Monday, August 27, 2012

Meeting the Characters

This week I'm planning to take a page from other blogs I've seen and do open interviews with the main characters in my books.

Better yet, I'm going to allow my readers to participate in said interviews! How am I going to do that, you ask? Great question! It's easy. I'll give you a list of characters here with their scheduled day to appear. You ask questions and give me your links either on today's post or the post on the day of the interview. I will answer them during the interview and give you a mention and shout out for asking (with links to your stuff).

How frikkin' cool is that?

So, without further ado, here are the characters you will see appearing on my blog this week:

Tuesday: Genghis Khan from Yassa (grown up)
Wednesday: Kutula from Yassa
Thursday: Abigale from The Abigale Chronicles
Friday: Bronya from Mystic ~ Bronya

If there is anyone else you would like to see interviewed, leave me a message. I have enough characters to fill at least nine posts. Here is a list of other people in my books:

Yassa: Borte, Jelme, Bo'orchu, Jamuka
The Abigale Chronicles: Emmett, Kristy, Ada
Mystic series: Markaza, Lily, Shelia

If you want to hear from any of these characters, feel free to ask! I'm hoping we can have some fun with this!

Don't forget, Mystic ~ Bronya is available now at Amazon for just $3.99 (and there's a preview of Lily in the back).

Enter the contest on Goodreads to win a free copy of Mystic ~ Bronya!! The link is right up there on the sidebar.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Can't wait to read these posts!!! I love character interviews! By the way, I have a couple of books to buy today and Bronya is on my list =)

    1. Awesome!! I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to hearing what you think :) I decided to have some fun this week. Thanks for the comment, Heather!


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