Thursday, August 2, 2012

Life is a Road

Sometimes, the road of life is straight and free from obstacles. More often, it twists, turns, forks, has branches in it, or is covered in snow. What do we do when we come upon something that impedes our forward progress?

Some of us lie down in the road and are quickly overcome with despair. Those who succumb to the stress are often walked past by others on the road and looked at with scorn. People who give up are usually stuck where they are until they die. Every great once in a while, a kind soul stops and picks one of the forlorn up to place the poor wretch back on their feet. They are the lucky ones. They aren't the driven ones.

Some of us face the road and make decisions on which path to take when it forks, lean with the turns like riders of motorcycles to keep our balance, and obliterate the branches with balls of fire from our fists. The people that keep going no matter what are the ones that succeed. Sometimes, they help someone else by carrying them on their shoulders or giving an encouraging word where it's needed. They are the hard workers; the driven ones.

Still others coast down the road and take the turns as they come. These folk usually walk around the branches and take whichever path in the fork is suggested to them by a passerby or throw a stone and see where it lands; taking that as guidance from a higher power. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't. But they are rarely stressed out and tend to take life with a grain of salt.

We also have those who look at life through jaded eyes. Every person that passes them on the road makes them angry. If they go left and you go right and your road ends in a pot of gold, they feel cheated. These are the people who bring bitterness and anger into the world. They scoff at those who fell down and feel they deserve better; though it was their own decisions that put them where they ended up. People like this are never happy and can rarely just take things as they come. Oftentimes, they don't survive on the road for very long.

Everyone falls into one or the other categories above and, sometimes, we waver between a couple of different ones. Life is not about the beginning or the end, but what you do on your road between the two; both for yourself and for other people you meet or pass.

Food for thought today.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Do The Hokey Pokey

I know you probably all know the song "The Hokey Pokey" but do you know how it can relate to writing a novel or short story? Today, I'm going to talk about the hokey pokey way to change things up in your story or to start a new tale. I hope it breeds some great ideas in your heads!

Put your right foot in:

Your right foot will represent your searching brain. Get your idea. I know ideas don't grow on trees, but they could if you let them. Read what other people write and let your brain run amok outside the box. You can take something as simple as a musing about a tree and turn it into a great story if you put that right foot into the circle. What I'm saying is, stick your foot into the rambling thoughts of someone (or even a news article), grab hold of a piece of what they're saying, and then move on to the next step.

Put your right foot out:

Take that bit out of the circle and put a fantastical spin on it. Think of how you would use one tiny piece of whatever you read and make it into a whole story.

Put your right foot in:

Yes, do it again. Read on. Go elsewhere and see if someone else inspires you to add a character or turn to that story.

Shake it all about:

You know what I'm talking about here. Give that story something to shake up the characters. Provide a problem for them to solve. A story is about a journey, after all, and there must be strife and conflict. This is where you make the big decision about the main issue.

Put your left foot in:

Your left foot is representing the organization of your ideas that your right foot picked up. Write them all down and scramble them around on the page. Create order out of chaos. Give your characters beliefs and personalities.

Put your left foot out:

Really look at your characters here. If someone isn't cutting the mustard, cut them. Every character has a reason for existing. If you don't think they're going to change your story or move it forward in a significant way, cut them now and make them nameless figureheads.

Put your left foot in:

Structure your story. Have an idea of where it's going from beginning to end. Make some decisions. Most people outline here. I write chapter headings and summarize each to use as a guide that I don't force myself to stick to. If the story takes a turn on its own, I let myself have creative freedom to change it on the fly.

Shake it all about:

If you hit that roadblock of boredom where the story is dragging we are all too familiar with, write down some things that could happen to your character that are bad. Put this information on little squares of index cards and toss them into a hat. Draw one out when you aren't feeling a push from the story. Shake it up.

When you've gotten this far, you're in the throes of writing. Let your characters loose to do what they want. You are simply a guide, problem solver, and creator of woes. Yes, in a lot of ways, you're like a God or Goddess. You shape someone's life.

I hope today's post made your brain start to desire reading. Monday's post had some great bloggers on it where I have gotten a lot of snips and ideas for stories. I used the above method by taking a discussion about a necklace from one post, someone musing about a graveyard from another, and a news article about a wedding proposal. I don't know if it'll work for a story but maybe with some twists and turns.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Heather's Book Chatter was kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster Blog Award! This award is for bloggers with less than 200 followers. Here are the rules to receive the award:

1. Each person must post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the people you tagged.
3. Choose 11 people and mention them in your post
4. Tell them you've tagged them
5. Remember, no tag backs.

