to connect on Facebook and Twitter if I want to.
So, this is where I think my time will be better spent now that I'm where I want to be regarding a Google search for my name.
If you don't dominate Google, consider using the first social media schedule for a little while before moving on to the second. Trust me, it works.
What do you think? Do you Google yourself often?
I won't be around tomorrow. Lots to do in my personal life and not a lot of time to do it in. See you all on Wednesday!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!