Saturday, November 5, 2016

99 Cent Sale! Enigma by Danielle Bannister - November Only!

Happy surprise Saturday, lovely people of the blogosphere! Today, I have an awesome sale for you all! For the month of November, you can pick up Enigma by Danielle Bannister for just 99 pennies (regular price is $3.99, so this is one heck of a deal).

Let's get to the details, shall we?

Title: Enigma
Author: Danielle Bannister
Genre: Adult Romantic Suspense
Length (print): 297 pages
Buy Links: Amazon Kindle, iBooks, Smashwords - $0.99 (Limited time)


I’m the girl no one sees. The bum on the street corner you avert your eyes from. The child no one loved. The lost soul no one sees fit to save. A person could go crazy being that alone, but not me. I dug myself out of hell and carried the flames with me. Therapists would call me a pyromaniac if they ever found out my secret. I will always remain an enigma; the puzzle piece that just won’t fit.

Since I’m 18, I’ve decided to take charge of my life. Start over. Get a job…then disappear into the populace on my own terms. That was the plan. Until I ended up in Mullen, Nebraska and met Kyle King. He showed me a quiet peaceful life on a farm that was built with love and warmth. The kind of warmth even my precious fire couldn’t provide. Instead of dismissing me like the rest of the world, he chose to look right at me.

Maybe the world wasn’t so cruel.

Or maybe my downward spiral was just beginning.


About the author:

Danielle Bannister lives with her two children in Midcoast Maine along with her precious coffee pot and peppermint-mocha creamer. She holds a BA in Theatre from the University of Southern Maine and her Masters degree in Literary Education from the University of Orono. She has written: a collection of short stories called: SHORT SHORTS, The Twin Flames Trilogy: PULLED, PULLED BACK, and PULLED BACK AGAIN, THE ABC'S OF DEE and ENIGMA. She is also a contributing writer to the website, Venus Scribe. In addition, her work can also be found in the following anthologies: 2012 Goose River Anthology, 2012 Writeous Anthology, 2013 Maine Writes: Maine National Writing Project Anthology; and, 2013 The
Stroke of Midnight: A Supernatural New Year's Anthology.

Stalk links:
Facebook  ~  Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Newsletter

We all know how much I adore a good thrill ride, so this will be on my Kindle shortly. *grin*

What do you think? Gonna pick it up?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, November 4, 2016

A Complete Guide to Sprinting During NaNoWriMo

Happy Friday, everyone! Whew! Day three of NaNo and I'm sitting at 12.5k words (and I'm not done writing for today).

What's that you ask? How?


I've been doing writing sprints.

What the heck is a writing sprint? Great question!

Writing sprints are set amounts of time where a writer produces words as quickly as they can. Once the timer buzzes, they stop and do a word count, then pick up again when the next sprint starts.

Person with the most words gets a round of applause (or sometimes, a prize, depending on the sprinting group--however, this comes with an issue: cheating to win--when there are no prizes, no one has a need to falsify their stats, and nothing needs to be verified).

Sprints (typically) last anywhere from 15-60 minutes. They can be done on any social media site, though the preferred space is usually a designated thread on Facebook.

Brought to my attention by fellow author Ali Winters (thank you, woman!), there's a sprinting page on the NaNoWriMo site that will accommodate individuals as well as groups. Click here to be taken to that page. If you look below, you'll see the two options at the top and a "Dare Me" button near the bottom. I'm the curious sort, so I clicked mine. Below are the results. It changes every time you press it, too. Fun stuff.

I didn't play around with the group sprint button yet, but I have half a mind to get some of my writing buddies together and do just that.

Now, here's how to get the most out of your sprints:
  1. Know where your story is going. I like to plan a point about 10k words in that I know I want to get to, and build the prose up to there, but some folks go 2k. Whatever floats your boat, ya know?
  2. Write furiously for that half hour. Turn everything else off and be with your words.
  3. Give yourself plenty of time between sprints to refresh, go pee, or get coffee.
  4. If you can, take your eyes off the page and look elsewhere (or just close them) while you type. This will prevent you from noting and backspacing out misspellings, bad punctuation, or other flubbubs we writers make.
  5. Don't burn out. Take long lunch breaks or whatever other break you need when you need it.
  6. Try not to write a lot during your lulls (the periods between sprints). Use that time to plan what you'll write when you come back to sprinting or to just veg.
  7. Keep something to drink handy. Though you may not need it, it's better to have it and not use it. *grin*
Here's how my sprints are set up:
  • In the morning, I set a block of 1-3 hours aside (lately it's been 10AM, 11AM, and NOON). 
  • The first 30 minutes of those hours are used for sprinting, and the second 30 are used for tweaking, fixing my crazy misspellings I got from not looking at the screen, and marking things I want to take a closer look at later (during edits). 
  • Then I break for a long time (like 2-3 hours--NOON-2 or 3PM).
  • More time is set aside for later. Again, 1-3 hours (it's been 8PM, 9PM, and 10PM, but this week is a special one, so that will likely be cut by Monday.)
I'll show you next week's projected schedule so you have a better idea (life things have to happen on different days, but I'm not going to worry about it). I also don't write on weekends. Those are for my family. I refuse to succumb to writer burnout.

