Showing posts with label readers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label readers. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Book Review - Darkest Legacy

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you another book review. Remember last week when I talked about a super surprise review? Well, this is it. You may remember my post from yesterday and the lovely author I interviewed. I picked up a copy of her book (call me intrigued that someone so young could be so awesome) and decided to write a review for you all. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and relax. Here we go!

Before we get to the review, here's a little about the book on the chopping block for today:

Title: Darkest Legacy
Author: Allyson Gottlieb
Genre: YA Paranormal
Length: About 51 printed pages
Link to Amazon: $0.99 Kindle (Part of Select so if you're a member, you can borrow it for free)

A fast-paced, high-stakes novella

Everyone has secrets they'd prefer stayed buried.  But information wants to be free... and so does Tamara Kingsley's ex-lover, incarcerated on the maximum-security prison planet, Alpha.

Tamara has done things she's not proud of, but that was years ago.  Now the headmistress of the Silvermist School of Magic, she has an honest life, one that makes her happy.  For the last twenty years she's fought like hell to keep it that way, and she thought she had succeeded.

She's about to find out just how wrong she was to think her past was dead and gone.

Let me start off by saying I LOVE this cover! Not only does it fit the book inside perfectly, it's genre proper and beautiful.

On to the good stuff!

I did an interview with the author, Allyson Gottlieb, on my blog and was so intrigued, I picked up a copy of her book on Amazon. I'm astounded at the level of writing found in Darkest Legacy and I'm looking forward to the sequel; which she assures me is in the works. Now, for my review.

From a reader's perspective:
I could identify with Tamara Kingsley. She came across as a confused young lady and a strong woman. I love tales with strong female leads and this one didn't disappoint. Just when you think she's beaten, she comes back with a vengeance. World building was good, but I did get a tiny bit confused in the beginning of the book and ended up putting it down. Took me two sittings to read the whole thing, and it's pretty short. I know there's a sequel in the works so I'm holding out hope the author delves more deeply into the world in later tales. This one introduced the characters and built them well. For a short story, there was a lot of great development and information. Being a reader who doesn't like a lot of fluff and description (filler), I was pleasantly surprised how much fit between the cover pages. By the end, I cared about what happened to Tamara and was solidly in her corner. I'm looking forward to learning more about her in the next book.

From an editor's perspective:
There are a number of pronoun issues throughout and I'd like to see the author use more contractions (especially in speech). However, there were no redundancy issues or misspellings. It just needs a good proofreader to make it sparkle like it should.

My rating:
1 Star for wonderful world building
1 Star for giving me a character I'm now super curious to learn more about
1 Star for lovely tension (especially at the end)
.5 Star for great writing
- 1 Star for the confusion at the beginning of the novel
- .5 Star for need for a proofreader
Overall, 3.5 out of 5 stars! We all know I round up, not down, so this book gets a 4 overall. Highly recommended if you're looking for a quick, fun, well written read.

I hope you all take a chance and pick up this book. It was a lot of fun to read. At $0.99, what do you have to lose?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Book Review - Looping in Limbo

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you another Indie review. If you've followed the blog for a while, you may remember last year when I asked Indie authors to sell me their books for my Twelve Days of Christmas Giveaway. Yes, I'm planning another round this year so keep your eyes peeled! I don't write scathing reviews and if I can't finish a book, I won't bother at all. Things that keep me from finishing a book are: Poor writing, bad formatting, or a story I just can't sink my teeth into. So, of the books I agreed to review, many have been discarded; but, there are still quite a few I've written reviews for and still a couple to go. What's coming? Well...

Intrusive Memory by Leonardo Anthony Noto
Forever Love by Deborah Armstrong
*Remember, these may or may not make it to a review. I don't know because I haven't started them yet.*
The winner of my Rafflecopter contest for a review not long ago, The Tower's Alchemist by Alesha Escobar.

I'm also currently reading a surprise book that I'll be posting a review for next week. I don't want the author to know just yet so I don't wanna ruin it! Make sure you come on back for that one. *grin*

Those reviews will most likely appear in a clump at some point down the road. I read more than one book at a time and I keep up with my favorite trade authors along the way.

But enough of all that! Here's the book on the chopping block today:

Title: Looping in Limbo (Lainey Tidwell Series)
Author: Ginney Etherton
Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Romance
Length: About 185 Pages
Amazon Link: $2.99 Kindle

She was prepared for the storms. But it's the calms that could crush her.

As her first season as a professional caddie winds down, Lainey Tidwell struggles to keep her dream alive at Singing Bluffs Resort. She may have a knack for guiding golfers around hazards on the links, but the unpredictable, nervewracking bouts of low-season blues are harder to avoid.
Worries about money, men, and her unchecked mouth take their toll on this independent, yet conflicted, scrapper. Like a golfer with the yips, Lainey can't shake doubts about caddying all winter at a small-town coastal resort. Beautiful surroundings... nasty weather, down-to-earth townfolk... a pretentious golf world, disgusting cohorts... good friends  ̶  more influences than one "Short Grrrl" can handle.

