Showing posts with label Borte. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Borte. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chapter 20 Excerpt

Here is a little snatch from the almost completed chapter 20 - Rivalry

    I relieved Graêl of his burden and rubbed him down with a piece of cloth dipped in the water trough nearby; he nuzzled my hand in thanks.

    I said, “At least someone around here likes me.” and stroked his neck.

    When I was done and Graêl was comfortable, I headed back to speak with my wife again. I knew she was angry with me and I was lost as to how to fix it or make it just a little better. I entered a very silent house and wondered where all the children were. Just as I was about to bellow that I had arrived, my mother ambled out of her room. When I saw her, bent with age and with a full head of gray hair, my heart stung and I hurried over to help her to her yak fur.

    “Most honorable mother, what happened? Why are you bent over like this?”

    She smiled at me and said, “I am simply growing old. I have raised many sons and a daughter. You did not think I would be young and spry forever, did you?”

    I smiled back and said, “No. But I didn’t think age would take you so quickly. I have only been gone…” I began to count in my head.

    She interrupted and said, “Almost two years, my son.”

    Two years! How could that be? I was just home a few months prior! I tried to give voice to my thoughts but she cut me off again.

    “Twenty months you have been gone. Tolui is almost two years of age. He has never even seen you. Börte grows more withdrawn and sad every day. I am hoping your return will bring her life back. I believe she thought you abandoned her forever.”

    My heart hurt in that moment. Pain that began in my chest poured through my body and spiraled outward from that central point; I began to shake. What pain I had caused my wife! Where did my twenty months go? I choked back my tears and looked at my mother with remorse in my eyes.

    She touched my face and said, “Many men make mistakes. I knew when you left that you would be gone from us for a long time; Börte refused to believe me and held on to her thought that you would return within a few days. When a few days turned into a few weeks, and a few weeks turned into a few months, she began to wilt like a flower. I fear that if you had stayed gone much longer, she would have died of a broken heart.”

Temujin may redeem himself but you will have to read the book to find out how. Ha!

I hope you are all enjoying the excerpts and snatches thus far.

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chapter 20 on the Agenda!

Today it is time for chapter 20 - Rivalry!!

Now, what do you think this chapter is all about? If you said the direct conflict between Jamuka and Temujin, you are right. However, I think little Ms. Borte is about to find herself deeply submerged in the brown stuff. Her hubby only sees one side of the conversation she has with a certain someone and blows his top. Conversation with whom, you may ask? Well, you'll have to read the book to find that out.What fun would the story be if I gave away all of the details? Ha!

Temujin is going to be named Khan and finally change his name to GENGHIS. Throughout the story, you will witness a kind of coming-of-age for the boy and in the next few chapters, you may grow to not like him very much. Everyone says power goes to your head and I think this is particularly true with mighty men in leadership positions who are not allowed to care because it would make them bananas. We have already seen Temujin's ruthless side, loving side, and self-depreciating side; what matters is which one he embraces as he gains control. Perhaps we will have God guide him a bit... I truly do not know what will happen but I am watching him morph into someone else in front of my eyes through his story and it's a bit scary. I just hope I can pull him back before he does something he will regret...

Who knows? Not me. Anyway, tomorrow I will give you an excerpt so come on back for that!!

I hope you are all having a great week - it's almost Wednesday!!

It is 9am and time to get going.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Chapter 19 is Almost Done!

Ahh, chapter 19! What a ride it has been!

Temujin stepped in the brown stuff big time. If he was making you angry before now, he is really going to piss you off in this chapter. He does some things that could only be justified by a madman, yet he justifies them in his head. I wanted to slap him myself.

Sometimes, Temujin just gets headstrong, won't listen to a word I say, and runs away with his emotions. He does stupid crap that puts him in precarious situations and even puts his men in danger. He is leading the story though, not me. I have to listen to him. When he wants to do something harebrained, I have to let him; to fight him would be stupid and would likely ruin the story.