9AM - Sprint for 30 minutes
10AM - Sprint for 30 minutes
11AM - Sprint for 30 minutes
NOON-2PM - BREAK TIME (real break--no looking at my WIP)
3PM - Sprint for 30 minutes
4PM - Sprint for 30 minutes

Thing about it is, it works. I'm averaging 1k words every 30 minutes. If I sprint for 30 minutes, 5 hours a day, I've written 5k words. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but when you see that counter go down on your NaNo dashboard under "words per day to finish on time," you'll feel like a flipping ROCK STAR.

Any tips to add to the above?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, November 3, 2016

New Releases in the Othala Witch Collection - Alchemy and Winter Souls

Happy Thursday, everyone! Today, I have yet another release in the Othala Witch collection series! All the books available for purchase are linked at the bottom of this post. Get your clicking fingers ready, and let's get going!

Restating once again: Get the newsletter for all the Fallen Sorcery collection novels here. Follow FS on Twitter here. Like the page on Facebook here.

Follow the entire Othala Witch Collection on Amazon here, and get more awesome Fallen Sorcery release news by following that author page on Amazon here.

Now, on to the info!

About the Othala Witch Collection:

Many years ago, the Original Sixteen witches were able to contain an outbreak of demon-like creatures from overtaking the earth. But doing so came at a cost. For the human race to survive, the world had to be divided into sixteen sectors, trapping the Ravagers to the Outlands beyond, and trapping the humans in.

The Original Sixteen served as Regents over each of these sectors, and when they died, the strongest of witches took their place, using their own personal enchantment abilities to protect their sector. In the process, communication was lost. The only solace that remains is the knowledge that if another sector fails, their own may still survive.

But what happens when your sector is the one to fail? What happens when the world inside your walls is just as bad as the one outside them? In this collection of sixteen adult dystopian paranormal romance tales, each and every one of the sixteen sectors is about to find out.

Alchemy - Othala Witch Collection - Sector 9
Author: Noree Cosper
Genre: Adult Dystopian Paranormal Romance
Length (print): 196 pages


Zoe Delarey has been hiding her entire life.

She's not a normal girl, even by witch standards. Created by her father with forbidden experimental magic, Zoe is an alchemical child.

When the Regent suspects her father has broken sector laws, he hides her away in a secret stasis chamber protected by powerful magic.

But it isn't her father who wakes her. Instead, Bastian, a handsome stranger after her father’s secrets, releases her from the chamber. With her father arrested, Zoe finds herself on the run from the Witches Council. She has no choice but to accept Bastian's help, even though she doesn't trust him. He might be rescuing her; he might be using her... Zoe is not sure.

Thrust into the real world for the first time in her life, she needs to learn to control her magic and, at the same time, get a handle on her feelings for Bastian. Neither of which is going to be easy. Especially when Zoe turns out to be the key to saving the sector from the savage beasts that prey on the lives of the people.

Will she fulfill the secret destiny that runs through her blood?

Alchemy is the thrilling 9th part of the Othala Witch Collection. This is a paranormal romance that you won't be able to put down.

Winter Souls - Othala Witch Collection - Sector 10
Author: Angela Fristoe
Genre: Adult Dystopian Paranormal Romance
Length (print): 205 pages


To reclaim his soul, they will risk everything…
For six years, Elora has been confined to an island with the Ice Witch, Niobe. When her captor dies, Elora flees across the ice bridge back to Mason, the man she’s kept in her heart all these years. But Mason isn’t the same man she left behind. In his place is a cold and emotionless stranger.

Mason will never forget the day Elora disappeared over the ice bridge. It was the day the Ice Witch tore out his soul. He has settled into his life as a Tank Guard, protecting the small inlet at the northern edge of the sector from ravagers. But with Elora’s return, he has an opportunity to reclaim his soul and the life he thought lost forever.

It’s a dangerous task that will lead Mason and Elora to the depths of the Underworld. It’s a journey none has ever returned from.

All books in the collection (if they're linked, you can buy* or preorder now):

*Sector 1: Origin by Rebecca Hamilton
*Sector 2: Mystic Storm by Bella Love-Wins
*Sector 3: Hybrid by Apryl Baker
Sector 4: Immortal Winter by N. R. Larry and Rainy Kaye
*Sector 5: Under by Conner Kressley and Rebecca Hamilton
*Sector 6: Red Magic by J. C. Andrijeski
*Sector 7: Savage by Conner Kressley
*Sector 8: Dark Elements by L. J. Swallow
*Sector 9: Alchemy by Noree Cosper
*Sector 10: Winter Souls by Angela Fristoe
Sector 11: Star Crossed by J. E. Taylor
Sector 12: Forbidden by Shannon Eckrich
Sector 13: Sea Cursed by Amy Lee Burgess
Sector 14: Forgotten by Heather Marie Adkins
Sector 15: Wildfire by Jaret Martens
Sector 16: Faye Magic by Jo Michaels

Get them while they're HOT. After release, the price goes UP.