Looping in Limbo follows the continuing career and distracting love life of Lainey Tidwell, bitchin' girl caddie extraordinaire, that began in Looping for Love.

Let me start off by saying, I think the cover on this book could use some work. While it fits the story beautifully, a different approach might drag more readers through the door.

On to the review!

I purchased Looping in Limbo back in December on Amazon after the author pitched the story and I read a sample. It hooked me right away and I was keen to start reading. While the cover didn't wow me, the story inside had me from page one.

From a reader's perspective:
I was intrigued by a romance novel that centered around the game of golf. I've learned so much about the sport from this book I think I could follow along watching it and understand the lingo pretty well. What I liked about it was the author didn't go on and on with lessons. Rather, the lingo was worked into the story and surrounded by scenes you could picture firmly in your mind to glean the meaning. Lainey cracked me up on a number of occasions. She isn't your typical girlie girl and comes across with a strong personality. From her thoughts and actions in the story, I think I'd have her as a friend. There's a scene where she visits Seattle and the city was portrayed very realistically; right down to the EMP Museum.What I didn't like was the inability of the story to keep me hooked. I often put the book down and sought out other things to read instead. Why? Because the tension was lacking. It was almost like watching someone breeze through life. While it's a relaxing read, I wasn't too concerned about what was going to happen next.

From an editor's perspective:
This is one of the best examples of writing I've seen. That's not a comparison to just Indies, but all books I've read. Besides the tension issue, there were no pronoun mix-ups, few punctuation oopses, and no grossly misused words. I found a few errors, but most people probably wouldn't notice them. I'm hardwired that way, so they jump out at me. This book gets top marks.

1 Star for giving me an awesome main character in Lainey
1 Star for teaching me something I didn't know and great descriptions
-1 Star for lack of tension
-1 Star for lack of concern
1 Star for excellent writing
Overall, 3 out of 5 stars! A recommended read if you're looking for something to kill time.

While you're here, don't forget to check out the guest post from Monday by author Felicia Tatum. She also has an awesome Rafflecopter giveaway going on so be sure to enter to win copies of her books!

I hope you all enjoyed this review!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Book Review - Fearless by Cornelia Funke

Happy Wednesday, blogospherians! Before I begin, I gotta let you know that tickets for UtopYA Con 2014 went on sale yesterday. Be sure and hoof it over there to get yours A.S.A.P.! They go FAST! Today, I bring you another book review of one of my favorite authors, Cornelia Funke. If you've followed the blog for a while, you'll probably remember my review of Reckless, the first book in the Mirrorworld series. If not, click the title and go check it out. Fearless, the book for today, is the second installment. I gotta tell you, it was one hell of a read! So, grab your coffee, strap in, and let's get going!

First, about the book that's on the chopping block today:
Title: Fearless
Author: Cornelia Funke
Genre: YA Fantasy
Length: 400 printed pages
Links to Amazon: Kindle $8.89 Hardcover $13.98 Paperback $7.50

Description from Amazon:
Jacob Reckless returns once again to the Mirrorworld--filled with profound characters, extraordinary creatures, and epic life-or-death treasure hunts that could only come from the mind of the master storyteller of our generation, Cornelia Funke.

Jacob Reckless has only a few months left to live. He's tried everything to shake the Fairy curse that traded his life for his brother's--legends such as the All-Healing Apple, the Well of Eternal Youth, the blood of a northern Djinn. And yet hope after hope is extinguished. After months of fruitless searching, Jacob journeys through his father's mirror one final time to deliver the bad news to Fox.

But there they hear of one last possibility--an item so legendary that not even Mirrorworlders believe it exists: a crossbow that can kill thousands, or heal one, when shot through the heart. But a Goyl treasure hunter is also searching for the prized crossbow. Jacob must find it first--and somehow convince Fox to do whatever it takes to save him.

Now that you know all about it, it's time to give you my review!

From a reader's perspective:
Ahhhhh how Fox and Jacob drive me crazy with their relationship! I love these two characters most from the series so far. They're frustrating, adorable, and concern-worthy. Sometimes, I want to reach in the pages and give them both a good shake. An introduction to a new kind of Goyl brings fun and tension as Jacob travels on his quest to save his own life. I adore the interweaving of known fairy-tales throughout the story. It brings a whole other level of coolness to the tale. Most enjoyable, perhaps, was learning more about the wily, cunning character known as Fox. It was great to get to know about her family and what she went through before she met Jacob. She gained a new level of endearment through the reveal. World-building in this series is phenomenal. It'll make you want to step through your own mirror. I can't wait for the next book in the series. There's a major twist in this book that will leave you with your mouth hanging open.That's all I'm going to say on that front.

From an editor's perspective:
Pronouns were still rocky, but I'm guessing it's because this book was translated from German. Ah well, something I can easily overlook when engrossed in a tale. Other than that, the book was grade A.