Part 1: 11 Random Facts

1. My favorite movie is White Christmas. I know it word-for-word and every lyric to every song.
2. I just turned 35.
3. I have given birth to 5 children - 4 boys and 1 girl.
4. It's very difficult for me to let it go when someone uses the wrong word in text or e-mail.
5. I do yoga. My favorite is Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown (yes, it's brutal).
6. I'm probably the most understanding person on the planet and am not fond of those that judge others.
7. I'm a bit of a coffee snob. I grew up in Louisiana drinking only Community coffee. That's all I like.
8. I am an amazing illustrator.
9. I remember learning to read when I was four.
10. I have an almost photographic memory.
11. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers. I am the youngest.

Part 2: Answer 11 Questions

1. City or country?
Both. I live in the city now and love it but lived in the country (WAY in the country) for a long time and loved that, too!

2. What's your favorite part about blogging?
Putting my words, thoughts, and advice out there and having people read it and gain knowledge. I'm a hard advocate of learning.

3. What's your dream vacation spot?
Stratfordshire. If you don't know why, google it :)

4. What writer do you admire the most?
Oh my... Jane Austen? I read her book Pride and Prejudice at least once a year.

5. What's your favorite book of all-time?
The Chronicles of Narnia - all of them.

6. What's your favorite social networking site?
Twitter. I love the brevity of it.

7. How many books do you read on average per month?
2-3, depending on the length.

8. What book genre do you avoid the most?
I don't avoid much of anything, really. I read the back of shampoo bottles...

9. What's the last movie you watched?
Lockout. It was really good.

10. What's your favorite snack to have on hand when writing or reading?

11. What's the best piece of writing advice you ever received?
Treat it like a job, because that's what it is.

Part 3: My 11 Questions

1. Where did you grow up?
2. What is your earliest childhood memory?
3. How many pets have you had throughout your life? Names/Breeds?
4. What stirs your soul?
5. Do you have any other interests/talents beyond blogging?
6. If you could be trapped on a deserted island with any author (past or present) who would it be and why?
7. Are you an advocate for anything? If yes, what?
8. What's the most embarassing thing that's ever happened to you?
9. Why do you blog?
10. Where do you write?
11. How do you find your flow?

My 11 nominees:

Passionate Ramblings
The Hungry Freelancer
An Average Woman in a Superwoman World
Ramblin' With AM
Imagine! Create! Write!
throwing up in an IKEA bag
Crystal Lee - Author
Melissa Writes
Ellie's Blog

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, July 30, 2012

Winners and Recaps

Hello all!! Welcome to the recap page for my blog party!! Happy UNbirthday to the following people:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now it's time for a few thank yous from me to the authors who participated. After that, I will do a quick rundown of all the blogs I listed.

Chazz: Thank you for allowing me to promote your book The Dangerous Kind and Other Stories for my blog party.
Lisa: Thank you for your generosity in donating a copy of your book Soul Journey for my blog party.
Randi: Your beautiful gift was much appreciated. I hope many people received your message. Thank you for taking the time to create something so special. I wish your book Awaken From Life much success.
Dorothy: Thank you for allowing me to promote your book God Placed Her in My Path on my blog party.
Dee: Thank you for Kindlegraphing your book How to: Build a Profitable Niche Blog and providing a copy as a giveaway for my party.
Kebba: Thank you for allowing me to promote your book Peace Within on my blog party.
Ashley: Thank you for allowing me to promote Obi the Super Puppy and the Mystery of the Red Mist for my blog party.
Linda: Thank you for Kindlegraphing your book INZARED Queen of the Elephant Riders and providing three copies for my party.
Crystal: Thank you for providing a printed, signed copy of your book Canopy for my giveaway. I hope it does well over the months to come.