Gonna check 'em out?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

How to Win NaNoWriMo in 7 Easy Steps

Happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Wow. Just wow. I started NaNoWriMo yesterday, and I'm pumped. I missed NaNo the last 2 years, but I won in 2012 and 2013. Not only did I win, I did so while taking days off to spend with my family and getting down time. I'll show you.

I've marked the days I had no progress with a red bar over the top.

These were my stats for The Bird in 2012:

As you can see, I took Thanksgiving week off.

These were my stats for I, Zombie in 2013:

Your eyes aren't fooling you. I wrote that book in just 10 days.


Well, I stuck to the following seven rules:
  1. Know where your story is going. Something not a lot of folks realize is you can plan ahead, and even create an outline, before November 1. Even if you haven't sat down and thought about it yet, there's no time like the present. Even rough plot points you want to hit over the course of the novel will help more than I can say.
  2. Don't shoot for the word count NaNo says you need per day. Double it. If you can, triple it.
  3. Set aside time to write each day. UNinterrupted. No social media. No email. No work. You'll be surprised what you can do in fifteen or thirty minutes when you're focused. Schedule around things you have going on in your life. Stick to the schedule like glue.
  4. Have a NaNo survival kit ready. Even if you haven't put anything together, take a day and do it now. It'll save your forehead later on. I no longer use Evernote. I now use MS Word 365 with the sync across devices feature. I have my MS on my phone AND my iPad, and it updates to my computer automagically. Here's a link to my kit: Jo's NaNo Survival Kit
  5. Do NOT panic. If you fall behind, you CAN still catch up. If you need that break, take it, but be disciplined enough to come back when you're done.
  6. Make sure friends and family know what you're doing so they can respect your time. 50k words in 30 days isn't a joke.
  7. Stay on task. Tack these on the wall behind your computer. I know that may sound hokey, but looking up the tiny details will bog you down as you write. Take some time and make them now. I swear it helps. Don't edit. That can come later. To go along with that: Don't read the whole story until December 1. Make notes of changes and put them into action later.
I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything, but it's early, and I'm eager to write today. *grin*

Several groups have write-ins, so check the forum for your local chapter. You can also scour Facebook to find people doing writing sprints. Those are AWESOME.

This year, I'm not shooting for one novel; I'm working on several novella-length titles for the current F5 project. Using the NaNo dashboard to keep up with my progress. No, I won't validate once I'm done. I'm just in it for the fun of writing.

Here are my current stats:

Abysmal. LOL! But I'll get there.

How are you all doing? If you wanna be my writing buddy, add me here.

Well, that's all for today, folks! WRITE ON!


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

New Release - Red's Tangled Tale

Everyone knows the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Well, at least they think they do. History would have many believe Red was a naïve little girl who brought treats to her grandmother in the dark of the forest. History had it wrong.
After the curse of the wolves came to Timbergard, Red’s father was the only soul brave enough to enter Blakx Forest. However, when the wolves claimed his life, his young daughter took up his bow and began hunting the beasts to fill her need for revenge.

When Captain Hook shows up in the village in search of the rare burning ash that lies on the far borders of the cursed forest, Red agrees to help get him safely through the dangerous land.

The trek through the forest becomes precarious when the group is cornered by a pack of wolves. Red is forced to make a decision that will alter the lives of everyone, including individuals she has yet to meet.
The cover of the much anticipated "Red's Tangled Tale," book two in The Untold Stories, has been revealed!

With only two weeks until publication, you can now preorder your copy at Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords (Amazon will not have a preorder for this title but will carry it on November 1 when it is released).

In addition to the cover, fans will get exclusive teasers as well as a teaser trailer over the next two weeks, building to the anticipation of the release.

If you would like to join in the fun of the release, be sure to join the Facebook Party wherein numerous authors have come together to celebrate the release and will be giving away amazing prizes.

Lastly, you can help spread the word by participating in the Thunderclap campaign which will announce the release to social media on November 1 (link below).

Thursday, October 27, 2016

What's That? A Cyclops? More Creature a Day Fun from the Enchanted Souls Tour!

Enchanted Souls
by Tia Silverthorne Bach
A Saint’s Grove Novel, Book 11
Publication Date: 10/21/16

Welcome. To celebrate the release of Enchanted Souls, we are featuring a creature from the book every weekday from 10/24-10/31, including daily giveaways.

Two Souls Tethered. An Unbreakable Bond.

A rare occurrence brings the planets into alignment, causing the seals that separate the universes to break. Lost souls search for home while two hearts that were shattered try to find their missing pieces. 

When Alyxandria Duvall meets Micah, sparks fly, and their hearts burst into flames. They welcome their daughter not long after; then Micah goes missing under mysterious circumstances, leaving a path of heartache, death, and destruction in his wake. Still, Fate has more in store for them. 