My Rating:
1 Star for phenomenal world-building
1 Star for making me bite my nails off from worry
1 Star for giving me characters with flaws that I care about
1 Star for shedding new light on a character that's endearing
1 Star for leaving me with my mouth hanging open in the end
Overall, 5 out of 5 stars. A most excellent read.

Ya'll come on back tomorrow for one more review this week. Then we'll be hoofing it into more about writing, grammar, and those sorts of things. I have some very cool stuff to bring you!

Don't forget to check out the author interview with Felicia Tatum, the feature post for this week, while you're here! She has an awesome giveaway going on.

Also, be sure you check out the post from yesterday about OMC's book auction to benefit the Spina Bifida Association. It's a great cause and you'll get some wonderful stuff to read!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

OMC Book Auction for Spina Bifida, Fall Into UtopYA, and Giveaway Winners

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! I was gonna thrill you all with another book review today, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow! I have awesome things to share. Grab some coffee, get your butts in your chairs, and get ready to do some clickin'! Here we go...

First up, I'm sharing a book auction held by One More Chapter to benefit Spina Bifida.

These ladies are amazing and help Indie authors out so much! You should like love their Facebook Page and then take a peek at this:

A BLIND book auction can be found on their blog: One More Chapter BBA

A RAFFLECOPTER giveaway that includes:
A Kindle Paperwhite
$65 in Giftcards
Swag and e-books (over 50 prizes)

You can find the Rafflecopter widget here: One More Chapter Rafflecopter Giveaway

Flash giveaways all month if you join in the fun here: One More Chapter's SB Book Auction on Facebok

Because I donated to the event, I get to proudly display this:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

What are you waiting for? Getcher booties over there and bid on a book! Most begin at $5. It's for a GREAT cause. Sharing is caring! Share the event as much as possible, please.

Second on the agenda, is the Fall Into UtopYA Party going on! Check it out.

Today is the first day of the Fall into UtopYa Party
It is RELEASE DAY for Veiled Shadows (The Age of Alandria: Book Two)!!
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Red Cabin Publishing
Release date: Oct 1, 2013
Shadows linger where light is obstructed, and truth is veiled.
Evil is an untreated disease in the once beautiful realm of Alandria.
Kaeleigh is faced with a revelation that she must reconcile. She will decide if discovering the truth is worth the unknown consequences to both herself and her friends.
Daegan, the Ferrishyn warrior, is conflicted by more than his loyalties, and is confronted with emotions he doesn’t know how to deal with. A choice must be made. A choice… that may cost him more than he ever wanted to give.
The Droch-Shúil—enforcers and servants of the ancient darkness—continue to cast their shadow over Alandria seeking those who can be turned to their side.
The magic of The Orchids is growing, but not everyone will survive what is to come.
Veiled Shadows is the second installment in The Age of Alandria series: the story of the Sol-lumieth’s quest for freedom of self and the power to battle the evil of the Droch-Shúil.
Buy links:

Add to Goodreads!!

Morgan Wylie,
originally from the Pacific Northwest, now resides near Nashville, TN with her
husband and daughter. She and her husband work everyday at their individual and
combined creative pursuits while she learns to balance being “Mama”, wife, and
mediator to the many voices and muses constantly chattering in her head.
You can find her
and news on her books at the following:
MorganWylieBooks on Facebook
@MWylieBooks on Twitter
Goodreads and Amazon
(Author Bio)

(The Age of Alandria: Book One):
A dying realm.
The ancient evil of the Droch-Shúil has been unleashed.
The Orchids have been silenced… but for how long?
Daegan, elite of the Ferrishyn warrior tribe of Faeries, is charged
with a mission to find the Sol-lumieth, a mysterious new power that
could change the fate of all in the realm of Alandria. But he is conflicted by
his purpose, and he cannot trust the motives of those he serves. He has too
many questions and they must be answered.
Kaeleigh, a girl
abandoned as a small child just outside Missoula, Montana
, is now 18. She is trying to discover who she is and where she belongs.
In her heart, she feels she has family out there… somewhere. Desperate to
unravel the mysteries of her past, she embarks on a journey that will forever
change her along with her two best friends, Finn and Chel—who have secrets of
their own.

And last, but certainly not least, I'm proud to share the winners of my giveaway for Mystic~Melody!

Congratulations to: Alana and Jennifer! Check your e-mail inboxes, ladies!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

While you're here, don't forget to check out my featured author of the week, Ms. Felicia Tatum, and enter her giveaway!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, September 27, 2013

Book Review - Twisted by N.L. Greene

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! It's time for another round of book reviews. I read a number of books at once so you'll tend to see them in clumps here on the blog. Today, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I'll be writing reviews for those I've finished. Monday is the special day you'll get to meet author Felicia Tatum, one of the ladies planning to attend UtopYA Con next year. Tickets for that event go on sale October 1st!