Wang Khan has made an ass out of himself as well due to his son and his grand-daughter. I stick pretty close to the historical telling of events and people so if you want to know a bit about how the story progresses, here is an excellent article: Wikipedia - Genghis Khan on his life and love. I have used that and many other resources that I had access to via my college to kind of build a basic accounting from which to spin my tale. A lot of what you will read in my book is true but most of it is pure fiction - or has not been told - and just the characters are named after their historical counterparts.

Remember, I have to pretend to know these people in order to write about them and they become as real as flesh-and-blood folk for a little while.

I hope you are all enjoying this blog and the creative process being brought to life. A writer's mind is rarely quiet and I am always coming up with ideas for new books and jotting them down. Most will likely never see the light of day but keeping a record of my ideas just feels right.

A book I will suggest for anyone wanting a pull of the heartstrings:

Bill Wallace - A Dog Called Kitty

Bill is such a good writer that you simply fall in love with the little dog through both his antics, patience, and love of his boy, Ricky.

It is almost 9am. Time to get busy!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Thursday, February 23, 2012


For all you writers out there, what is your motivation for writing a book? Is it fame? fortune? the need to tell your story? the need to tell someone else's story? I am curious what makes you all tick.

For me, it is the telling of a story that may have happened inside a story we all know. Everyone knows that Genghis Khan took over most of Eurasia and everyone knows he had a wife, a daughter, and four sons. Everyone knows that Jamuka was his best friend until something happened that made him leave Genghis and begin to conquer on his own in direct competition of his friend. My brain starts ticking when I hear stories like that. I want to know why they had a falling out of that magnitude. Don't you?

Over the span of my life, when I have heard stories other people tell, I have always filled in the gaps with tales of knights, dragons, love, and betrayal. I used to sit in the mall and write people a new story in my head. I have gone through many learning processes in my life to learn other skills because writing was never deemed useful; like reading. My father used to say, "Put down that book and do something with yourself. You are wasting your time on nonsense." Reading and writing were considered bad form and he had the idea that reading the encyclopedia was the only way to learn.


Things I have learned from books:

1. How to be a better person
2. How to cook things I could never have done without the instruction
3. Historical facts
4. Human interaction
5. How other people tick
6. How to be comfortable in my own skin
7. Other people have it worse sometimes
8. How to be patient and understanding
9. How to forgive and overlook
10. How to use my imagination to feel, be, and see what the characters feel, are, and see

and so much more!

I would like to send a huge shout out to the following authors as a thank you for taking the time to sit down and tell me a story:

J.K. Rowling (violence is not always necessary)
Stephanie Meyer (true love is all encompassing and can survive anything)
C.S. Lewis (be good down inside)
J.R.R. Tolkien (your friends that are true will help you through anything)
Piers Anthony (being different is okay)
Anne Rice (be comfortable with yourself)
Alice Borchardt (history can be interesting)
Christoper Paolini (always believe the impossible)
Robin Cook (hospitals are crooked)
Fern Michaels (women are strong)
Suzanne Collins (fight like every day is your last because it could very well be)
Stephen King (reality in writing can make you feel)
The Brothers Grimm (fairytales give hope and a moral lesson)
Shakespeare (it is not the language but how you use it)
Every author that has ever spent their time writing a story (perseverance pays off)

Well, that's it for today folks, off to write some more!! I hope this post got you thinking!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Book Festivals are Amazing

Well, Savannah was beautiful but the best part about it was the person I was with. I don't think I would have enjoyed my time in that city nearly as much without him by my side. It is rare to find someone who enjoys the same things you do but, once in your life, you will meet someone with whom you can enjoy all of the things that you both love and even be introduced to some new things you never knew you loved via the association. IF you ever do, you should hold on with both hands like your life depends on it. If you find one and lose them and then find another, you should count yourself VERY lucky.

On to the events: We went to an amazing restaurant, took a walking tour of Savannah architecture (amazing), went to St. John's church (he is catholic so this is a HUGE deal for him), listened to Lulu Powers speak about her book From Food to Flowers (I am one of those people that loves cookbooks), and listened to some wonderful live music while holding hands and canoodling. I have never enjoyed myself more.