Galactic anomalies are propelling their lives toward their destinies. Light years separate them, but their souls gravitate toward one another. Can love overpower the universe’s boundaries?  

Buy Links:
Amazon ~ B&N ~ Kobo ~ iBooks 


About the Author:
Tia Silverthorne Bach has been married to her college sweetheart for twenty years, has three beautiful girls, and adores living in the breathtaking state of Colorado. Her daughters were born in Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore; and she feels fortunate to have called many places home. She believes in fairy tales and happy endings and is an avid reader and rabid grammar hound.

She is an award-winning, multi-genre author and an Editor for Indie Books Gone Wild. From an early age, she escaped into books and believes they can be the source of healing and strength. If she’s not writing, you can find her on the tennis court, at the movies, reading a good book, or spooning Jif peanut butter right out of the jar.
Connect with the Author:

Sign up for her Author newsletter:

Available Books:
Chasing Memories (Tala Prophecy, Book 1)
Chasing Shadows (Tala Prophecy, Book 2)
Chasing Forgiveness (Tala Prophecy novella)
Chasing Destiny (Tala Prophecy, Book 3)
Chasing Eternity (Tala Prophecy, Book 4)
Fractured Glass: A Novel Anthology
7: The Seven Deadly Sins
Heart Chatter (women’s fiction)

Coming Soon:
The latest Ferocious Five project

Check out Tia Bach, Author on Facebook for today’s creature giveaway.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Enchanted Souls Presents: A Creature a Day in October

Enchanted Souls
by Tia Silverthorne Bach
A Saint’s Grove Novel, Book 11
Publication Date: 10/21/16

Welcome. To celebrate the release of Enchanted Souls, we are featuring a creature from the book every weekday from 10/24-10/31, including daily giveaways.

Two Souls Tethered. An Unbreakable Bond.

A rare occurrence brings the planets into alignment, causing the seals that separate the universes to break. Lost souls search for home while two hearts that were shattered try to find their missing pieces. 

When Alyxandria Duvall meets Micah, sparks fly, and their hearts burst into flames. They welcome their daughter not long after; then Micah goes missing under mysterious circumstances, leaving a path of heartache, death, and destruction in his wake. Still, Fate has more in store for them. 

Galactic anomalies are propelling their lives toward their destinies. Light years separate them, but their souls gravitate toward one another. Can love overpower the universe’s boundaries?  

Buy Links:
Amazon ~ B&N ~ Kobo ~ iBooks 


About the Author:
Tia Silverthorne Bach has been married to her college sweetheart for twenty years, has three beautiful girls, and adores living in the breathtaking state of Colorado. Her daughters were born in Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore; and she feels fortunate to have called many places home. She believes in fairy tales and happy endings and is an avid reader and rabid grammar hound.

She is an award-winning, multi-genre author and an Editor for Indie Books Gone Wild. From an early age, she escaped into books and believes they can be the source of healing and strength. If she’s not writing, you can find her on the tennis court, at the movies, reading a good book, or spooning Jif peanut butter right out of the jar.
Connect with the Author:

Sign up for her Author newsletter:

Available Books:
Chasing Memories (Tala Prophecy, Book 1)
Chasing Shadows (Tala Prophecy, Book 2)
Chasing Forgiveness (Tala Prophecy novella)
Chasing Destiny (Tala Prophecy, Book 3)
Chasing Eternity (Tala Prophecy, Book 4)
Fractured Glass: A Novel Anthology
7: The Seven Deadly Sins
Heart Chatter (women’s fiction)

Coming Soon:
The latest Ferocious Five project

Check out Tia Bach, Author on Facebook for today’s creature giveaway.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Now Available for Pre-Order: Faye Magic - Othala Witch Collection Sector 16

Happy Friday, everyone! Super surprise, Faye Magic is now available for pre-order! Plus, I'm gonna give you a super (unedited) sneak peek. *grin* Get your clicking fingers ready and let's get going!

First, the info about the book:

Title: Faye Magic (Othala Witch Collection: Sector 16)
Author: Jo Michaels
Genre: Adult Dystopian Paranormal Romance
Length: 60k words
Buy Link: Amazon $0.99 (preorder price ONLY)


Prepare yourself. It’s a competition like no other.

Think: The Hunger Games meets The Selection.

The last one standing wins the man.

Meet Morgan LeFaye Woodenson. She has her life planned out. She’ll marry Sawyer, the love of her life, and they’ll run into the sunset to be nomads, surviving off the land, not reporting to anyone, free to live their lives as they see fit.

At least, that was the plan until the imprisonment.

When reagent Orinthal’s wife dies suddenly, Faye is forced from her home and thrown into an arena to compete with every other nineteen-year-old girl in Sector Sixteen for the highly coveted place at his side. If she doesn’t win, she dies; if she does win, she loses everything she loves.

Deception and ruthlessness fill her, and she’s determined to find a way to hold on to her dreams—even if that means becoming someone she never thought she’d have to.


