Monday, August 13, 2012


Good morning, Monday!

I usually don't like you but today you've left me with so much to be excited about. First off, my interview with Merlene Fawdry has been posted over on her blog In the Rough. Thank you for that. Here's a snap of the interview (you'll have to go see her to read the rest):

What writing group/s do you belong to?
I belong to the Indie Author Critique Group on FaceBook. It’s a closed group so authors can feel comfortable ranting or asking openly about things they may not want readers to hear them say. I’m the moderator and an active participant there. I also belong to the Children’s Authors and Illustrators group on FaceBook (another closed group).
What is the structure of this writing group?
It’s an online group where members can go and ask one another for reviews or critique on various components of their books (covers, writing, editing, marketing, etc...). Oddly enough, we’re also a bit of a support group for one another. I find people posting when they’re down and others stepping in to offer words of encouragement and support.
Is this writing group associated with a state or national organisation?
Does this group have affiliations with peak writing associated bodies?
How many members does this writing group have?
There are currently 30 members of IAC and most are pretty active. I’m rather selective about who I approve. CA&I has 1,000+ members.
Does the writing group have a clearly defined goal in writing?
No. If we have a Work In Progress we’d like feedback for...

And you'll have to go to In the Rough to read the rest!! You rock, Merlene!!

Sorry, Monday, but that's just the way it is. I can't be usurping on her idea for my own content!

The second thing I have to look forward to today is my radio interview with Sandi Tuttle over on An Average Woman in a Superwoman World. We go live at 9am Eastern time so you need to go tune in to catch us. You won't be available at 9? That's cool. You can go listen to the archives.

Here's the link to tune in: JO AND SANDI ~ DOUBLE TROUBLE

Sandi is awesome. Don't forget to leave her some love!

Don't forget, Mystic ~ Bronya releases in print and for Kindle in just ONE week! Keep your eyes open for that one!

Well, that's all for today, Monday! See you next week! For everyone else, I'll see you all tomorrow! Until then, WRITE ON!


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