While I didn't get to meet Mr. Stephen King (the event was sold out), Ms. Lulu was interesting and I got a look into the success story of a chef who published a book. She was very forward about not being a writer and I began to wonder how many passions you could put into a book. I have discovered there are many:

1. Poetry
2. Photography
3. Cooking
4. Storytelling
5. Business
6. Art
7. Travel
8. Nonsense
9. Love
10. Despair
11. Poverty
12. Historical Events
13. Self

and so many more! Too many to list! I realized that, no matter what your passion is, there is a book in you somewhere. You just have to find your genre and make it happen.

I have had so many stories in me my whole life, I have always written. While art, photography, and cooking ARE passions, writing fiction is what I was born to do. I think good writers can be trained but I think GREAT writers are BORN and just have to take the time to master their craft.

I am off to continue the story that my heart wants to tell. I cannot help but model Temujin after my boyfriend and the love he has for Borte is the love I hope he has for me; it IS the love I have for him and it drives much of my tale.

I hope you are all blessed as I have been but I don't find it likely. What I have found is rare, beautiful, and made of the stuff you usually only read about...

Until next time, WRITE ON!!!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Chapter 15 is Complete!

I got chapter 15 written yesterday and WOW, what a story! There is a special twist that happens in this chapter so I won't be posting an excerpt. I will give you a taste of chapter 16, where Temujin finally gets to pay some old enemies a visit and gets a little more revenge on people who have wronged him.

Poor Borte is left behind during his conquests! What do you think she will do to occupy herself while her husband is away? Only one way to find out! I know, I know, I am evil and you hate the suspense, right? Haha!

I can't wait to dig in and take a big bite out of chapter 16 this weekend. I ship my most recent work off to my focus group (I call them bookaphyles) today and can't wait to hear their comments. I know they are anxious to hear more of the story and just that makes the whole thing worth it.

I have a story to tell, if just one person enjoys it and learns a little about history while they are at it, I will be satisfied.

To the writers who read this blog, let me tell you that just producing a rough draft of a manuscript is an accomplishment you should pat yourself for every day. How many people that you know have ever written more than 200 pages of ANYthing in their lives?

Smile and know that you have done something great by enriching the life of someone else through your words.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chapter 14 is Written!

Yesterday, I was a machine and I cranked out over six-thousand words. Arguments and strain and betrayal and threats and oh man was it an awesome day!

I am feeling very good about my book today. I can't wait to publish it and let the world read this story that will have you punching the air with your fist and saying, "YESSSSSSSS!" one minute, crying into your pillow the next, then laughing hysterically at the antics of some of the more unique characters. I am filled with the emotions my characters experience and I am loving the roller coaster I am on.

My characters sleep with me at night and whisper their thoughts in my ear. They sit with me when I drink coffee and tell me their personal stories. It took me ten chapters before I truly knew them, but the journey has been worth every reward they have bestowed upon me. We have fought together, cried together, been terrified together, and even celebrated together on occasion.

I think the best thing about this whole story is that it has been based on history. Though some of the situations, some of the characters, and all of the character makeups are totally fictional, what Temujin and Borte went through before they were allowed to be together in reality just blows my mind.

I can't wait to share parts of the next few chapters. If you are reading this blog and have a moment, go back through the posted excerpts and have a look-see.

I will have this book IN your hands by the beginning of June (hopefully much sooner) so keep your eyes open and glued to this blog for an exact release date if you are as excited as I am.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapter Outline

Well, I got my chapter outline done today. I wasn't sure how quickly the plot would progress until I got chapters 1-10 out of the way but I have a pretty good grasp of the story now and how it has decided to breathe. Here are all of the chapter titles and they tell a bit about what happens by name.

I am not listing summaries because, in my FIRM opinion, summaries are spoilers and you do not want to miss the upcoming action in this book! So, without further ado:

Chapter 1 – The Business of Wives:
Chapter 2 – Of Plots and Abandonment:
Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis
Chapter 4 – I Run, I Hide, I Die
Chapter 5 – Slaves
Chapter 6 – Escape
Chapter 7 – It’s Me Again
Chapter 8 – Training
Chapter 9 – Marriage
Chapter 10 – Bloodlust
Chapter 11 – To War
Chapter 12 – Revenge and Recovery
Chapter 13 – My Love
Chapter 14 – Goings and Comings
Chapter 15 – A Son is Born
Chapter 16 – The Tatars
Chapter 17 – Homecoming
Chapter 18 – Domination
Chapter 19 – Assassination
Chapter 20 – Rivalry
Chapter 21 – Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 22 – Friends and Foes
Chapter 23 – Hunter
Chapter 24 – Borte
Chapter 25 – Fire Burns a Mighty Path
Chapter 26 – Seizure
Chapter 27 – Friendship
Chapter 28 – Genghis Khan

And, there you have it!!