Someone was pounding on the front door. It was also light outside, and Sawyer wasn’t back. Her window was still standing wide open, and she thanked Odin there hadn’t been a ravager attack in the night. She would’ve been toast.
“I’m coming!” Her father’s voice boomed in the hallway. As he passed her door, he knocked. “Time to get up, sweetheart. Odin’s beard, they’re making a racket.”
“I’ll be right there, Daddy!” She leapt off the bed and rushed to the window, wiping drool off her cheek. Everything was just as she’d left it the night before. No sign of Sawyer. Positive something bad happened, she quickly whispered a message and released it, only to watch it spin out of control and pop in mid-air a few feet away. Her heart hit the bottom of her stomach.
“She said she’d be out in a minute! You don’t need to go—”
“Open the door, miss, or we’re going to break it down.” A rough male voice, muted by the wood and steel it was passing through, wafted into the room. “Just a minute! I’m not decent!” Shoving her bags under the bed, she whipped off her clothing and wrapped a towel around her body.
“Now, miss!”
“I’m coming!” She unbolted the door and cracked it open to peer out.
Three ginormous, armed soldiers stood in the hallway. One had his hand poised to bang on the door again.
As his fist moved forward, she yanked the door back the rest of the way, causing him to pitch into the room. She let him stumble and planted her left hand on her hip. “Seriously?”
He turned fifty shades of red and scurried back out. “We’re sorry, miss, but we have orders. You need to get dressed right now and come with us.”
“I was trying. But you seemed hell bent on breaking down my door. I figured I should probably answer it as soon as possible.” If it weren’t such a serious feeling situation, she would’ve laughed at the way he blushed and averted his eyes.
“Please, miss. Put some clothes on. And do it quickly,” he muttered.
As she moved to close the door, he stopped it with his hand. “No. You can’t do that.”
“Then how am I supposed to stay decent!” she yelled.
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” He lifted his hazel-green eyes, and they locked with hers. “Again, I’m sorry. It’s a necessary precaution.” Her breath hitched, and she couldn’t move for a moment. His eyes were stunningly beautiful, the green so vivid it resembled blades of grass in a summer meadow. She felt a strange pull to do exactly as he suggested. Magic bubbled through her, wiping whatever enchantment he was using away. Eyelids fluttering, she nodded and moved to put clothes on.
A bra went on over her towel, then she pulled on panties underneath—cute, lacy ones that made the soldier blush again—then her jeans and a loose top. Finally, she pulled the towel out and threw it into the hamper. “Ta-da! Just like magic, am I right?”

End Excerpt.


Annnnd, the full wrap cover!

So? What the heck are you waiting for? Go grab it :D

Want more? Here are the links to the other books:

All books in the collection (if they're linked, you can buy* or preorder now):

*Sector 1: Origin by Rebecca Hamilton
*Sector 2: Mystic Storm by Bella Love-Wins
*Sector 3: Hybrid by Apryl Baker
Sector 4: Immortal Winter by N. R. Larry and Rainy Kaye
*Sector 5: Under by Conner Kressley and Rebecca Hamilton
*Sector 6: Red Magic by J. C. Andrijeski
*Sector 7: Savage by Conner Kressley
*Sector 8: Dark Elements by L. J. Swallow
Sector 9: Alchemy by Noree Cosper
Sector 10: Winter Souls by Angela Fristoe
Sector 11: Star Crossed by J. E. Taylor
Sector 12: Forbidden by Shannon Eckrich
Sector 13: Sea Cursed by Amy Lee Burgess
Sector 14: Forgotten by Heather Marie Adkins
Sector 15: Wildfire by Jaret Martens
Sector 16: Faye Magic by Jo Michaels

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

New Releases in the Othala Witch Collection - Red Magic, Savage, and Dark Elements

Happy Thursday, everyone! Today, I have yet another release in the Othala Witch collection series! All the books available for purchase are linked at the bottom of this post. Get your clicking fingers ready, and let's get going!

Restating once again: Get the newsletter for all the Fallen Sorcery collection novels here. Follow FS on Twitter here. Like the page on Facebook here.

Follow the entire Othala Witch Collection on Amazon here, and get more awesome Fallen Sorcery release news by following that author page on Amazon here.

Now, on to the info!

About the Othala Witch Collection:

Many years ago, the Original Sixteen witches were able to contain an outbreak of demon-like creatures from overtaking the earth. But doing so came at a cost. For the human race to survive, the world had to be divided into sixteen sectors, trapping the Ravagers to the Outlands beyond, and trapping the humans in.

The Original Sixteen served as Regents over each of these sectors, and when they died, the strongest of witches took their place, using their own personal enchantment abilities to protect their sector. In the process, communication was lost. The only solace that remains is the knowledge that if another sector fails, their own may still survive.

But what happens when your sector is the one to fail? What happens when the world inside your walls is just as bad as the one outside them? In this collection of sixteen adult dystopian paranormal romance tales, each and every one of the sixteen sectors is about to find out.