On to the blogs!!
A Dead Good Blog
Booketta's Book Blog  On Twitter: @bookettajane
The Hungry Freelancer  On Twitter: @bethythewriter
Have You Heard Book Review  On Twitter: @Kissablysweet1 
Ann Marie Walker  On Twitter: @AnnMarie_Walker
Chazz Writes  On Twitter: @RChazzChute
Family Bugs Blogging  On Twitter: @Family_Bugs
The Misadventures of Chelsea Black  On Twitter: @chelseablack
Rachelle Gardner  On Twitter: @RachelleGardner
Ramblin' with AM  On Twitter: @ RamblinGarden
Libertys Yarn  On Twitter: @LibertysYarn
Imagine! Create! Write!  and Chapter Book Challenge  On Twitter: @moonduster
Ghostnapped!  On Twitter: @AshleyHowland
The Arkside of Thought  On Twitter: @SahmAtaineKing
Passionate Ramblings  On Twitter: @_LisaCherry
Doug Turnbull  On Twitter: @dturnbull2
God Placed Her in My Path
Judith Cassis C.Ht.  On Twitter: @telesuccess
An Average Woman in a Superwoman World  On Twitter: @AverageWomanSJ
Love Your Life!  On Twitter: @RandiGFine
throwing up in an IKEA bag  On Twitter: @jenchatwrites
Writer's Block Admin Services  On Twitter: @JoHarris0n
the art of possibility... discovering new pathways to success  On Twitter: @klaughman
You Are What You Write  On Twitter: @rachelhwrites
Caro Ayre
Danielle. Wife. Author. Mother.  On Twitter: @danielle_lise
Heather's Book Chatter  On Twitter: @woodtop255
Depression Cookies  On Twitter: @Tia_Bach_Author
Helz-Design  On Twitter: @HelzDesign
moonpreneur  On Twitter: @deeankary
Marcie Brock, Book Marketing Maven  On Twitter: @phxazlaura
The Book Designer  On Twitter: @JFbookman
Faith Develops in the Dark
Ellie's Blog  On Twitter: @EllieMendez
UpBeat Spiritual Living   Twitter: @kebbabutton
Darci Cole Wife. Mommy. Writer.   Twitter: @darci_cole
Christian Writers Downunder   Twitter: @CWDownunder
Denise DeSio    Twitter: @TopBee
Peter Faur    Twitter: @PeterFaur
Ghostnapped blog  On Twitter: @AshleyHowland
Bonnie R Paulson  On Twitter: @bonnierpaulson
Diapers, Bookmarks, and Pipe Dreams  On Twitter: @KirkusMacGowan
JD Stockholm  On Twitter: @JD_Stockholm
Beauty and Books  On Twitter: @LazenBeauty
The Book Smugglers  On Twitter: @booksmugglers
L. Leander Books   On Twitter: @lleander11
Illustration Junky    On Twitter: @illustrationbee
Michael R. Hicks   On Twitter: @KreelanWarrior
Melissa Writes    On Twitter: @MissieK
T.L. Bodine   On Twitter: @tlbodine
Crystal Lee ~ Author  On Twitter: @CLeeAuthor
Gavin Mountford's Productive Entrepreneur  On Twitter: @gavinmountford
Diamond Panes    On Twitter: @Latticewindows
Writer, of sorts.   On Twitter: @tdhurst
Jackie Bledsoe Jr   On Twitter: @jbledsoejr

And there's the rundown. Lots of great new folks to follow on twitter as well. I hope you have all enjoyed participating in my blog party! Congratulations to the winners! If your name is there, you will be contacted shortly for shipping info!!

That's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, July 27, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Blogs Part 10 of The Blog Party

Today is day TEN and the last day of my blog party :( I'm sad it's over but it's been great fun and we're gonna go out with a bang!! First and foremost, go see the winner of Dee Ankary's giveaway announced here.

I will do a recap post on Monday for anyone that missed anything and to announce the winners of the contests over the ten days.

I would like to present to you all, the final rafflecopter giveaway for my blog:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Yup, it's a big one. I've really enjoyed having you all participate and look forward to having more fun in the future. Perhaps in September. Keep your eyes open for that.

Time to tell you a little about Crystal Lee and her book Canopy that's on the giveaway block today. If you prefer, you may purchase a copy here.

Crystal Lee can best be described in one word: passionate. She has many hobbies in addition to writing, such as being an avid organic gardener, which can be challenging in the Desert Southwest. It doesn’t stop her though. She grew up in a family where her dad wrote all the time, and it kind of became a part of her.

She is currently a La Leche League leader and a licensed International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.For ten years she taught the Bradley Method, natural childbirth classes, and was involved with the natural birthing community by having a birthing tub rental business. Her goal is to someday be a lay midwife and help families have a positive birthing experience in the peaceful and private environment of their own home.

She is a native Arizonan, and lives with her husband and four young children, not far from their extended family members in Tempe, Arizona. Being active in her community is important to her, along with helping out with her children’s education. She’s been known to volunteer and teach segments of their classes on childbirthing and breastfeeding. It always garners lots of embarrassing giggles—the highlight of her day. Until they invite her back, she enjoys writing her unique stories on her Netbook at home.

