awhile vs a while
The first one is an adverb meaning for a while; the second is a noun.
Quick check: If you can replace the segment with the phrase for a while and it still make sense, it's correct.
Second on the list:
everyday vs every day
Everyday is an adjective that means something occurs every day or is ordinary. In the second part, every is an adjective modifying the noun day.
Quick check: If you can replace the segment with the phrase each day and it still makes sense, it's correct.
anymore vs any more
Anymore is an adverb; any more is an adjective.
Quick check: If you can replace the segment with the phrase nowadays, and it still makes sense, it's correct.
everyone vs every one
The first is an infinite pronoun, the second is a possessive pronoun.
Quick check: Replace the segment with the phrase everybody; if it still makes sense, it's correct.
Do you have any that drive you batty? Share!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!