Red Magic - Othala Witch Collection - Sector 6
Author: J. C. Andrijeski
Genre: Adult Dystopian Paranormal Romance
Length (print): 230 pages


"You're not white magic at all. Not a bit o' ye. You're red magic... like me."

Born to be successor to the Regent's throne, and the highest-ranked witch in the holy lands of District 6, Maia sees her birthright as little more than a genetic practical joke, and a source of constant worry. Unlike every other witch Maia knows, and certainly her mother, Maia is a hopelessly, terrible witch. She can't do magic at all, no matter how hard she tries.

Faced with the looming humiliation of being replaced as successor to the throne, Maia is on the verge of giving up when a chance meeting on a lonely pier changes everything for her.

A lone, angry warlock makes a deal with her that morning: he'll tell her who and what she really is, if she agrees to set him free. The fact that he's handsome, frustratingly familiar in some way she can't pinpoint, and seems to know more about her than she knows herself, causes her to take his questionable deal.

In doing so, Maia learns things about her perfect, idyllic kingdom that she never wanted to know, and nothing in her life will ever be the same again.

Savage - Othala Witch Collection - Sector 7
Author: Conner Kressley
Genre: Adult Dystopian Paranormal Romance
Length (print): 138 pages


USA TODAY bestselling author Conner Kressley's SAVAGE is the seventh in the dystopian paranormal romance collective, The Othala Witch Collection.

When the truth is hidden, sometimes love can be SAVAGE!

When reluctant witch Starla goes to the Outpost to join the the band of border marshals known as the Roamers, she thinks she's doing the right thing. After all, keeping the Savages outside the confines of the Sector is the most important issue facing any of them, and besides, her unique ability to gleam flashes of the future will almost certainly come in handy in her fight to keep her homeland safe and pure.

But when a series of misadventures leaves her stranded in the Savage and Ravager filled jungles surrounding the Sector, Starla finds herself at the mercy of the Savage's stern and eye-catching leader Asis.

Things get complicated when- captive in the Savages' lands- Starla begins to see sensual and stark visions of a future where she and Asis are definitely not sworn enemies.

Truths are revealed, secrets are exposed, and hearts are on the line when fate and circumstance throws a witch and a Savage down a sexy rabbit hole that will change their lives, and the lives of all those in and surrounding the Sector, forever.

It's time to get SAVAGE in the latest edition of the epic Othala Witch Series!

Dark Elements - Othala Witch Collection - Sector 8
Author: L. J. Swallow
Genre: Adult Dystopian Paranormal Romance
Length (print): 236 pages


If I marry this man, I will die within a year.
If I leave, death will follow me.
There is nothing I can do.
I am a Scion and my life belongs to the Othala.

USA TODAY bestselling author Lisa Swallow's Dark Elements is the seventh in the dystopian paranormal romance collective, The Othala Witch Collection

In Sector Eight, each Othala witch in the ruling Senate must marry a human girl from one of the old aristocratic families. This year, one of these Scions must marry the Regent and produce an heir.

Cora is a Scion who wants nothing to do with the world she's forced to be part of. On the night she tries to take control of her future, she puts herself in danger and a stranger steps in and takes control. The evening Cora thought would lead to her freedom instead makes her a pawn in a battle she wants no part in.

Alaric is the new Regent and wants absolute power over the Sector. His brother, Mattias, is the only witch powerful enough to stand against Alaric's increasingly savage rule and the Senate want him to step in. Alaric fears he'll be deposed but Mattias's plans lie elsewhere.

Mattias was born and raised in the ruling Hyland family. Now he's stepped outside of his role and has another life nobody knows about. Keeping up the pretence works with everybody except Cora; she has seen a different side to Mattias and is determined to discover the truth.

Cora is pulled into the brothers' lives and her fear of the sadistic Alaric matches her desire for Mattias. Mattias's secretive behaviour and attraction to Cora places them both directly in a paranoid Alaric's crosshairs. But the last thing Mattias wants is somebody interfering with his plans. Especially a human girl -- one he's falling for and will do anything to protect.

Politics and magic vie for control as Sector Eight crumbles in this dystopian paranormal witch romance from USA Today bestselling author LJ Swallow.

All books in the collection (if they're linked, you can buy* or preorder now):

*Sector 1: Origin by Rebecca Hamilton
*Sector 2: Mystic Storm by Bella Love-Wins
*Sector 3: Hybrid by Apryl Baker
Sector 4: Immortal Winter by N. R. Larry and Rainy Kaye
*Sector 5: Under by Conner Kressley and Rebecca Hamilton
*Sector 6: Red Magic by J. C. Andrijeski
*Sector 7: Savage by Conner Kressley
*Sector 8: Dark Elements by L. J. Swallow
Sector 9: Alchemy by Noree Cosper
Sector 10: Winter Souls by Angela Fristoe
Sector 11: Star Crossed by J. E. Taylor
Sector 12: Forbidden by Shannon Eckrich
Sector 13: Sea Cursed by Amy Lee Burgess
Sector 14: Forgotten by Heather Marie Adkins
Sector 15: Wildfire by Jaret Martens
Sector 16: Faye Magic by Jo Michaels

You know you want to read them all! :)

Here's a teaser for Faye Magic, just in case you were curious.