At the end of this post, I'll be sharing a giveaway by a wonderful Indie author, Tia Silverthorne Bach, and a giveaway that includes the book I'm reviewing today. So strap in, read on, and get ready to enter to win!

First, a little about the book on the chopping block today:
Title: Twisted
Author: N.L. Greene
Length: 248 Printed pages
Genre: New Adult Contemporary
Price: $2.99 on Amazon

Description from Amazon:
Growing up isn’t always easy. But for most teenage girls, they can rely on their best friend to help them get through the process. A BFF is something that is truly treasured and completely irreplaceable. You share all of your secrets, and are loyal and honest with each other, even when you’re acting just a little bit crazy. You have each other’s backs no matter what and you form a bond that is virtually unbreakable.

At least that’s what normal teenage girls experience.

Nat and Mel have been bestie’s since childhood and Nat has followed her blindly ever since. But as Nat’s friendship with Mel begins to lead her down the wrong path, she starts to question the sincerity of their relationship. Nat starts to see Mel’s manipulative, deceitful ways become more focused on her. Will Natalie hold on tight to the friendship she’s had her entire life, no matter what it cost her? Or will she let her heart lead her to a relationship that’s not so twisted.

***Attention*** Book recommended for mature audiences! Contains underage drinking, smoking, drug use and some sexual content.

I'm gonna start off by saying I really like the cover on this book. One thing I'd like to see changed is the size of the title font. It's difficult to read when tiny. But the cover isn't what drew me in; it was the synopsis. I could totally relate. This book was brought to my attention when I liked the author's Facebook page, and I went to check it out and purchased it. *She has no idea this review is even being done* How much fun is that? I love surprises. Haha!

Enough of my rambling! On to the review.

From a reader's perspective:
I picked up a copy of this book on Amazon and it was well worth what I paid. I loved the characters in Twisted. They reminded me of people I knew growing up. Yes, even Melanie was someone I could picture in my head and recognized right away. I got so wrapped up in the story, I couldn't stop reading. I wanted to know where Natalie was going to end up and how she was going to be brought to the epiphany at the end. First person past tense was a clever way to tell this story, because it put me right in Nat's shoes. By the end, I needed a tissue. It's heartbreaking to read about someone going through what Nat does and not be able to give them advice or guide them in any way. That's when you know you've gotten hold of a great book! I cared about what happened to her.

From an editor's perspective:
This book is very well written. Emotions were strong and there was plenty of tension throughout. Characters were well developed. One thing it needs is a proofread. There were small errors throughout that a proofreader would catch that actually threw me out of the story a few times. But errors are expected in any book, even those traditionally published. So don't let the tiny ones in this book sway you from picking up a copy.

My Rating:
+1 Star for creating characters I loved
+1 Star for making me care
+1 Star for pulling my heartstrings
+1 Star for great storytelling
+.5 Star for editing
-.5 Star for need of a proofreader
Overall, 4.5 out of 5 stars! And you all know I round up, not down!

Now for the Rafflecopter giveaway widgets. With the first, you have a chance to win a copy of Chasing Memories (link goes to my review of that book) by Tia Silverthorne Bach and a really cool necklace! With the second, you have a chance to win a TON of really great books, gift cards, and swag!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, everyone!

While you're here, don't forget to check out my special guest for the week, M.R. Polish. Next week I have author Felicia Tatum! She's running a giveaway for the duration of her stay so make sure you come on back for all that!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rafflecopter has Flash Sale for Annual Subscriptions

Happy Hump-Day, blogospherians! Everyone relax and take a deep breath. If you make it through today, there's just two days left until the weekend arrives. Yup, I heard that cheer. Way to stay positive! Today, I'm talking about yet another e-mail I got. This one involves Rafflecopter again, that awesome little widget we all love and couldn't live without. Let's get going!

If you're a blogger, author, reader, or you just love to host giveaways and use Rafflecopter to manage them, this announcement will make you smile, squee, and jump up and down. I'm sure everyone using the site with the free subscription has seen this:

At that price, bloggers pay $95.88 a year for access to the awesome features listed. One of the most notable is adding an image to your giveaway. People like images, folks! There's a reason Pinterest does so well.

Moving on...

Until 11:59pm MST on Thursday, September 19, 2013, you can have an annual subscription to all the awesome extras for bloggers for just $59.

PLUS! I know, I know, the plus is always awesome! You'll get a Rafflecopter t-shirt and handful of stickers shipped to your door (worldwide) FREE when you subscribe. How cool is that?

You want the link yet?

Are you frothing at the mouth?

Okay, okay. Here ya go:
This link will take you to the Annual Subscription page. It should look something like this:
Follow the prompts and you're golden. Make sure you visit this page so you aren't confused when your e-mail saying you've subscribed for the $7.99 a year plan arrives in your inbox (I straight freaked out, I gotta tell ya). FAQ: Linky for you!