I hope this puts some excitement into you for the upcoming excerpts!!

Until next time, Write ON!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Chapter 13 Excerpt!!

As promised, a little snatch from the middle of Chapter 13!!

    When I woke, her eyes were open and she was touching my hair and looking at me with such reverence on her face and such love in her eyes that my whole body tingled and my heart beat faster. I smiled sleepily at her and pulled her close. When she stiffened against me, I cringed inside and wondered if we could ever again be as we were. Those thoughts saddened me a bit but I decided to put them aside for the moment and just enjoy the closeness of my wife.

    I rose and called for Jamuka to come and sit with her while I went to find her some decent clothing. I hunted through the yurts until I found one that had been abandoned and had the touch of a woman on the inside. I sifted clothing until I found suitable attire and loaded my arms down with garments before heading back to the place I had left my wife.

With Temujin terrified to leave Borte's side, it makes one wonder how he manages to become Khan, doesn't it?

There is much betrayal still to come. Read what one of the critics said:

"I also really like Temujin’s character development. He’s a little clumsy and unsure of himself right now, growing from that colt-ish young man into something more. It’s nice to see an author make the reader take that journey with the character. It’s frustrating to me when I read about someone being perfect from the get-go." ~ B. Henderson

This story does, indeed, take you from an awkward nine-year-old's perspective to that of a full grown man's. I thought it pertinent to allow the book lover to grow up with the little rascal so they could have a better understanding of why he loves his wife the way he does and why he has so much trust in his anda.

I hope you are all chomping at the bit for the book now! More updates tomorrow!

Until then, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Excerpt Chapter 12

An excerpt from yesterday's chapter:

I walked up and put my mouth to his ear and allowed myself to revel in the fact that he was trembling in fear of me before I hissed, in a low whisper with a deep, guttural sound, “No. I told you I would spare your family. Watch what I do to your brothers and be thankful you loosed your tongue.”

    With that, I turned and strode to the smallest child remaining in the line. I raised my sword and cut off her head in one motion. Her father screamed and made promises to end my life before I had him gagged and moved on to his wife. I told my man to hold him so he could watch what his actions had brought down upon his family. I knelt down to the weeping woman and raised her chin.

    I looked into her eyes and asked, “Do you love your husband?”

    She nodded.

    “Did you love your child?”

    Again, she nodded.

    “Do you know why I am going to kill you?”

    She began to cry harder and nodded her head vigorously.

    “Let your husband know what a filthy pig he is and how you are dishonored by his actions against my wife.”

    She screamed, “I cannot believe you would do this to your family! You have brought down the anger of God by stealing another man’s wife! Why must you have been so full of greed? You have disgraced us all!”

    I cut her throat and let her fall into the dirt.

My character took a terrible turn for me yesterday and his actions seemed a bit despicable to me at first. When I talk of him murdering children, I get a little sick. However, he promised to make those men never forget his name and to make sure that no one would ever dare touch a member of his family again. I'm guessing this did the trick if those men went and spoke of the atrocities committed in the name of vengeance.

Jamuka makes his first turn in this chapter as well. We shall see what he does with his newly recognized feelings and how he decides to win the heart of the woman he loves.

Writing chapter 13 today, possibly. I may let it stew a day or two...

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today is all about revenge. We are going to slaughter them all. They have stolen her and we are going to get her back with much bloodshed. There will be no mercy. :)

I can't wait to get started today and have been building this up for a few chapters. Let's see how it goes!

You may get an excerpt tomorrow :)

Until then, WRITE ON!!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Cruising Right Along

Well, chapter 10 is complete! I promised you a list of the chapter titles thus far and I am delivering on that promise today.