Gonna check 'em out?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Little Something Personal - My 2016

Hey there, everyone! I know you've probably been missing the heck out of me, but it is what it is. Figured I'd share...

I'm not usually a public person, so these things won't be easy for me to click publish on. If you're reading this, I did it, and it was scary, but I did it. Enough lead in, you're all aware I hate too much description, so let's just dive in and get to the root of the issue. This post will be long (you've been warned). Feel free to leave now if you're not in the mood to read some author's raving ramblings.

Here we go...

So, this year has sucked in so many ways. Don't get me wrong, there were AWESOME times to be had (and you've seen the pictures, so I have proof), but those posts have been done, and this isn't about those things that have been keeping me sane. This is about the other side of life, the dark side, the side I don't ever want you to see and try to shield you from.

But perhaps you should see and understand. Understand why I didn't give up, have a full grasp on exactly what it was I was fighting through, and perhaps walk away with a different outlook on things.

Back in the earlier parts of this year, my vision started to go crazy. My eyes were jumping all over the place, and I couldn't understand what the heck was going on. So, I went to the optometrist and got new glasses (I had an astigmatism before, but it was very slight). They didn't help. Nausea, memory loss (seriously, it was bad), and fatigue were becoming my best friends. Maybe not best friends, but you know the those folks that hang around, and because you can't get rid of them you kind of accept them for those quirks that drive you nutso? Yeah...


I'm the lady who gets my butt out of bed at 6am every day and refuses to go back until it's time to sleep. This was a life and schedule altering experience for me, to say the least.

Also, around this time, my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer. That, in and of itself, was a journey, but it's not my story to tell, so I'm not going into it other than to say he's okay for now, and the doctors are keeping a very close eye on him. It pertains to my story only because it was near the end of his whirlwind of crazy that things with me got really bad.

One of my sons graduated high school this past May. We flew to his home, took him to dinner that night, attended the ceremony the next day, and got on an airplane later that day to come back to Georgia. While we were on our trip, I kept falling asleep. In the plane (NEVER), in the car (also NEVER), and I could barely hold my eyes open by the time we got back home.

About twelve to fourteen hours later, the vertigo hit me. It was the worst feeling I've ever had, and it took me down hard. I could barely get off the couch, I had extreme nausea, and all I wanted to do was...

You guessed it! Sleep.

So, to the doctor I go. First one tells me it might be BPPV, but she's not sure because I was on a plane and could just have a twinge of inner-ear crap from the pressure, and the feeling should clear on its own if that's what it is. I super hydrate and take a lot of Dramamine. A week later, I still feel reallllly bad, so I go to another doctor. This one also tells me it's probably BPPV, but to keep an eye on it and see if it doesn't clear up in a few days. He also does some blood work. Nothing alarming, so I'm really confused at this point.

Allow me to interject: I can't look at a computer screen or book for more than five minutes without wanting to hurl. Got that? Okay. Moving on!

I finally email him and ask what to do now, because it's been weeks, and I still feel like I'm on a tilt-a-whirl.

He says, "You should consult a neurologist."

Okay. I've got this. After a search of my insurance company's database, I find a neurologist close by and make an appointment. She can't see me until July. Great. Ugh.

I also can't travel, and my step-daughter gives birth June 28 to a gorgeous baby girl. I have to freaking miss it. All of it. Damn.

Finally, I get my appointment, my neurologist and I go through the story, and I tell her all my symptoms. She seems chipper, and does a billion tests in the office before sending me to an audiologist to make sure there's nothing going on with my inner-ear.

I'm also scheduled for an MRI of my brain.

By this point, I feel a lot like a pincushion, because everywhere I go they seem to want to stick me with something. I'm also freaking out because I want some freaking answers.

I'm interjecting again here because you gotta understand needles are one of my biggest fears (next to cockroaches--shivers), and that I'm still feeling dizzy as hell and unable to focus.

I have a release deadline coming, and I'm working on the new F5 project (when I'm able) while all this is happening. Words to describe my level of frustration don't exist.

I am an author. I want to work. I need to work. My work is my sanity.

And I couldn't work because I couldn't focus without getting sick as a dog.

Now, by that point, I'm stressed, but I have things I have to do on top of things I want and/or need to do. And I fell behind. But not once did I give an excuse, and I fought like a tiger to finish things I'd promised--and succeeded. Other things that weren't as important as business dealings were let go for a while. You blog readers probably noticed, eh? *grin*

Anyway, once I saw the audiologist, I was prescribed physical therapy. Oh, man! Sick upon sick upon sick every time, but things started to get better. I was able to read again without yakking or getting dizzy.

Results time comes around! Yay! I went back to the neurologist, and she tells me there are several lesions on my brain, but she wants me to have an MRI of my cervical spine and a spinal tap done to confirm her suspicions. Pages of instructions are given to me, and the lumbar puncture is what seems rather terrifying.