May all your giveaways shine forevermore! As always, I get no kickbacks from anything you see here on my blog. I share information and choose what it's going to say. Jo Michaels Blog is ad free and will remain that way forever.

While you're here, don't forget to visit the interview with my featured UtopYA Con 2014 author, M.R. Polish!

Were you aware of this sale? What features will keep you up at night thinking about the possibilities?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, August 30, 2013

Changes on the Blog

Happy Friday, everyone! If you take a gander around the blog, you'll notice some major changes. I've moved the link list everyone knows and loves to the top of the page, under my banner. You'll find all the links you need to get to your favorite goodies right there. No need to bounce all over the blog.

Yes, I'm OCD. No, you can't have any of my cookies.

I do hope you all have followed me in some way. Come on, don't be sore about the cookies! I'd like to take a moment to share some stats with you.
  • I've been blogging for 19 months.
  • I've written almost 400 posts (this one makes 384).
  • My blog didn't find direction for almost 12 months.
  • I didn't start blogging every weekday for almost 1 year.
  • I have 2 blogs with identical content.
  • One has 13 subscribers via e-mail.
  • One has 60 followers.
  • One has 101 followers.
  • I average 5-10 RTs a day.
  • I only update via my social networks 3 times a day.
  • Links that I send out only drive folks to the blog with 60 followers.
  • I average 6500 views a month between the two blogs (For those of you counting, that's more than 100 page views for each blog per day. While that's a drop in the bucket, consider most of those views didn't start until I'd been blogging for almost a year. If I use those stats, I average 355 per day per blog or, 10k+ views per month).
  • One of my posts has 142 likes and 52 shares.
  • I've enjoyed over 600 comments.
  • I read and respond to every single one (not right away, but every week) so I've left at least 600 comments as well.

I bet you're all wondering why in the hell I'm going into all this, huh?

Well, it's because it just wouldn't be possible without all of you. I wanted you to see what you've helped me achieve and send a great big:

out into the void.

I changed up this blog so it's easier to find the follow buttons, the meaty part has more real-estate, and it doesn't take so dang long to load. Here's hoping you all like the new layout and that it gives you a more enjoyable reading experience. I do what I can to make visiting my blog and finding the content you want as easy as possible.

So, thank you, dearest fans and followers. Without you, this would all be an exercise in futility!

What's your favorite post on this blog?

Monday, we're back to our regularly scheduled program!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Things I've Unintentionally Learned From Books

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we take a little break from writing to discuss reading. If you're a writer, you're a voracious reader (or you should be, because one cannot write without reading). I'm going to share a few things I've learned over the years through reading books, research when editing books, and proofreading jobs. Buckle in and let's go!

As any of you who've followed my blog for any length of time know, one of my favorite authors, who's now deceased, is Alice Bordchart. She's the author of The Night of the Wolf trilogy and a series she never got to finish (that ties in with the others) called The Dragon Queen. Because I love book covers, here's one of them:

What I learned from this series: Caesar was a vile man. His wife, Calpurnia, was a psychic. Why Greeks were sent to the Colosseum to fight. How Romans and Greeks interacted. What the land looked like back then. And oh, so much more!

From the other series, I learned: Guinevere was the one Arthur needed to save him from his mother. How wolves in the wild interact with one another. Much history about wars that erupted over Europe.

Now, not only was Alice an expert on Ancient Greece and Rome, she's also the sister of the famous Anne Rice. I didn't realize I was learning at the time. But when asked questions in World History I, I knew the answers because I'd read Ms. Bordchart's books.

Another one of my favorite authors is Rick Riordan. From his Percy Jackson series, I've learned a ton about mythology and Greek and Roman beliefs. A new book comes out in October in that series and I'm super stoked! From his Kane Chronicles series, I've learned about Egyptian gods and goddesses. You wouldn't believe how much of it is discussed even today!

Master of medical suspense Robin Cook has taught me about DNA alteration, how insurance companies are raping the consumer, and how medical professionals sometimes get around claim restrictions. One of my favorites by him is Chromosome 6.

This is one that's never hit the mainstream. He was the genius behind Contagion and Invasion, too!

From Cornelia Funke, I learned a little imagination can take you places you never dreamed, and that most readers actually fall into their stories (and I wasn't alone in this).

An Indie book I'm reading, titled Looping in Limbo, is teaching me so much about golf it's unreal! And I'm loving it!

Now, from some of my own writing, proofreading, and editing.

I learned more about Genghis Khan than you could shake a stick at when writing Yassa. Never one to care much about vicious tyrants, I found him to be extremely intriguing and unearthed a strange truth about his life: He had to fight hard to get what he ended up with, and it may have all been for the love of a woman.

When I edited Canopy, for Crystal Lee, I learned a lot about construction of buildings and what it was like to be in the head of a fifteen-year-old girl.

Inzared: Queen of the Elephant Riders, by Linda Leander, forced me to research the circus, the early 1900's, and Gypsies when I did the edit. I learned a lot about snack food and when it was invented. For example, did you know popcorn wasn't a popular treat until the Great Depression hit in the 1920's? Neither did I!