Chapter 1 - The Business of Wives
Chapter 2 - Of Plots and Abandonment
Chapter 3 - Metamorphosis
Chapter 4 - I Run, I Hide, I Die
Chapter 5 - Slaves
Chapter 6 - Escape
Chapter 7 - It's Me Again
Chapter 8 - Training
Chapter 9 - Marriage
Chapter 10 - Bloodlust
Chapter 11 - To War

That's all I have written/started so far. When we get to the part about revenge, there will be much bloodshed in the honor of love and retribution. I am so in tune with Temujin right now, I feel his anger and desire revenge as much as he does.

I hope everyone reading this blog will be looking forward to the resulting book. I am almost halfway there and the story took over. A minor character had the nerve to walk in and make himself a major character without my permission but he adds a certain something to the story line and could not be denied his desired status.

I am falling in love with each of my characters and when I kill them, it will hurt. You'll understand why when you meet them.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Unbelievable! Chapter 9!

I have completed Chapter 9! It has all the components of a truly thrilling chapter: Love, Loss, Sex, Arguments, and Rage.

This poor couple just needs to be left alone so they can finally be together! There have been so many things that have come between them. I may give them a whole chapter dedicated to loving one another. Then again, what fun would that be?

I may give a short list of chapter titles here soon so you can get an idea of how the story flows.

A problem that I am experiencing is, I am living through my characters, in my story. I am filled with loss when a loved one dies, filled with love when they share kisses, and filled with anger when they want to kill. I don't know how to shake it after I stop writing for the day but maybe this is the basis of excellent writing. I cried for a full hour last night because of the end of Chapter 9.

I wonder how many other writers have this same crux to work through and how they do it. Do you give in to it and allow it to consume you or do you have a way to get your head out of your book and back into reality?

Just being 34 years old, I have probably only read a few thousand books in my lifetime, but I constantly find myself being drawn into the world I am reading about and feeling what the people in the stories feel. It becomes a hard slap back to reality when the story is over but I do it over and over again. Why?

I have been lucky to find a living fairy tale in my significant other (may every woman be so lucky) and often find myself comparing my love to that of Cinderella and Prince Charming :)

Well, Chapter 10 is on the agenda for today, gotta run!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome to Yassa Book 2012's Blog!

Welcome to the blog that is all about the book! Yassa. My name is Jo Michaels and I am the author of this whirlwind love story. Here I will update folks on the progress of the book and what sort of walls I come across. I may also write about how I move past certain obstacles that end up in my way for one reason or another. I have an elite team of readers providing me with feedback on a weekly basis and hope to find a fantastic editor sometime in the future.

I fully intend to do the artwork and typesetting for the entire publication myself. Publication date will be set at a later time but I am fully scheduled for a late April/early June release (digitally). Check back here often for excerpts from the book and to keep abreast of the latest feedback from my glorious readers.

I am going to start you all off with a bit of a teaser. Here are the first two paragraphs of the book:

            He screamed, louder this time, as Temujin cut off another one of his fingers. I involuntarily flexed my own in response to the act. I had never seen a man fight like my friend had last night. It was like something other than his own mind was working his muscles, causing him to strike and slash like a harbinger of death. It made me appreciate that I had made a friend of him and not an enemy. When he began to peel back the man’s skin from his body, I almost vomited. I took a few steps away and turned my head.
            We had snuck into the Merkit’s camp under the cover of darkness and took them by surprise. There was little fighting. Temujin had been given 20,000 soldiers by the great Wang Khan, leader of the Kerait tribe, in order to decimate the Merkits. Temujin did so with excellent war tactics, stealth, and swiftness. Wang Khan came to watch. I believe it was so he can use Temujin as a weapon of war. After our escape from slavery, Temujin has proven himself a mighty warrior with a very steadfast composure. If the legends are true and he was born grasping a blood clot, a sign one is destined for something very great, he would be a mighty weapon in anyone’s arsenal. Wang Khan has recognized this and, I believe, is cultivating it for his own gain.

If you like what you have read here, make sure and mark your calendars, nook readers!! More is coming soon!

Write on!