But I do it, and as always, since everything kicked up, my husband was right there by my side, giving me encouragement, taking care of me and the kiddos when I couldn't do it myself.

I know I've said it before, but he's the best husband in the world. Seriously.

I digress...

So, on to the spinal tap results (which take for-e-ver, if you didn't know). When my doc gets them, she calls and backs my appointment up quickly.

Alarm bells...

I did my research (after all, I'm an author, and I look everything up), and I know what she's looking for, and all signs point to YIKES!

From May to September, I was sick, and I had no idea what was happening to me. Keep that in mind. While all this is happening, I'm still forcing myself to work as much as I can, do the things I can do, and trying to stay positive.

September 13, 2016, my neurologist gave her official diagnosis. I have Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Treatment: an injectable drug.

Could've been worse, but even thinking about sticking myself with a damned needle freaked me the hell out. I'm faced with three times a week, every week, for the rest of my life.

Now, I'm feeling much better, though there are still things that aggravate my situation. My medication is kicking its way into my system with gusto, and my head is a helluva lot clearer. I can read again. I can write again. Most of all, I can think again.

To put it in perspective, that deadline I was talking about has since been met (it's with my editor now--as of Monday), and my project ended up just over 60k words. Before I got my meds? I was sitting at 12k and worrying I was going to have to fight to finish on time. Come hell or high water, I was getting that damned book written!

Along this whole journey, and through my life, here are some things I learned:
  • My husband is AWESOME, and I wish everyone had someone like him.
  • Never take anything for granted. Just because you can do something you enjoy today, doesn't mean it will be there tomorrow.
  • Life is meant to be lived. Take every joyous moment and hold onto it like you'll lose it, because you might.
  • Never give up. Fight like hell to have the life you want.
  • If something isn't working, find a way to change it.
  • Try to look on the positive side of things. My diagnosis could've been much, much worse.
  • Tell people how much they mean to you as often as you're able, and try to be kind.
  • Don't ever let anyone make you feel less than you are or make you feel guilty for not doing what they want you to do. You're not a puppet on a string.
  • Be your own biggest cheerleader.
I've had a month or so to wrap my head around all of this, and I've decided to take every blow as it comes and not wallow in despair or pity. There's no time for that when I need to be living.

So many exciting things are coming, and I feel so lucky I'm going to be able to bring them all to you.

It may take me time, but hang in here while I get back on my feet. 2017 will rock!

No, I didn't owe you an explanation, but I thought it might do someone some kind of good to see that there are people out there who don't give up when things get hard. This isn't an apology for not posting. When things get tough, my blog is what gives. It is what it is.

I am not my disease, and I don't want pity. There are people out there who have it far worse than I do, and I count myself lucky to have had such amazing people (tooooo freaking many to name here) and doctors in my corner looking out for me. This was just my story, and because I'm a storyteller, I told it.

I hope you got something out of it.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, October 17, 2016

New Release - Hard to Resist

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Release Blitz

Hard to Resist


K.M. Neuhold

Hard to resist K.M. Nuehold Ebook Cover copy


She’s the one girl I wasn’t supposed to want. But some things are just too Hard to Resist.
Since I was five years old I've had two best friends: Chase and his twin sister Hadley. Unfortunately for me Hadley isn't a little kid anymore and I can't stop seeing her as more than a friend. Even more unfortunate, Chase says if I lay a finger on her he'll never speak to me again, so no matter how difficult it is I have to resist her.
I fell in love with my best friend Ravi when I was sixteen. Now, I'm eighteen and I've made a decision; before I go to college I'm giving Ravi my virginity.
After one steamy summer together Ravi and Hadley are at odds because they just can't seem to agree on the direction to take their relationship. Hadley wants it all, while Ravi just wants to make sure his best friend, Chase, never finds out what happened between the two of them. When they're forced to live together will Ravi be able to resist the woman he hasn't stopped thinking about for over a year, or will it be too hard to resist?
***Each book in the Sexy Nerd Boys series can be read as a stand alone novel
***This book contains adult language and descriptive sex scenes
Other Books In the Sexy Nerd Boys Series
Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys,1)
She’s got issues. He’s got rules for his one night stands.
Can they break through the b.s. and find love?
Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys, 2)
What does a tattooed lothario do with a naive virgin? Teach her everything he knows, of course.
Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys, 2.5)
The only thing more difficult than catching her, is keeping her.

About The Author

Author Pic
My passion is the written word. Whether I'm reading or writing, I never feel happier than when I have a good book on hand. I love to read sci-fi, fantasy, and romance. However, I typically only write romance (for now at least).
The most important thing to me in regards to my writing is to create strong female characters and men who are secure enough in their masculinity to handle these fiery women.
In addition to strong female characters I have an obsession with nerd culture and can't help but make it a theme in my books

Author Links

Facebook | Instagram | Website | Amazon | twitter: @kmneuhold | GoodReads

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