I've also learned about Japanese culture, what it meant to be a Samurai, and how the mind of men in that country work. Through the edit for Chasing Memories, I did research on Wiccans, Yellowstone park, and Colorado. And when I proofread Sixty Days of Grace, I learned a lot about raising a child with Bi-Polar disorder and how to be thankful for each and every day I'm given.

When I wrote The Bird, I found out there's a cool place in Pennsylvania called Ringing Rocks National Park where, if you hit the stones with a hammer, they ring.

My daddy always told me reading was a waste of my time. But, without books, how would I have had the chance to learn all these wonderful things? Sure, I could sit down and read the dictionary; but learning it through a story is so much better. Either way, I'm reading.

So, when people tell you to put down that book because it's rotting your brain, tell them you're studying and to stay out of it. After all, you never know what gems of knowledge a novel may unearth.

Besides, books like Pride and Prejudice tend to change us into the best versions of ourselves.

What have you unintentionally learned from a book?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

5 Ways to Bond Readers and Characters

Happy hump-day, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we'll be talking about ways to get your reader to really give a crap about your character. In reality, that bond is the most important. Forget plot, structure, and tension for a minute and think about your favorite book. What do you remember most? The Journey? The Problems? Or was it a character that made you say, "I want to be like them."? Grab your pens and notebooks and let's get this party started!

Here are five ways to create a tie between your reader and your character without resorting to handcuffs:

1. Likability
I'm sure you've all come across characters you didn't really like very much. Stop and ask yourself why. Were they cruel? Did they have too big of an ego? You want a character who can laugh at themselves. One who is kind or commits random acts of heroism. They need to care more about others than they do about themselves. There is one caveat to this: Power. If you make a character who's vile, give them obscene amounts of power. Above all else, you have to make them interesting enough to hold attention.

2. Inner Conflict
A character who has their mind made up, and one who doesn't struggle in some way, is boring as hell. Yes, this goes back to the doorway of change. Someone who has it all figured out and has no reservations will turn your reader off in a nanosecond. Show the inner conflict of your character, and let them come alive on the page. They'll seem much more real. Check out some of the entries in my Human Nature series of posts. That leads us to...

3. Identification
Here, I'm sure you're saying, "Well, duh, Jo!" But this is something a lot of people miss. Create a human that lives and breathes and your reader will identify with your lead. When we read about people that we can visualize, we tend to care about them. I've talked before about creating perfect characters and why it's never a good idea. Make your reader love the character (for all their flaws). This means...

4. Create Sympathy
There are four ways to do this:
  • Give your character hardship. Some kind of hurdle in their life that wasn't self-imposed. If you make it so the character put themselves in that situation, they'll come off as whiny.
  • Put them in jeopardy. Trouble is coming and there's no way out of it (or so it seems). Emotional jeopardy is just as heart-rendering as physical.
  • Show their vulnerable side. If your lead could lose at any moment, your reader will care. Make them nervous for the protagonist and you'll win.
  • Create an underdog. This is the long-shot. Know that horse who was slated to come in last in every race because of a prior hoof injury? What if it wins against all odds? There, you have your underdog. It's the same with characters that are humans.
5. The World and the Rules
Show the reader what life is like for the character. A character could be working or playing, but use this to create a bond and show the rules of their world. Perhaps a humorous mayor or a tough aristocracy is what your world will have. Portray the character in their setting and make one of the rules something they don't like or feel strongly about. It will help it feel like a reality to the reader. They'll inevitably compare it to their own if they believe it; and, bam! you have that special link.

Think about this post from last year: Writers that Cannot Feel, Cannot Write and ask yourself why that holds true. It's the same for readers. They have to feel something when they read your story.

Which of your characters do you love the most? Why?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Book Review - Reckless

Happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! I don't know if you're a reader like I am; but I read many books at once. Because of this, I often finish many books at once. One of the books I've been reading, alongside my Indie selections, is written by one of my favorite authors, Cornelia Funke. She hasn't put much out there since writing the Inkheart series (which I devoured). I was super stoked when I found her Mirrorworld series and bought book one, Reckless, right away. Book two just released last month and I can't wait to dive in. Today, I bring you my review.

Title: Reckless
Author: Cornelia Funke
Genre: YA Fantasy
Print Length: 400 pages
Purchase at Amazon: $8.99 (Link goes to free Kindle preview)

Book Description from Amazon:
Ever since Jacob Reckless was a child, he has been escaping to a hidden world through a portal in his father's abandoned study. Over the years, he has made a name for himself as a finder of enchanted items and buried secrets. He's also made many enemies and allies--most important, Fox, a beautiful shape-shifting vixen whom Jacob cares for more than he lets on.

But life in this other world is about to change. Tragedy strikes when Jacob's younger brother, Will, follows him through the portal. Brutally attacked, Will is infected with a curse that is quickly transforming him into a Goyl--a ruthless killing machine, with skin made of stone.

