Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Platform Smatform

The 28 Day Author Blog Challenge prompt for today is: 

What are the three most important things you are doing to grow your platform?

First off, if you haven't signed up yet, there's still time. Just do it. Now, on to the goodies... 

Number ONE:
I enter challenges, like the 28 Day Author Blog Challenge and I participate heavily. I take time to go through and read as many other posts as I can and leave comments. My network has grown vastly through this exercise. Never ever enter unless you plan to participate because you'll end up with guilt. I hate guilt. 

Number TWO:
I friend every follower I have on Goodreads. I want to know what you're reading, I really do. Plus, that keeps my peeps in the loop on my releases and giveaways (watch for The Abigale Chronicles - Book Two giveaway in July!). Giving two copies to Goodreads for people who desire an excellent book is my way of reaching out to people who may become fans. I sign both copies and add a little note for personalization. 

Number THREE:
Social media: I friend readers and follow writers like crazy on Facebook and Twitter. Their fans could be my fans, too! My blog is a way of growing my platform as well. I try to give useful/helpful information for indie authors and writers in general. If you look here: CLICK ME! or here: CLICK ME, TOO! I even have ways you can make your writing stronger through word usage and suggestions for building a writing bible, how to write descriptions that don't paint exact people for your reader (we have to let their imaginations do something, right?), and general, interesting stuff.

Most of all, don't spend more than an hour a day on networking. Right now, I'm doing more than that but once the challenge is over, I cut off after 9am every day. I write from 9-3. Period. We are writers, we must write. A good day shows me with 3k-4k words and my Abigale books fly from my fingers when I'm in the zone. You know what that is. Flow baby.

Now, if you haven't read The Abigale Chronicles - Book One you better get on the ball! Book Two releases in just two weeks! Eek! Come on now, it's a short, fun read. My daughter is getting a kick out of book two; it's about cats. Not telling any more! No cover reveal today, maybe tomorrow...

That's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. I haven't done much on Goodreads yet, still trying to remember to update the books I'm reading and the progress!

    Thanks for sharing your tips :)

    1. Goodreads can be an effective tool, I think. We authors just need to learn how to utilize it in a more effective way. Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  2. I have to admit, I've run a bit cool on Goodreads. For me, it's been great in theory but I haven't noticed much benefit yet. I do so much other social media, I set my participation on Goodreads to "sporadic" so that might be a self-fulfilling failure on my part. I don't like the coding required just to post a simple link. I do like posting videos on my author site there and when the reviews show up I'm in love with the site again. However, I've noticed in my own behaviour that when I get an email update from them, I scan through very quickly to see if my books or a cover I recognize are up and then hit delete. (Too much signal at once maybe.) It worries me that those happy Goodreads reviews get lost in the shuffle (as compared to Amazon reviews that are examined with microscopes and tweezers.)

    1. When you get your book into print, go give a copy or two away. :) There's also a place on there where authors can host a discussion about their books. That's something I intend to try soon. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I love the way you write Jo. You just radiate energy and lots of yumminess all around :)

    Thanks for the tips. I use a timer that I set for 30 minutes blocks to make sure I stay on task, fire up my Google reader, read and comment. It's fab getting a glimpse of so much good stuff each day ...


    1. Aww. Thanks, Dee! I try to rejuvenate my readers with positive energy :) Thanks for the blog love!

  4. Thanks for these tips, Jo. Entering challenges like the Author Blog Challenge is certainly an important strategy which I hadn't thought about myself. Also, I will take your advice on Goodreads, now that I understand how the benefits work.

    1. There's a lot more to Goodreads that I haven't yet explored. I'm in their author program but they do a lot marketing wise that I didn't realize they did. I'm going to be delving into it eventually. Thanks for the comment, glad the tips help :)

  5. I LOVE Goodreads and found the Giveaways are a great way to connect to readers and reviewers. During my giveaway, 250 people added my book to their TBR pile. LibraryThing doesn't have as much traffic, but also hosts giveaways for both paper books and ebooks. You can also request winners post a review in return for receiving the book.

    1. I think that's a Goodreads expectation but not a requirement. I wish it were a requirement, it would make the giveaways that much more fun :) Thanks for the blog love, Heather!

  6. I decided to comment on this, cuz... Quite frankly I couldn't handle the guilt otherwise! ;) Great post! Admire your discipline!

    1. Thanks, Lori! I love a good guilt trip!! I appreciate the blog love! :)


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