Ready? Let's go!
So, last week, in the midst of all the fun happening here on the blog, something awesome occurred over on Amazon. Writing Prompts for Kids hit #1 New Release status.
Here are the details for that book:
Title: Writing Prompts for Kids: 24 Writing Prompts to Spark Ideas for a Year - A Child's Writing Journal (Writing for Kids Volume I)
Author: Jo Michaels
Genre: Juvenile Non-Fiction / Language Arts / Writing and Composition
Buy Link: Amazon Paperback $19.99

If your child wants to write, but needs a little help (or just wants something to write IN), this book is the answer.
With 24 solid writing prompts and a guided setup, your little one will be pumping out words before you know it. From author Jo Michaels comes a fun and interactive journal style book that will spark your child’s imagination and get them creating amazing things in no time.
Your child will be asked questions like:
What is my character’s name?
How old?
Is he/she human?
If no, what is he/she?
What is he or she going to try to do?
What are Mom and Dad’s names?
Where do they live?
Prompt #1:
Think of a time you were scared. What were you scared of? How could you be braver? What power would you like to have to help?
With pages for drawing book covers and scenes, this journal will keep your child engaged for hours.
Sending out a HUGE thank you to everyone who purchased a copy!
Now, there's a new addition to the series:
Title: Writing Prompts for Teens: 12 Writing Prompts to Spark Ideas for a Year - A Teen Writing Journal (Writing for Kids Volume II)
Author: Jo Michaels
Genre: Juvenile Non-Fiction / Language Arts / Writing and Composition
Buy Link: Amazon Paperback $19.99

If you're a teen (or if you have one), you know there aren't many books out there that will guide you in the craft of writing.
This isn't one of those books you have to read 45 pages of before you get to the good stuff. I set out to create something that will help you become a better writer while giving you space to keep your stories together.
You start with a journal type exercise that's geared toward giving you emotions to draw from as you craft your tales. Then, we move on to creating your characters and diving into the prompts.I gave you one a month. Prompts range from romance to dystopian, so there's something for every writing style.
I didn't include anything for poetry, but you're free to do what you wish. This book is yours, after all.There's no focus on spelling or punctuation. This is a book to guide you creatively. Period.
There are no world-building exercises. I focused on character-driven stories because I believe your worlds can grow from there.
Have fun with it. Write. Be creative and grow.
And, here's a look at the full wrap:
I created this one because my own daughter is on the cusp of the age group between the first book and the second (I also have teen sons I think will get some use out of it).
Yes, it's still me being a little selfish. I want them to write AND I want that dang keepsake. They grow up so fast. I need something to look at when they're older (and maybe to show their own kids).
So, there you have it. I hope your teens get some enjoyment out of this awesome little book. There are exercises to pull out emotive phrases, and a full-on section of questions to guide them in their writing endeavors.
What do you think? Would you carry it around?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!