As Earth’s pollution problems increase in the year 2042, Jash Lepitt has decisions to make. Does he take the responsible route, fusing by inhaling DOOGS: specialized alien species of gnats that will genetically enhance him? Or does he remain flawed; be discriminated against by a society rewarding fused people? Desperate to win over Lissy Darrish, he questions it because she’s a Danat—a purist opposed to changing the body. In addition to her convictions, she’s also falling in love with a Danat, Tryst Navar. Devoting his time to protecting her from Tryst is harder than it seems for Jash. Tryst witnessed a friend of his being attacked by aggressive DOOGS while on the job building houses in the treetops. What will happen when all three of them become involved in the secrecy of the canopy’s DOOGS? And will Lissy risk being with Jash when being intimate can possibly contaminate her?

I know!! I want a copy too!!

As usual, I will begin with the author listed above for my blog list before continuing on to give you the last of the blogs I love.

Crystal Lee ~ Author  On Twitter: @CLeeAuthor

A very informative and instructional blog for anyone looking to build a platform:

Gavin Mountford's Productive Entrepreneur  On Twitter: @gavinmountford

A writer with a spiritual journey:

Diamond Panes    On Twitter: @Latticewindows

Always a fun read and very entertaining:

Writer, of sorts.   On Twitter: @tdhurst

A guy who talks about family, parenting, and Christian values:

Jackie Bledsoe Jr   On Twitter: @jbledsoejr

Well, that's all for today, folks! Come back on Monday to see if you won anything and for the recap! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Blogs Part 9 of The Blog Party

Welcome to day NINE of The Blog Party! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE! This is the last day to enter Dee Ankary's giveaway for her book How to: Build a Profitable Niche Blog. Go enter here.

How exciting! There's still time to win great stuff on my blog. You can enter every day in one way or another. You have until Sunday at midnight to enter this great giveaway for TWO books. Two lucky winners will each receive copies of The Abigale Chronicles - Book Two AND The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book. Go enter now (or again) here! Tomorrow, we start a giveaway for a printed, signed copy of Canopy by author Crystal Lee. You don't wanna miss that!

And a hearty GOOD LUCK to everyone from me!

Check out today's contest!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

As you can see, we will be talking about Linda Leander over at and her book INZARED Queen of the Elephant Riders. If you choose to purchase this book instead, you may find it here. On to details!!

L.Leander is an author who lives in Wisconsin with her husband, Ralph, during the summer months but spends the majority of the year in Mazatlan, MX. Ms. Leander is an award-winning singer/songwriter who has also won awards for her needle arts. As a child, Ms. Leander loved the circus, hence, her debut novel, INZARED Queen of the Elephant Riders. The book follows the adventures of an Appalachian girl in 1843 who runs away to join a Gypsy circus and becomes a famous elephant rider.
Bertha Maude Anderson has no inkling of how famous she will become. She lives in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina in the year 1843. She is sixteen years old, hates her name and the hill community she was born into and yearns to explore what lies beyond the small ramshackle farm she has grown up on. Often forgetting to do her chores and putting the old plow horse, Aggie, in danger by trying to do tricks on her instead of plowing, Bertha is often chastised by her Ma and called a “lollygagger.” Close to her brother Ezra, but misunderstood by her parents, her world changes forever when an opportunity arises and she is enticed to join The Romanoff Brothers Circus.

Her name is changed to INZARED, Queen of the Elephant Riders and the young girl discovers her true calling while learning to live with the nomadic Gypsies.  From the hatred shown by some of the performers to the love she finds along the way, Inzared finds herself immersed in the rich folklore and customs of the misconceived performers who make up the show.

Her one constant is Cecil, the elephant, and together they form a bond that no one can break while they learn to perform amazing tricks together, becoming the headline act for the circus. Inzared finds herself lured into the world of the Gypsies while clinging to her own roots and trying to break free of the chains that keep her from her destiny.  Inzared and Paytre, the elephant trainer, fall in love and plan for their future as the troupe wends its way through the pre-Civil War south.

Someone is trying to sabotage the Romanoff Brothers Circus and Cecil may be in danger. Together, the two lovers search for answers as to who may be the culprit. Lileth, the trapeze artist, hates Inzared and is spiteful at every turn, thinking she has taken Paytre away from her. Vadoma, the old Gypsy fortune-teller, teaches Inzared her craft, although she admonishes the girl to be wary, that danger lurks nearby. Mala, Inzared’s friend and part of the famous “Zelenka Bareback Riders” resolutely protects and stands by her and Shandor and Udo Romanoff, owners of the circus, reluctantly give her the sought-after position of elephant rider in the show.