Jacob is prepared to fight to save his brother, but in a land built on trickery and lies, Jacob will need all the wit, courage, and reckless spirit he can summon to reverse the dark spell--before it's too late.

First off, let me say how much I love the cover for this book. Cornelia Funke also illustrated it and the interior layout is a thing of beauty. I look at a lot of trade published work for ideas about design and this one sparked my brain into overdrive. Well, let's get to the meat and potatoes, shall we?

I'll be honest, because Cornelia Funke is one of my favorite authors, I didn't even bother reading the description before I picked this book up. It sucked me right in with the adventure and action scenes but I was able to put it down now and then and read something else for a while. That probably won't happen with book two because of the way book one ended.

From a reader's perspective:
Jacob Reckless is true to his name. He's impulsive, stubborn, and a risk-taker. But love for his brother, Will, makes Jacob likeable as a main character. If you love fairy tales of old and would like to read some new spins on them, this book is for you. Like all good spin-offs, Reckless gives each tale a little twist so the outcome you read about isn't what you were told. This astonished me and I felt a kinship with Ms. Funke as I read her take on some of the classics like Sleeping Beauty and Hansel and Gretel. After writing The Bird, I know how difficult it is to make the connections to older stories believable. Action and suspense abound in this book. Chapters were kinda short, which was offputting at first, but something I grew to appreciate as I read on. In true Funke form, she doesn't waste words on a lot of description, so flow was smooth. Will and his girlfriend have an interesting relationship, and I can't wait to see if their characters get developed more in book two. I also adored Fox for her nippy ways, fierce devotion to Jacob, and desire to hide. She seems damaged somehow, but that was an unresolved mystery left hanging. World building was out of this universe amazing.

From an editor's perspective:
I found a few errors, but nothing that would throw me out of the story or keep me from reading more. One or two in most books is to be expected.

My rating:
+1 Star for making Jacob irritating and endearing all at the same time.
+1 Star for giving me fairy-tale lore with a new twist.
+1 Star for awesome world building.
+1 Star for making me try stepping into my own mirror.
+1 Star for lack of errors and beautiful formatting.

Overall, 5 out of 5 stars. This was a book I could really sink my teeth into. Recommended for all those that love a great fantasy.

Don't forget to pop over and enter to win a copy of Chasing Memories by Tia Silverthorne Bach. You only have until midnight on Friday, June 21, 2013.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Reading Days

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Holy moly! It's FRIDAYYYYY!! That means the weekend is upon us after we trudge through our workdays today. Instead of working my fingers to the bone writing today, I'm going to spend the day reading. It's been a minute since I've had the opportunity to take a day to just read and drink coffee but it's a rainy day in Georgia and I'm in need of a good book. Call it a celebration for writing nearly 12k words this week already. I'll give you my favorite paragraph! This happens after a fight between my two main characters. Remember, this is a first draft!

Kathy went to her room where she collapsed on the floor, pulled her knees into her chest, and allowed the pain to fill her. It started at her head and throbbed behind her eyes before making its way to her stomach where it twisted her guts into a pile of wriggling goo. Her toes curled and every muscle in her body constricted as she let go with a wail, pulling her arms around her body to hold herself together. Black dots swam through the faint light filtering through her closed eyelids. Again, she keened for her loss of love, dignity, and self. It wasn’t long before her body convulsed and spasms shook her where she lay. All that held her together was her own arms, wrapped so tightly around her chest there was no hope of catching a breath between sobs. She began to choke on her own saliva and sputtered, coughing and gagging, all in an attempt to do the most mundane of tasks: breathe. I’m going to die.

How awesome is that? I plan to release it later this year. Title has been decided but I'm not ready to divulge it just yet.

I'm going to try and finish Condemned by Eric Dulin today and start on the next book on my list. We'll see how that goes!

If you've won something from one of my many contests, I'm shipping those out today, too! Watch your mailboxes!

Remember, there are only three days left to get your entry in to win a printed, signed copy of The Bird plus some great swag OR a .mobi copy! You can enter every day so please share, share, share. Sharing is caring!

I have a review that will be coming for Taken - Before her very Eyes by Wade Faubert. That will be Monday's post and, trust me, you don't want to miss it.

I hope you all have a super fabulous weekend! I'll be back with you on Monday to announce the winners and give you that book review. How exciting!

Without further ado, here's the rafflecopter entry form:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you entered the other giveaway, the first winner has been chosen! Congratulations to: Marlena F.!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, February 15, 2013


Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Today I'm gonna talk about those wonderful things I like to call: Partials. You know, those stories you've had an idea for (and have maybe even written a chapter or two of) that fell by the wayside as you trudge merrily forward on your current WIP. Let's get going, shall we?
How are you planning to move forward with your partials? Do they pop out of oblivion every now and then so you can tweak something or add to them? Do you write a chapter or two and leave them in a drawer just in case a day comes when you can't think of anything new?