Inzared learns Gypsy customs, and finds the people she has grown to love misjudged by her own kind, even as she tries to become one of the colorful tribe. Finding life on the road no easier than on the farm, Inzared is ridden with guilt for running away and young woman wonders if she should go back to her family or continue on her unpredictable journey with the Gypsy Circus she has come to call home.

Now doesn't that sound like an amazing book? Well? What are you waiting for? Enter to win a copy!

I will start my lovely blog list with the author above before moving on to give you more AWESOME blogs to follow.

A blog all about her books and her person:

L. Leander Books   On Twitter: @lleander11

If you like illustrations, you'll love this blog. Cute stuff to look at and a lot of talent!

Illustration Junky    On Twitter: @illustrationbee

Useful information for authors and a whole lot of talking about everything, this guy has something for everyone:

Michael R. Hicks   On Twitter: @KreelanWarrior

This little lady shares interesting finds on the web and thoughts. She's a writer of children's books:

Melissa Writes    On Twitter: @MissieK

Inspiration for writers and a lot of everything to keep your brain a workin' on this blog:

T.L. Bodine   On Twitter: @tlbodine

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Blogs Part 8 of The Blog Party

Welcome to day EIGHT of my Blog Party!

Lots of really super great stuff going on this week! Come back every day to see what I'm going to give away next! Tomorrow, I am giving away Kindlegraphed copies of Linda Leander's book INZARED Queen of the Elephant Riders. Come back to see how many we have available and how you can win one!

Make sure to enter this contest for two printed, signed books, this contest for a book on how to make money with your blog, and to get your free gift here.

Today, my contest goes like this: If you will comment on ANY post on my blogger blog with your twitter handle and go add Ms. Ashley Howland's book Obi the Super Puppy and the Mystery of the Red Mist to your Wish List on Amazon, I will enter you in a drawing to win a copy of the book. When the winner is chosen, I will order you a copy via your wishlist. Like always, I will use and a numbering system (based on your order of comments) to choose the winner. You can enter more than once in this way. You have until 11:59pm ET on 7/25/2012 to enter. GOOD LUCK!

If you would like to purchase a copy on your own, please go here. Check out YouTube videos of Ms. Howland's books! Ghostnapped! and Obi the Super Puppy and the Mystery of the Red Mist. Very cool! Connect with Ashley on LinkedIN as well or like her FaceBook page.

Now, some information about Ms. Ashley Howland and Obi the Super Puppy!

Ashley Howland lives in Adelaide, South Australia. She and her dogs, Obi and Stitch, work for Labs ‘n Life, a nonprofit organization that works with youth at risk to train Labradors as autism assistance dogs ( She is inspired to write by her husband Ross, her daughters, Maddy and Aijay, and of course, Obi and Stitch. They are a constant, endless source of material and happiness. She is also the author of Ghostnapped! Her next two books are The Homework Goblin, for young children, and a novel for teenagers titled It’s What You Do Next That Counts.
Obi is a yellow Labrador who loves adventure, helping people and solving mysteries. He also loves his kids, Maddy and Aijay. This is the story of his first adventure, his new family and how a mysterious red mist entered into his life. The evil red mist has many scary abilities, it can possess animals and toys, but who is behind it? Obi and some new friends must save the day before it is too late. Maddy and Aijay listen patiently as Obi relives this amazing tale and they learn how their faithful friend became a real super puppy.

On to our regularly scheduled list of AWESOME blogs. As always, I will begin with Ms. Howland, my promo for today:

Her blog is filled with great author interviews and great information about being published as well as how she came up with her ideas for her various books:

Ghostnapped blog  On Twitter: @AshleyHowland

Another couple of author blogs:

Bonnie R Paulson  On Twitter: @bonnierpaulson
Diapers, Bookmarks, and Pipe Dreams  On Twitter: @KirkusMacGowan
JD Stockholm  On Twitter: @JD_Stockholm
Beauty and Books  On Twitter: @LazenBeauty

And a blog about books. I love reading this blog because it's full of useful reader information for writers. Go check out their smuggling ways:

The Book Smugglers  On Twitter: @booksmugglers

That's all for today, folks! Come on back tomorrow for more great giveaways and blogs! Until then, WRITE ON!