Why not pull one out today and write another chapter for it? Or read what you've written already and find holes in your story or places it could use some fixes grammatically?

That's my challenge for you today if you're a writer. Then, come on back and tell me how you fared.

I have one you frequent readers of my blog may remember that I pulled out a few days ago and started reading/editing. It's really well done (I was shocked) and I'm thinking I may release it this year. It's out of the box for me so I'm a little nervous but it's giving me ideas for new stuff as I read/continue it. More on that later!

If you don't have a partial to pull out and work on, make one today. Come up with a title and story line and bang out the first chapter. Don't think too hard about it; just write. This will accomplish one of two things:
Either you'll be inspired to write a whole new story
you'll get some pepper for your current WIP.
Either way, you win!

If you're a reader, go pick up a new book today. Doesn't matter if you're already reading one, get a new one or a sample of one from Amazon and poke through it. Add it to your reading list then come back here and tell me about it. Step out of your comfort zone and choose a different genre. Don't read an author you know, pick a new one.

We never grow if we stagnate.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Book Review - Underneath by Michael Cargill

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm giving you an Indie Fever post. My second indie review of the year. Sit back and enjoy!

Indie Fever is dedicated to readers of indie books and to indie authors. I signed up to review at least eight indie books this year. It's a great idea and a wonderful cause! Here's the link: Indie Fever

Underneath won a review on my December 12 Days of Christmas indie author contest. The author hooked me right in with his pitch and I promptly bought the book which I read in just a few days. I give you my review.

From a reader's perspective:
To be frank, Underneath's main character, Hugh, scared the bejesus out of me. But he was so compelling I just had to keep reading. His odd thought process oftentimes gave me chills and made me wonder how many people like Hugh I'd passed by in my lifetime and never noticed. One of the supporting characters, Clare, was also well done, and I found myself identifying with her quickly. She has gumption and drive; both are qualities I admire a lot. The pacing was great and I flew through the book without realizing how much I'd read. I got a few surprises when the same exact words showed up at different times, and it thrilled and delighted me. Something else I liked was the author being from the UK. I learned some new words!!

From an editor's perspective:
I'd like to see a little more refinement of sentence construction and punctuation usage. I can overlook it if there are just a few but this book had a number of them. Short, choppy sentences left me stumbling over the words on more than one occasion. Plotline was bang on. I got the feeling this book was intended to be third person omniscient but it came off as third person limited with head hopping because one chapter would be about Hugh and another about Clare with snippets of other peoples' thoughts or feelings. I really only needed to see the story from two perspectives: Hugh's and Clare's. Quips now and then about random peoples' thoughts or feelings left me dangling (not in a good way). I think more character development of Hugh and Clare could've come from making this one small change.

Now, for my rating:
1 star for a terrifying main character.
1 star for rounding out the two characters I loved as much as was done.
1 star for bringing me to the UK and teaching me; as well as the surprises.
- 1 star for writing style (this is person by person so you may like it. I didn't).
- 1 star for including too many characters' thoughts and for punctuation blips.
3 out of 5 stars. Recommended reading if you like to be just a hair horrified at what could be going on in someone's mind.

You can find the book on Amazon here: Underneath for $3.30.

As far as the cover goes, I really like this one and feel it gives a good idea of what's going on in the story. One small tweak that could make it better is centering all the type. A general rule of design is to either left flush, right flush, or center everything if you do it once. Consistency is key! It could use some kerning as well but that's just aesthetics from a typography nerd.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Release for Good Ghost Gone Bad


Brianna Moreno was an average 22-year-old women who loved shopping, hanging out with her friends and making more career plans....until the night she was brutally and unexpectedly murdered.

Now she finds herself trapped in the ghost world while residing on earth. The problem is, her killer can see all of his ghostly victims and enjoys taunting them as much as he does killing them.Brianna soon finds out that her killer has horrible new plans concerning her family.

Brianna meets up with a few of her killer's past victims to hatch a plan so terrifying, the entire town will never be the same again.

Brianna is a good ghost gone bad; the good girl side is gone forever!

*This book is not a YA read. It's an 18+ only novella that features sex, strong language and strong violence.

Grab Your Copy!


$2.00 on all editions.

About the author

Janiera enjoys feeding her book addiction when she not writing. Writing is theraputic to her during her struggles with Fibromyalgia. Being unable to work a normal 9-5 is what encouraged her to write full time. She is also a book blogger at Beauty and Books where she mixes being a book nerd with keeping things chic. When not reading or writing she is freelance writing in the entertainment industry.When trying to relax she likes a huge yard sale on a Saturday morning, rainy days to read by and nacho cheese is her kryptonite. Soul Sisters is her debut novel.

Feel free to visit her book blog where she loves reviewing books and doing author interview at Books & Beauty- She loves feedback and welcomes any questions or comments to her email:
Other Works by this author:
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!